Random Photos Part One
Two parts today.
Jennifer Morrison at the premiere of Warrior.
Also there was Rene Russo who looks fabulous. This woman does not age.
Kelly Osbourne drags out her costume for Halloween a month early.
Umm, is that the drivers side Lindsay is getting in? Run for your lives. Quick before the guy finishes humping her leg.
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have a grocery bag carrying contest. What? No paper? No recyclable bags?
Nick Nolte takes his role as the Good Humor Man very seriously and always dresses in all white. Wait, it is after Labor Day. Is that allowed?
And Prince Charles turns back into a frog.
Getting excited for Rooney Mara in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?
The lunches are getting less fun for the newlyweds.
I don't think Louis still quite has a handle on this whole pap thing.
Tom Hardy does his best Robert DeNiro impression for Joel Edgerton.
Because every mom wants to dress their 3 year old like a hooker.

Oh, I think Louis has a handle on it all right...he's giving somebody the evil eye big time.
ReplyDeleteUgh, that Toddlers & Tiara's show needs to be taken out back and shot. The mothers, the pedos they attract, the producers...all useless.
ReplyDeleteCan't hate on plastic bag usage (re:Miley) sometimes you can only go with what's available.
What's the beef with Reese's new husband? This is the 2nd time in a week he's gotten a negative mention in the photo's
Louis in his little beret is (as always) ADORABLE
Whatever. Miley isn't taking titty shots of herself in the shower anymore, so I'm not going to be hard on her. I can't blame her for her redneck ancestry at this point. She's just bein' Miley: laying low, wearing unflattering clothing, and escorting that hot Aussie boy about town. More power, Miley.
ReplyDeleteAnd as IF you use reusable bags at the store, Enty. I'm sure you conscientiously shove all 23 packages of bacon in your Trader Joe's tote when you go through the check-out line. Right.
Paper isn't *much* better than plastic. That was my original point.
I don't understand the point of watching a show like Toddlers and Tiaras unless you DO enjoy being enraged and riled up by human stupidity. There's a good reason why I stay miiiiiiiiles away from that shit.
I think Louis is doing just fine...he's got The Look down pat.
ReplyDeleteOh Kelly - for all that I defend you on this board, you really need to practice what you preach. If someone dressed like that on Fashion Police, they'd be worst-dressed of the week and you would comment on their hair being a mess and their over-accessorizing.
ReplyDeleteHoping that Lindsay is just getting into the backseat from the drivers side...
As much as I loathe Miley, at least she's carrying her own shit - unlike some celebs who pay others to carry their umbrellas.
I REALLY hope that last picture isn't a toddler, but instead a little person from TLC's other show - it's hard to tell under all that makeup and at least then they might be an appropriate age...
Nope...that is in fact a 3 year old toddler who is competing at a beauty pageant. Everyone thought it was adorable! (Sorry...I watch...don't shoot me!)
ReplyDeleteI only use plastic-I reuse them all the time-picking up doggy doo doo, using them as smaller garbage bags and lining my waste baskets with them. I also use them to bring sack lunches to work, etc... Paper is just as bad and not very user friendly.
ReplyDeleteI am seriously going to kidnap Louis long enough to kiss the crap out of his adorable chubby cheeks. I want to squeeze him. And I really don't like kids, so you know his cuteness is totally out of control. And I love his "bitch, please!" look. His is the best since Zahara Jolie-Pitt.
ReplyDeleteThat little girl is dressed up as Julia Roberts' character from Pretty Woman, I read. Just....wow.
ReplyDeleteI thought Nolte was John Gotti!
I hate hate the cut of Jennifer Morrison's dress.
Kelly looks hideous, so I guess it matches her insides. That's right, I said it.
Oh, and I only get plastic bags at the grocery store. We then re-use them as our garbage bags. When we accumulate too many of them, we use our recyclable bag for a while until we're caught up.
ReplyDeleteLouis is adorable. Simply adorable.
ReplyDelete@Ice Angel - *clasps hands over ears* Lalalala - can't hear you. I'm going to keep believing my my mind that it's just a little person (of age) and therefore not have to lose ALL faith in humanity...
