Random Photos Part One
Two parts today.
A rough looking Jamie Foxx hangs out with Chris Noth. That is an interesting combination.
Jennifer Garner is becoming the Kelly Ripa of the west coast. I'm trying to remember if I ever saw my mother wearing a dress and heels and cooking. Maybe if she was throwing a tv dinner in the oven before she and my dad went out.
Pap - "Hey Justin Theroux, could you slow down for a second. It is going to be too blurry."

Justin - "Hey kids, Parliament, Big Ben."
Kyle Richards and Mauricio make a rare public appearance together.
Kate Winslet hanging out with her new married boyfriend, Ned Rocknroll. Yep, that is his name.
Mark Salling drops off new instruments to a middle school in Los Angeles.
The seemingly always perfect Neal McDonough.
Steve Martin looking pretty pleased with his granddaughter. Oh, wait. Date?
Also looking pretty pleased with himself is Mick Jagger. Why? Well,
L'Wren did the duck pose for him so they looked the same height.
Has anyone seen this A List - Dallas show? Worth my time?
Not a good actor, but Taylor Lautner is a good looking guy. If Abduction does well, the guy will be around for a long time.

The funniest about that Ned Rocknrol guy? He changed his name himself. His parents named him Abel.
ReplyDeleteAnd that lady with Steve Martin is his wife. Everyone thought he married that girl from Sex and the City that played Charlotte!
I was at the movies a couple of weeks ago and saw the trailer for that Taylor Lautner movie. It looked TERRIBLE. It was cliched and all over the place. Pick a plot people! lol
ReplyDeleteRita - I read about the name change on Lainey. I could not take this person seriously LOL
Looks like a reveal for Kyle & Mauricio...
ReplyDeleteWait, what's this about Kate Winslet having a married boyfriend?!
ReplyDeleteTaylor Lautner, no talent has a pig face and hopefully the movie bombs.
ReplyDeleteSteve Martin always gets a pass in my book for introducing me to Navin Johnson and "he hates these CANS! Stay away from the CANS!!"
ReplyDeleteWhy can't tv and movie people come up with original ideas? Why do they have to keep remaking stuff?
I like the headline for The Age's review of Abduction: "Surprisingly worse than Twilight."
ReplyDeleteShiny_Special One: Kate Winslet is dating a new guy. Supposedly the nephew of that billionaire who's house burned down while she was in it vacationing. She met the nephew there, his parents named him Abel when he was born, he changed his name to Ned Rocknrol when he grew of age.
ReplyDeleteI did not know he was married though. This is news to me.
However, can you keep a straight face while introducing him to friends and family? Meet my boyfriend, Rocknrol?
I do not think Taylor Lautner is handsome at all. His eyes are just too deep and his forehead too prominent for me. He's not ugly, but I can think of at least 100 guys I would rather look at instead.
ReplyDeleteFS - please mercy, Twihards are gonna start posting here after what you just said :)
ReplyDeleteYep, I think a reveal too for Kyle and Mauricio, the one a couple of weeks ago about the Housewife and Hubby separating, or having troubles etc.
ReplyDeleteAh hahaha! "Look kids! Parliament! Big Ben!" Nothing like a National Lampoon's European Vacation quote to make my day.
ReplyDeleteAccording to what I read on Lainey, Kate's new guy has been separated for some time and is Richard Branson's son?
Wow Taylor has really been wittling that nose down slow but sure. Be careful Taylor, you don't want to go too far. *I'm looking at you, Michelle Pfeiefer.
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ReplyDeleteYeah, that's Steve Martin's WIFE, not girlfriend. I liked him even more after learning that his now-wife was a librarian, not a starlette.
ReplyDeleteGROSS! i vomit a little bit every time someone calls that Taylor Werewolf person handsome! this morning a girl on my school bus was wearing a Team Jacob shirt, and i was terribly disturbed. (and no, i'm not Team Edward. i'm Team Go Away All Ready)
ReplyDeleteI heard that neighbors of Jamie Foxx's farm in Hidden Valley suspect that he may have a dog fighting ring........ Has anyone else heard this?
