Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Today's Blind Items

Last Friday, this tool of a father who happens to have some celebrity offspring and I use the term celebrity very lightly. I mean, if you don't act for a few years then you lose the right to call yourself an actor/actress? Drop down to a celebrity? Anyway, the dad, supposedly sober to the world was sucking down booze poolside at a hotel. Oh, and what was his offspring hoovering up at Chateau Marmont one night earlier?


  1. Duh, Michael Lohan...

  2. Lohan sounds like a great guess.

  3. obviously michael lohan

  4. Is this one of those BI's where it seems obvious to be one answer, but it's really someone more obscure?

  5. sometimes obvious is just obvious.

  6. If it's not Lohan then it has to be Ryan O'Neil, right??

  7. MLo and Lilo with cocaine in the Chateau Marmont! This fucking family....

  8. This one does not even need shades....LOHAN's. That is one F'd up family.

  9. Seriously? This is a BI? This family isn't even worth writing a BI about.

  10. Come on, folks; you ought know she was in "Machete" less than a year ago. (How could you forget? She was dressed as a NUN, for crying out loud!)

    And would Enty even waste his time creating a Lohan blind?

    She's still a working actress. How she's still getting hired I have no idea (I can't imagine she's bondable), but she is.

  11. Ryan O'Neal of course!

  12. I first thought Lohan too.

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    My first thought was Ryan O'Neal, but I'm not sure he's supposedly sober to the world.

  14. Yup. Tool. Supposedly sober but sucking down booze.

    AND so-called celebrity offspring - that no longer works.

    hanging at Chateau Marmont.

    Can only be the Blohans.

  15. On his reality show, Ryan said that even though he is Irish, he was never a drinker. FWIW.

  16. Enty, that's not blind -- it's not even nearsighted! :D

  17. The item intimates that this person was an actor at one time. Was Michael Lohan ever an actor? Celebrity Rehab does not count

  18. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Michael Lohan in mesh swim trunks and drunk too? God help us all.

  19. Poppymann, I think the "acting" refers to his offspring, i.e. Lindsay. Binky, I don't think Enty thinks the role in Machete "counts," because he's always going on about Lindsay not working.

  20. Lindsay's been spending a lot of time at the Chateau Marmont over the past few months. It's Daddy for sure. Must have scored a nice check from making some statement to Radar about Lindsay that week.

    The Chateau Mormont was where John Belushi died too. Just sayin'.

  21. Really? Nobody's going for Eric and Emma Roberts?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Can't be Ryan O'Neil for he's a constant character on Bones. Quite good at it too, totally plays his age.

    Lohan for the win, simply based on 'use the term celebrity lightly'.

  24. @Moosh: If Enty were to do dumb things like decide that Lohan's acting in "Machete" doesn't count as an acting job (!), then how are we to ever trust any clues in ANY of his blinds? That'd be simply retarded. That would be like having a blind referring to an "A-list actor who's okay-looking" because he doesn't think George Clooney is all that great. It's just sending us down the wrong path.

  25. "That would be like having a blind referring to an "A-list actor who's okay-looking" because he doesn't think George Clooney is all that great."

    Enty does that kind of thing all the time. :) You have to get a feel for how he writes and who he does and doesn't like. Like he called Katy Perry a "one hit wonder" for a while even after it was clear she was going to be bigger than that.

  26. Emma Roberts works all the time. And I think her dad does work at being sober and he also works all the time.

  27. @Moosh:

    If he's not going to post accurate hints, and moreover, is going to post out-and-out wrong info which misleads us, there's no point in playing. If Lindsey Lohan working in "Machete," "Ugly Betty," "I Know Who Killed Me," "Georgia Rule," and "Bobby" in five years means "[hasn't] act[ed] for a few years," then there's no way we can win.

    (BTW, I left a few out.) (And I'm no Lohan apologist; I can't stand that sorry sack of meat. I'm just disappointed we've been misled on cow-knows-how-many blinds.)

  28. Homer Simpson FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. David Hasselhoff

  30. This is obviously the dad of Chris "Corky" Burke and for the kid I'm gonna go with Chris "Corky" Burke.
    C'mon, everybody knows this guy had a raging taste for the Disco Dust on the set of Life Goes On and he hasn't worked since doing the voice of Grendel in that all sock puppet version of Beowulf...It may have gone straight to video in Luxemborg, but it's still work. I'm hoping this guy gets a call in to Dr. Drew, QUICKLY.
