Random Photos Part One
Two parts today.
Jennifer Aniston looks really good until you get to about her ankles. Is this supposed to be her city work boot look?
Jesus filming scenes for Person Of Interest.
I actually meant to put John Hurt up at the top of the photos. Consider yourself put there John.
Jane Lynch and her wife work out together. I always say you should have a partner for challenging activities whether it be working out or trying to eat every item on a buffet. You need support.
According to what I heard, Kirsten Dunst was tipping back a few before this premiere.
Oh, my lifelong dream. To get a bottle of diet pills autographed by Kendra Wilkinson. The demand must have been huge.
Lindsay Lohan looks about 100 here.
Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr show their son Paris.
Prince William shows off the dance moves that made him a legend among the WNRC (WASP No Rhythm Club)
I didn't even know Ryan Reynolds had a dog. You know, Ryan is not a bad looking guy.
And Salma Hayek is not a bad looking woman.
Tom Cruise is NOT Jack Reacher. Please make it go away.

Orlando Bloom's baby is friggin' HUUUUGE. That's all I have to say.
ReplyDeleteMy dad reads the Jack Reacher books. I really thought he was going to have an aneurysm when he heard Tommy Boy got cast as Jack -- he was that upset.
ReplyDeleteDoes Salma have her ankle wrapped and still wearing those heels?
ReplyDeleteFeisty, my boys were all huge babies and I'm tiny. When I look back at photos we looked oddly matched.
Aniston's been wearing a lot of boots lately, anyone else notice that? It's funny how couples start dressing alike in a relationship.
ReplyDeleteOkay, "Wasp No Rhythm Club" made me laugh.
Oh Lindsay. Do you think she still looks at herself in these pictures and thinks, "I look HOT."
Kendra makes me ill.
ReplyDeleteLindsay makes me angry and sad at the same time.
I love Aniston, I just do.
I want Jen A's bag, but I don't have the $3000 for it. Poo.
ReplyDeleteI think Lilo thinks she looks great. Honestly.
Oh no. This is the first I heard about them casting Tom as Jack Reacher. I'm joining your dad in the back of the ambulance.
ReplyDelete@mikey - I'm sure if he was the one carrying the boy he would look like a normal baby, but his model mama looks wayyy tiny. My friends who are tall all have babies that look normal when they carry them, and then I hold them and it's apparent they're future giants :)
ReplyDeleteI thought the Bloom baby was Flynn, not Paris?
ReplyDeleteAnd Kirsten, please stay sober.
I'd like Aniston's boots if they were simply under jeans that weren't rolled up. She looks like she forgot to finish dressing.
ReplyDeleteIs it really that warm in NYC right now?
Yes Little Miss, it is that warm. But bring your raincoat.
ReplyDeleteThe Bloom baby was 10 lbs plus when he was born. He does look pretty big, but he was born big. Salma looks stupid in high heels with a ace bandage around her ankle. Lindsay looks 50, and TC looks just like he always does. Don't you know Nicole laughs at these and says kiss my Oscar's ass bitch. Other than the loss of her two Cruise Children, she got the better deal in life.
ReplyDeleteI am probably reaching, but something about the juxtaposition of the Salma & Ryan "they're goodlooking" comments makes it seem like it's a blind item hint...
ReplyDeleteI like Jim Caviezal(I am sure I spelled that wrong, too EmEyeKay;))
ReplyDeleteHe was great in Frequency.
@RQ~totally agree about couples dressing alike, especially in the beginning
@Momster...Flynn is being shown Paris by his parents. Enty could have worded that better.
ReplyDeleteSaw another pic of Selma from the other day. Looks like she matches her ankle support to her outfit.
ReplyDeleteI had to re-read that twice myself, lol. He's saying that they are showing the baby Paris, not showing OFF "Paris". :)
I just love this family. The first I really knew about them was back when people talked about other stuff on Ted's board besides Twicrap. It was always insinuated that she was his beard and they wouldn't last. Then they got married and had the baby and they look sooooo happy about it all. That pic they tweeted with her and Flynn and then him with the baby right after he was born just got me! So sweet!
