Star Magazine Jumps On Board The Ashton/Demi Split
Star Magazine says that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have split. You think? I mean why else would a guy be holed up in a hotel room having sex with a stranger on the night of his anniversary. OK, well why would anyone without the name of Sean Penn or Charlie Sheen. Also it looks like the latest woman Ashton had sex with has hired Gloria Allred or someone like that. I guess she is ready to get paid for her three minutes of sex with Ashton. If she thinks her story is worth $250K, I hate to break it to her, but considering there are probably 20 more of you in Los Angeles, your story is not going to be worth that much. What I would like to see is how many of the women Ashton has slept with also slept with Tiger Woods.
You would think Star would have had the cojones to run the story a couple of months ago when I did, but are apparently afraid of Ashton and Demi.