Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Star Magazine Jumps On Board The Ashton/Demi Split

Star Magazine says that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have split. You think? I mean why else would a guy be holed up in a hotel room having sex with a stranger on the night of his anniversary. OK, well why would anyone without the name of Sean Penn or Charlie Sheen. Also it looks like the latest woman Ashton had sex with has hired Gloria Allred or someone like that. I guess she is ready to get paid for her three minutes of sex with Ashton. If she thinks her story is worth $250K, I hate to break it to her, but considering there are probably 20 more of you in Los Angeles, your story is not going to be worth that much. What I would like to see is how many of the women Ashton has slept with also slept with Tiger Woods.

You would think Star would have had the cojones to run the story a couple of months ago when I did, but are apparently afraid of Ashton and Demi.


  1. yay Enty, you definitely broke the story! :-D

    He's only sleeping with Tiger's sloppy seconds if he's shopping at Denny's in Florida.

  2. Figgy - correction, they're all sleeping with David Boreanaz's sloppy seconds... and thirds.

  3. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Demi Moore. Can you IMAGINE how many people are going to be looking at her with "I told you so!" written all over their faces?

  4. What about the girls! I feel they will be heartbroken. They truly thought of Ashton as family. douche for hurting so many females.

    Ok, officially, I apologize to all for being hateful towards men today. That Polanski post got me all riled up. Am still in a rage.

    I now will concentrate on getting some work done.

  5. Can someone point me to Enty's previous story? I searched his site but didn't find it. Was it blind? BTW, I've been reading CDaN for a few months now. Some of you REALLY crack me up (and a couple of you frighten me - in a good way). I'm tired of feeling like a voyeur so I'm saying hi. Hi!

  6. EmEyeKay - Hope I am not one of the frightening ones! : ) We can be a pretty passionate bunch. Welcome on to the site, we are happy to have you. It has been a while ago, probably in May or June and Enty was going to reveal it in July's reveals if the couple did not. Enty did not include it. I think I am correct on most of this but, CDANer's feel free to jump in and correct any and all of this if I am not.

  7. Pretty sure Enty did reveal this, at some point...?

  8. he is such a douchebag.

    But I think her tweet pics added to their demise. She reeks of desperation these days. That is just so unattractive.

  9. Poor Ashton, can't a guy have a one night stand without being sold out?

    Boo friggin' hoo buddy. Now pay up and go back to your stupid camera commercials. Buh-bye

  10. No wonder Demi is looking so thin. She must be devastated. And, yes, he is such a douchebag. Hope every skank he slept with is talking to Gloria right now!

  11. I wonder why Enty didn't mention the "secret fling with Britney Spears?" lol

  12. Welcome EmEyeKay! I'm pretty sure this one was revealed, too, probably July 4?

  13. World exclusive my ass.

    The blind came out in May or June and was revealed on July 4.

  14. these two sue ppl that print stories about them all the time. of course star would hold off. they aren't going to sue some random blogger without a face, but they'd sue the shit out of star. i don't think this counts as a "yay enty" for running this ahead of the game. i think magazines were just protecting their deep pockets.

  15. Does this even count? They haven't made an announcement. We're sposta believe THIS but not the "Anniston is pregnant" ones, right? Why is this credibler?

  16. Credibler isn't a word.

    Why is this more credible?

    Sorry, I'm a grammar drill sargent.

  17. Neither is "funner" or "favoritist" but I use those as well and I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi. (I'm a writer.) Half the fun of writing is spice.

  18. (Just out of curiosity, why did you let "sposta" pass without comment?)

  19. I don't know if this is considered grammer or not, but it bugs me when people say "I could care less", the correct phrase is "I couldn't care less" If you say you could care less then than that means you care about it.

    Thank you for letting me get that off my chest(which is big as the Canadian MP's).

  20. Binky - weren't you the one that went OFF at someone here last week for using "literally" incorrectly? What's good for the goose...

  21. RocketQueen, I LITERALLY think you're LITERALLY right. LITERALLY.

  22. Sorry to fan the flames! ;)

  23. Anyway, back to D & A...I will never feel sorry for Demi Moore. She is just as self absorbed as Ashton Kutcher, but also seems like one of those moms who consistently competes with her daughters. She probably hangs all over their boyfriends and tries to be their friend instead of their mother. Just saying.

  24. Thank you Skeeball!! It drives me nuts when I'm watching a really good movie and someone famous says that! The writer, director and script supervisor let you get away with that?? Ugh.
    Sorry back to Demi and Ashton...

  25. Thanks for the welcome and the info. Found the blind in May/June on AGC. And, uh, skeeball? Did you misspell "grammar" on purpose?

  26. Also, it's "sergeant," not "sargent."

    /grammar Obersturmführer

  27. The way I see it anyone that hangs out/screw around with Azzton is an idiot.

  28. Sposta and credibler are my new words.

  29. @RocketQueen: Yes, I made fun of the poor fool who "literally died" over a joke. She didn't know what she was doing. I know what I'm doing. I didn't misuse any words in my post. I was way correcter than she. (@Lioness70: Yup; I meant that one, too.)

