Three parts today.
While everyone else at Nicole Richie's 30th birthday party has been in bikinis, Jessica Simpson has been bundled up like Nanook Of The North. She also has barely spoken to Nicole and was only invited because of the drama in the tabloids.

Kelli Garner filming Pan Am.

Leelee Sobieski and her Bible comes alive dress collection. This one features the tale of the loaves of bread and fish.

Tyra was also at the same event, but chose to stay with something a little more traditional.

I don't think I have ever seen less skin showing for a photo op of Nicola Roberts.

That is not the Princess. Two straight public events and two different women on Prince Albert's arm.

Rowan Atkinson as Johnny English.

So, an Irish farmer saw Rihanna like this in his field and kicked her out despite the fact he had given permission for them to film a music video. He did not think the attire was appropriate. Note to farmer, if Lady GaGa calls, you should hang up.

Does Gucci test its products on animals? This cat wants nothing to do with Salma Hayek.

Abduction did awful at the box office, but in London, everyone still loves Taylor Lautner.
Oh, the Princess got away?? Really hope she did finally get away from that awful man.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tyra for once, looks really good and not overly over-dressed!
Run, Princess, run!
ReplyDeleteOh, my goodness - Leelee does not look well!
ReplyDeleteI watched Pan Am the other night - I quit liked it. I will definitely give it a chance!
Maja - you sure about Pan Am? I heard awful feedback on that show..? Wanted to give it a shot, but after all the bad publicity, did not.
ReplyDeleteDoes Jessica's fiance own a shirt that is not plaid? That's all the deadbeat ever wears.
ReplyDeletePan Am was really good. Beautifully shot - worth watching for that alone! But there are a couple of really interesting storylines that I'm finding myself intrigued by so I'll continue to watch.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd heard how awful the women were represented but I didn't think that was the case at all.
and Leelee, looks SO tiny.
amh. thanks! Will try and catch the first episode again.
ReplyDeleteAs for Leelee, she has always been the very skinny kind. Gets often mistaken for Evan Rachel Wood.
I can't even ... Leelee ... what the ... her shoes ... but the dress ... I just can't. Nothing about that photo is acceptable.
ReplyDeleteIt was announce that Bimbo Jessica is pregnant by the deadbeat.
LOVED Pam AM, especially since I had a older cousin who was one of their stews back in those days. Looked a lot like someone has done some talking to the old girls.
ReplyDeleteWho the heck is that LeeLee person?
No, this is what the farmer thought was inappropriate with Rhianna....
ReplyDeleteLeelee looks ghastly.
ReplyDeleteSo is the farmer against bikinis, then? Because that's basically what RiRi's wearing, plus jeans.
I'm surprised Jessica even ATTENDED Nicole's birthday, if the rumours are true (and Enty seems to be suggesting they are)
I bet Jessica is preggo and hiding the belly. The deadbeat is set for life and she is an idiot. Hope the Princess did get away and Leelee's whole outfit from head to toe is AWFUL!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think it was possible to love cats more than I already do, but watching the ginger kitty stick it to that jerk Salma...*swoon*
ReplyDeleteThe farmer didn't like that Rihanna took her top off. Apparently it was all dealt with respectfully but yeah, they left.
I guess I'm the only one who likes Leelee's dress.
ReplyDeleteJessica wasn't wearing a bikini in picture I saw of her poolside. She must be preggers.
Rita - not sure yet, but I liked it enough that I will definitely give it a few episodes!
ReplyDeleteThere are other pictures of Rihanna from that shoot where she has untied the bandana top and is basically just holding her boobs in it. I don't know, I thought it was kind of nice that the farmer spoke up when he wasn't comfortable...*L*
Jessica doesn't feel comfortable wearing a bikini for everyone in the world to see? Good for her.
ReplyDeleteI think Leelee just has really bad eye makeup. Not that the dress is good, but I think the makeup is the real problem.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty surprised JSimp is having a baby now, unless it was an accident. She seemed pretty hell bent on getting into shape for a big fancy wedding.
Taylor L. looks good.
Nicole Richie just turned 30? For the first time? Or is that in Zeta-Jones-Handler years?
ReplyDeleteI come from Northern Ireland and the farmer who owns the land would be considered right-wing Christian Conservative - the DUP are notorious prudes. The vibe here is great though, after 'The Troubles' for so many years, who could've foreseen that this year alone we'd have the MTV Europe Awards, Rihanna shooting her music video here, Game of Thrones filming here...Norn Iron, the place to be!!
ReplyDeleteRemember the last big Rihanna post, there was an argument about whether she'd become over sexualized? I think her running around with no top on for a video pretty much ends that discussion. (Check out Josephine's link if you want to see her gals coming out to play.)
ReplyDeleteTMZ just showed footage of Ashlee Simpson, Sam Ronson & Nicole Ritchie in Mexico somewhere that maybe why JS was there? A
ReplyDeleteLeelee Sobieski is wearing something from the She-Ra (Princess of Power): Evening Collection
@Maja & amh.producer - I just asked in another thread how Pan Am was! Thanks!
OMG, the prince is a douche! i bet she's home, locked in a closet. that smileon his face with his arm around that other woman makes me want to smack him.
ReplyDeleteRihanna was completely nude from the waist up running around a wheat field. she took her top off.
I watched Pan Am as well. I'm generally not a drama watcher but I can't resist the style. It was ok pilots are usually kind of hit and miss as they're adapting. I'll watch it again for sure. My husband was kind of bored but the women were pretty and that kept his interest.