Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This well known former reality show contestant is shopping a story to the tabloids and to book publishers that she and other female contestants on her season and other seasons of the show were forced to have sex with this A+ name recognition reality show host if they wanted to remain on the show. At least twice, the host brought another woman with him and made the participants engage in a threesome.


  1. if seacrest weren't gay and so many of the contestants weren't underage this would be hysterical if it were him. but its nawt :-/

  2. Oh, that Simon Cowell. Not happy enough to have sex with different ex-girlfriends 3 times a day, he also forces those poor American-Idol wannabes in 3-somes.

    I think he likes going with 3s all the time. 3-somes, 3 times a day.

  3. Gross, just Gross

  4. Wow. Didn't even think of Donald Trump. There's an idea.

    I thought survivor, but don't know that guys name(nor would tons of sex where you "bring" others fit the conditions of the show). I thought bachelor/bachelorette, but don't know that guys name . If its A+ name recognition I would think it'd be name most ppl can pull out of the air, no? Maybe I'm just out of the reality tv circuit.

  5. I like the Donald Trump guess! He really is that nasty and a misogynist in real life.

  6. Reality show host, hmmmm Probst? or maybe someone urban like Flavor Flav or Ray J?

  7. That rascal Tom B of dwts

  8. Omarosa and Donald trump

    Btw, this is the person formerly known as atlchica. Seachica is more appropriate now that I'm on the west coast

  9. Vienna and Chris Harrison

  10. Hmmm my only issue with Omarosa and the Donald is that he is rumored to be a racist so I don't see him getting down with a sistah

  11. Montana - Great point! And he does like them a bit more subdued. Omarosa is feisty... Maybe she's the one subduing the girls?

  12. My first thought was Jeff Probst. He got divorced after Survivor got hot and he also hooked up with a former contestant, Julie, for quite a while.

  13. The only host with A+ name recognition I can think of is Trump. Omarosa being the attention whore and making up a story in a desperate attempt to get another 15 min.

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  15. Not Probst! He is perfect :)

    This is criminal, whoever it is.

  16. I have a bit of a problem with the word "made" in that last sentence. Unless we are talking criminal activity, with women chained up in a basement somewhere, no one "makes" anyone participate in a threesome. Especially when the desired outcome is more screen time for someone.

  17. I immediately thought of Jeff Probst. But, I put NOTHING past The Donald....

    @ atlchica now seachica - I like it, good idea. I am sure there are people on here that change names all of the time. : )

  18. @shiny_special_one - how is it different from a boss making an employee have sex with him/her to ensure promotions or keeping his/her job? Completely unethical.

  19. I immediately thought of Adrienne Curry but then I couldn't see Miss Jay doing such a thing....
    I don't think it's Jeff Probst because, unless Survivor is staged, contestants vote each other off, right? It would have to be a show where contestants are judged by a higher force (Trump, Cowell, Ramsey)

  20. Didn't Probst have those naked pics online? Totally him.

  21. As huge as Trump's ego is, even he would realize that pulling shit like that would kill his political aspirations if it ever got out.

  22. I can see any of them letting the fame go to their heads. I would hope its not Probst but I can see his head swelling as the seasons go on.
    Donald considers himself invincible and far superior to everyone around him.

  23. @Goodgrief... I LOVE Tom so much and he seems like SUCH a decent guy, it would be TOO freakin' funny if this were him!
    I'm betting on Simon (see Enty's blind from the other day) -- seems like the "over-compensating" type...

  24. I can see this being Simon Cowell, because he just screams smarmy to me. Of course, I can also see this being Gordon Ramsay.

  25. "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" so badly that they'll have a threesome with Regis?

  26. Okay I know this isn't Tom B. but I always see him at The Whisper Cafe in the Grove with a different young woman.
    (For non LA'ers-The CBS studio (where they shoot DWTS) backs right up to a very upscale mall and restaurants).

  27. Simon Cowell isn't the HOST of American Idol, Ryan Gaycrest is. I vote Jeff Probst, who, like someone else already mentioned, got divorced in early seasons and hooked up with a hot, young contestant.

  28. If it is Probst (which I'm in denial about) who is the well known contestant from Survivor that's shopping the story around? Is there such a thing?

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  30. Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Probst? My only problem with that-is he A+?

  31. Anyone DESPERATE enough to sleep with Trump to be on TV needs a head check. I wouldn't sleep with that honyok to get out of a lynching.

  32. it cannot be probst. he doesn't have any say in who is voted off the show.

    bret michaels is a far better (and completely obvious) choice for this.