    Insofar as Ashton is concerned, I'd happily give him a tongue bath after I washed his hair. Then I'd bang his brains out until I got Indian sunburn on my clam.

  30. I don't feel sorry for Demi at all. She is so stuck in herself and looking young and beautiful. Grow the hell up!

  31. I dunno, just not feeling the hate towards them. They were together a really long time, especially by H-wood standards. (6 years in case youre wondering) Neither has leaked stories of abuse about the other one (ahem JLo) They also havent done the whole pretend to be happy in public thing. (this time around anyway) Hopefully they will continue to divorce in private and not drag the press into it trying to make it a promotional opportunity.
    Since I'm on a roll, I thought 2.5 men was no better or worse than with Sheen. I also think Sheen behaved abominably and deserved to be fired no matter how good he was in that role. The show was winding down anyway. Hopefully Kelso will breath some life into it.

    I found a rundown of his career. Hes done pretty well for himself.

  32. As long as you're perfect and everything, BinkyM!

  33. @EmEyeKay~spelling,math and typing fast at work(so I don't get caught by my boss) are not my strong suits ;)

  34. @AnotherAmy: They were together for two years before they married, too. I don't understand the sangfroid, either.

    Everyone here is so Judgey Judgerson about stars' lives ("How dare he divorce his cancer-ridden wife! The gall of LeeAnn Rimes to run her family as she sees fit! The nerve of Demi Moore to spend her money on surgery to make herself look and feel freaking AMAZING! how dare the neighbors buy such an expensive car when their kid has crooked teeth?!").

    Why do so many of you delight in trouble in peoples' marriages? Have people delighted in your troubles and you're paying it forward? Or do you not understand that things like this are painful and devastating and not cause for celebration? What crawled up your asses and died? She's not Eva Braun and he's not Pol Pot.

  35. BinkyM,
    You make me smile!

  36. @ Binky - you're insufferable... and I LITERALLY mean it. I almost just rolled my eyes and let it go until I saw your last post about eeeeeveryone acting so "Judgey McJudgerson" over things, when it seems to be that is so gdamn concerned and judgey over one's use of the word "literal" on a fucking gossip blog. Get over yourself, this isn't the Princeton Review.

  37. ^'s a celebrity gossip blog. It's what we do! I would find it way more annoying if the commenters always wrote super gushy, ridiculous comments like I see on other blogs.

    Ashton/Demi did stay together longer than I would have ever imagined. I remember when I heard they got together, I thought "NO WAY this will last."

    I want to hear about the fling with Britney!

  38. That last comment was directed at BinkyM.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I too am practically in mid-cringe over the expected fall out that will no doubt be aimed at Demi Moore.

    All the jelly people are going to take such delight in this- after all how dare Demi get with a younger man in the first place, she had this coming to her !!
    Or when people say she should just concentrate on her children's lives and retire herself (and presumably her sexuality/sex appeal) and fade away from the spot light.


    We have this ideology permeating in our culture that youth and the young= beauty and we link both characteristics/traits to people deserving more happiness/happily ever after.

    People have always been so negative/suspicious about Demi, her banging body, and her unabashed relationship with her 10-15+ younger husband.

    Just because a woman is in her 40s or older doesnt mean she shouldnt be able to own her sexuality nor her beauty nor her chance at happily ever after.

    Demi has annoyed me at times for sure but my saddest regret for this whole situation is there is a big possibility she will walk away from this split questioning any of the things Ive mentioned above. And that sucks balls.

  41. btw- BinkyM
    since I was the one you weirdly chose to go off on for my innocuous comment that had nothing to do with you, just letting you know I DO know what I am doing when I write--it is all in good fun and I relax my grammatical standards accordingly.

    Thank you Juicy and RQ for taking this a-hole down a peg.
    And I wouldnt call someone a 'fool' BinkyM, it just makes you look that much more petty and ridiculous and your comments alone already do that for you.

  42. I caught the second ep of 2.5 men and found Ashton awful. As usual. I hope they don't break up. These 2 deserve each other.

  43. I don't care about a 40 something older woman with a younger man. I don't care about it being the other way around either. As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. What does bother me---is a person (Demi Moore) who goes around sprouting about how "in love" and wonderfulf the hubby is at every chance. Goopster and JBlow bothered me this way too. As did Anne Heche and Ellen De Generis when they did it.

  44. @Henriette - You just don't get it. Their love is special and unlike any other!!!

  45. Mango - I totally agree. The first episode wasn't actually that bad, probably because Ashton was only in the second half of it. The second episode was terrible.

    No problem, Jasmine. At least you've never resorted to personal attacks that I know of. Literally.

  46. Maybe they're gonna have a Goop marriage. Wed but never together and rarely in the same city.

    She will sometimes talk about her wonderful marriage but he will never ever acknowledge her and NEVER EVER be in a pic with her.
