Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Story About Ashton Kutcher That Does Not Involve His Infidelity

Oh, before I write about CBS being ticked off at Ashton Kutcher, I want to tell you that Ashton is not the only one who sex outside the marriage in their relationship. He is just way less careful and it has not happened in a couple of years for Demi. Just sayin'. I know I made one or two of her flings into blind items way back in the day.

Anyway, if you watched the latest episode of Two And A Half Men, my first question to you would be why. The second question I would ask is if you noticed Ashton on his laptop. Well, CBS did and CBS also noticed the stickers covering Ashton's laptop are companies he has invested a whole bunch of money in which forced CBS to add disclaimers to the credits at the end of the show. CBS did not get any ad money for the placements and the only person who will benefit is Ashton. He might get into trouble with more than just CBS for this one. If you ever watch CNBC or something like that a person will disclose if they own any of the stock or equity which they are discussing. Ashton did not do that and he is promoting them.


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