I hope Jen's boots and rolled up jeans are comfortable 'cuz it sure isn't flattering.
ReplyDeleteShe has a great body though and can get away with anything.
My first thought when I saw Lindsay was Marilyn Monroe.
tom cruse has absolutely no business playing Jack Reacher. Anyone who has read one of the books would no this.
ReplyDeleteJust too bad about Kirsten Dunst.
ReplyDeleteAgree with everyone on Tom Cruise. Jack Reacher is supposed to be 6 foot 5 and fifty to mid fifties? Top of my head Liam Neeson but really thats just the tallest actor I can think of right now.
ReplyDeleteOh well, I know I won't be going to see Tommy ruin it.
Boriqua, ditto my BIL. Huge Reacher fan, despises Cruise. I know he surprised everybody with his portrayal of Lestat, but there just ain't no way to make the man look 6'2. Unless, as Michael D says, every other cast member is a little person.
ReplyDeleteJesus Jim is a handsome man and a very talented actor. Glad to see him working.
It's raining!!! In Houston!!!!!!!!
Well I hated Tommy as Lestat...hated him...and playing Reacher is a tragedy..
ReplyDeleteDitto being a Jesus Jim fan. I really hope Person of Interest pans out for him, saw it last week and really like the premise.
ReplyDelete..and Kinsey, don't be selfish! Send some of that rain to Austin ;)
ReplyDeleteThis draught is killing us, ugh
I know, baby. I know.
ReplyDeleteI think it's moving on already. Lasted maybe an hour.
I kind of hope the apocalypse comes soon so that atrocity of a film is never released. I wish seething boils on everyone involved with the project. It isn't just the height, everything about him is wrong for the role.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed Miranda Kerr has enough arm strength to carry her son.
I can't believe the author would allow Tom to play Jack Reacher. It's ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteGive it up Tom. Please don't ruin it for al of us.
According to what Ive heard, Lee Child is pleased with the TC choice because he claims Reachers height and size is a metaphor for him being a big presence. There are so many actors who would be so much more fitting. Think Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones series.
ReplyDeleteOh my gawd the WNRC (Wasp No Rhythm Club) made me laugh so hard. Nice one!!
ReplyDeleteThe scarf of Ryan Reynolds looks dumb IMO. Salma is so hot! Hotter than Sofia Vergara? I dunnnno!! Now that's a hard one. Whew. I need to fan myself.
ReplyDeleteI had a fit when I heard about Cruise being cast as Reacher (in my head, he's always been Paul Walker), and my best friend was terribly unhappy, too. But when we tried to name a more appropriate actor WHO COULD OPEN THE MOVIE, we couldn't. We reluctantly admitted that Cruise is the best man for the job. (sob!)
ReplyDeleteI remember being shocked Miranda told Conan how big her kid was when he was born. Out of that little body! I love a chunky baby though!
ReplyDeleteI can think of some women who'd make a better Jack Reacher than Cruise will. Before he was cast, i thought there was no doubt that i'd see at least the first film. But there's no way i can willingly suspend belief for this. Will be calling the waaaambulance once publicity starts for this one.
ReplyDeleteLee Child was Signing at Book Expo 2010....the man could not unglue his eyes from my friends chest....typical horny Brit...
ReplyDeleteI didnt know Dunst had problems with alcohol - I thought she was in rehab for depression? Are you not supposed to drink if you have been depressed?
My first thought when I saw Lindsay was Any Winehouse. I can't believe she's still alive.
ReplyDeleteRaining in Houston?!??! Please send it north. Please! I keep watching the weather but every day, nothing for Austin. So sad. The animals need rain. Fires took all their food.
I've never seen JA wear anything I didn't like until now. Those boots are awful. But I'd kill for that purse. That purse is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI guess I have to Google Jack Reacher because I have no idea who that is.
kendra is going to be at a book store near me tomorrow. i was going to go, but no one will go with me. i thought it would be fun to go and see her try and be a serious business woman. but everyone thinks it will be an endless line of men trying to go home w/ her and not fun at all. oh well.