ReplyDeleteGood for Steve Martin-the most unlucky-in-love man on the planet. At least she appears to be smart and normal and not some slutty starlet looking for fame.
ReplyDeleteI want that kitchen!
I can't hate on Steve Martin and his wife. She and I are probably the same age, and I'm marry him in a New York minute. He's smart and hilarious and still handsome. I just love the books he's written. They don't famewhore, they're the real deal. Love him!
ReplyDeletep.s. BTW, Mauricio left the Hilton & Hyland real estate group in Los Angeles in the past few weeks. Another clue, perhaps?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, Rita. I didn't know she had a new guy, last I heard she was dating that model. I wouldn't give it a second thought (besides LOL at his silly self-chosen name) but I'm really surprised that he's married. Somehow, I didn't think that was Kate's style. Hrm.
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not the only one who does not get Taylor Lautner's appeal AT ALL.
@dressgq - No! I hadn't heard that, but will send out feelers to a few organizations now. Shit like that should always be investigated.
ReplyDelete@Shiny-I don't see Lautner's appeal either-I can't help seeing him as Shark Boy.
ReplyDeleteI'm sad to hear about Kyle and Mauricio.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Lautner is so not cute.
@Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors - I love him. Just cannot help it. I hope they are very happy. I will admit to loving the craptastic Twilight Movies....I know, the shame of it all (hanging head down). Taylor seems to be a pretty sweet manchild, I cannot trash him. I hope Ned is not married Kate, I would be disappointed in you. Like she gives a rat's butt what I think! lol
ReplyDeleteNeal McDonough is nice looking. I read some time back that he will not kiss anyone except his wife. Not for a TV show or a movie or anything else. I think he lost a job or 2 over this. Guess he really loves his wife or is really religous or both.
ReplyDeleteI really hope this isn't true about Jamie Foxx, but then again he did defend Michael Dick, I mean Vick, saying dog fighting was a "cultural" thing. Read for yourself: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/20414907/
ReplyDeleteSteve Martin's wife looks like either Katie Holmes or Tina Fey, or a combination of the two.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to Taylor Dooley? Of the two, I thought her career would take off after SB&LG.
My nephew met Neal McDonough when he was working at a Dunkin Donuts (my nephew, not NM!) during high school. My nephew was working at the drive through, and when NM pulled up to get his order, my nephew said, "You look just like this actor that was in a movie I was last night!" (The Guardian.) NM said that was him, then humored my nephew and all his friends and parked, got out and took pics with them. He also stayed for a while and chatted with them. Classy guy.
ReplyDeleteEr, that should read: "movie I SAW last night..."
ReplyDeleteNice National Lampoon's reference!
ReplyDeleteSome other sites are saying the wife doesn't want a divorce. Uh-oh!
I cannot take him serious w/ that name.
Whoever called Lautner out on the new nose - good call. I thought something was different but I couldnt put my finger on it
ReplyDeleteWhilst I'm all for kids playing musical instruments as part of the educational curriculum, I am strongly opposed to this insidious marketing of candy in schools. Processed sugar and chemicals are NOT good for children in any way.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Lautner seems like a nice kid and all, but, yeeeeeeeaah, I don't think Abduction's going to do very well.
ReplyDeleteI think Jennifer did real well with the new boyfriend this time. Brilliant move! The guy is hot - hotter than Brad, but then, he was in one of my favorite movies of all time.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Lautner is a cutie and so not a pig face. That's not nice people. Hate the "Twilight" movies, if you will, but don't hate on this cute little tyke. I think Lainey is right - he's the next Tom Cruise (but better), and Tom Cruise made a pretty good living even though his acting ran the gamut from A to B, as they say. I never liked Tom Cruise, but this kid is okay.