Sarah Palin Is A Serial Cheater And Coke User
There is a new book coming out about Sarah Palin. It is by the guy who moved in next door to her house. He was also on her reality show. Well, they pointed the cameras at him once or twice and he was mentioned once or twice. Apparently the guy was able to dig up a lot of dirt. He basically confirmed The Enquirer story that Sarah cheated on Todd with his business partner while Sarah and Todd were married. He also confirmed that just prior to Sarah and Todd getting married, Sarah had sex with Glenn Rice, who is a former NBA player, who at the time was playing in a college basketball tournament in Alaska and Sarah hooked up with him. Oh, and apparently both Todd and Sarah like their coke and were seen snorting it off big oil drums. Hey, at least they recycle them and use them for other purposes. Nothing like some hunting mixed with snorting coke and cheating on your husband. Sounds like a country music song. Throw in something about your mother and a dog and you have a hit.