Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Southwest Ticks Off Another Celebrity

Yesterday, Southwest Airlines was trending again on Twitter, and once again it was not for the reasons they probably hope for. Plus, because it happened on a Monday, it has time to make it into a SNL skit for Saturday which will probably include all the other celebrity incidents Southwest has had.

The L Word actress Leisha Hailey was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight with her girlfriend for what the airline calls excessive kissing. Leisha says it was because she is a lesbian and the flight attendant told them Southwest was a family airline and did not allow that.

I understand why Leisha is upset. She says in her Twitter that she feels discriminated because she is gay. Look, I don't care if you are gay or straight I don't really want to watch you sucking face and groping someone in front of me. Well, unless you are both good looking and then it would be ok. And only then if it is better than an in-flight movie. Of course Southwest does not really have those so maybe this would be more fun. On Leisha's behalf, Southwest has proved itself to be really conservative in the past not just with celebrities, but remember the woman who was not allowed to fly because her skirt was too short? She had a quick few minutes of fame and even ended up in Playboy. She thought she was going to have a long career. Hope she invested that check she got from them.

Anyway, the other thing Southwest did was not stick to their story. They started off with the kicking off for excessive PDA. Later though they said they were going to issue an apology to Leisha for not fulfilling their customer's expectations. See, to me that says they were in the wrong. What we need is video. Everyone always has video, so why is there not any of this? It is like the woman I saw this weekend who started choking. A few people ran to her aid but most were reaching for their cameras. I heard one guy say that he was getting ready in case anything exciting happened so he could send it to YouTube before anyone else and get the hits. Seriously?


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