ReplyDeleteHear hear on the plastic bags. I also use them when I walk the pup, take lunch and line mini garbage containers with them. Less leakage and more sturdy than paper.
ReplyDeleteWhen you consider that most garbage bags are plastic (and bigger & thicker) it actually IS recycling, in a good way.
^5 to fellow recyclers :D
Oh, my, Kelly Osbourne. You were doing so well. I hope this is a one time slip up, or you can't really keep your job on E!, can you?
ReplyDeleteAnd wow...I get dressing your kid up as a movie character, but did you have to pick Julia Roberts as a hooker? Really!
I try to remember to bring my canvas bags or plastic bins to the grocery store, with varying results. If I get plastic bags, I reuse them as lunch and garbage bags.
ReplyDeleteLittle Louis (Louie?) is perhaps the most adorable celebrity baby I've seen. And a close second would be Baby Kerr-Bloom.
ReplyDelete"And Prince Charles turns back into a frog." LMAO!
ReplyDeleteYes, I am getting excited for 'Dragon Tattoo.' Bring on the Daniel Craig! Mara looks awful there, though. That hair is NOT flattering!
To be fair, Julia Roberts played the most white-washed hooker in history.
I'm glad to see Rooney Mara looking androgynous here... she's either still filming or just finished filming The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... it would be a disservice to the book if they femme'd up the character. An incredible transformation really, if you think about how she looked in The Social Network.
ReplyDeleteTotally get plastic bags - we reuse them for scooping the cat litter and and lining garbage cans. I get paper bags when our recycling bin is overflowing so I can have something to store the excess recycling in. Tsk. I wish recycling pickup was weekly as we are overflowing again.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the plastic bag re-users:)
ReplyDeletePrince Charles has always been a Toad, he never changed. I agree with Texshan, Louis' side eye is just as good as Zahara's - love it. As much as I don't want to defend this possible CPS Mom with the daughter dressed up as JR, she dressed her up as more than one version of the character during this pagent. TLC did not show (I don't watch the show)you the brown and white polka dot dress with the hat, etc the little girl also wore. Still a really bad idea, but that dress showed where she was going with it.
ReplyDeleteI have that really cool re-usable tote system that is separated into the different departments for when I grocery shop BUT sometimes I forget it and have to get plastic but I def. re-use like you guys all do, too. I was taking my surplus of bags to Walmart, who had a huge plastic bag recycling bin, but then my sister said she heard they actually WEREN'T recycling them!?! F***ing Walmart!
ReplyDelete@Mooshki - Very true! I haven't run into many hookers in my lifetime, so Julia Roberts was the picture I had in my head. Needless to say, when a friend pointed out a lady to me one time, I couldn't get over that her outfit was more like something I wore to the supermarket and not something like this. :-/
I just don't get Kelly Osbourne. Never have, never will.
ReplyDeleteLouis Bullock is the coolest celeb kid. That is all we need to know. His side eye is the stuff of legend. It'd cut glass, and I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteI use plastic grocery bags as garbage liners in the bathroom. Many stores have bins that you can bring the bags back to for recycling. Still plan on buying permanent shopping bags, though.
Hahaha...I thought Nick Nolte was Karl Lagerfeld or whatever the heck his name is!
ReplyDeleteLelaina, I think the best way to get an idea what a real hooker looks like is to Google the 'Faces of Meth' pics. :(
ReplyDeleteAnd get your community service done, you fucking dumbass. We see you everywhere BUT there.
I keep a pile of reusable cloth bags in my car at all times, which get many giggles from my friends but I don't care. If I end up with plastic bags for whatever reason, I reuse or recycle them. I also reuse/recylce paper bags.
ReplyDeleteThat costume on Toddlers and Tiaras, even in context, is just inappropriate. If they are going to continue with those child pageants, they need to revise the rules and go back to au naturel, no wigs or hairpieces, just children, in real clothes. The industry is beyond ridiculous.
"go back to au naturel" For a second I thought you meant they should be in the nude, and that didn't seem too farfetched to me. It's probably the next step for them.
ReplyDeleteMoooshki - faces of meth is just the worst. I mean, if they plaster that all over high schools I fail to see how anyone can start doing it.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of LiLo, have any of you seen the recent pic of Ali Lohan? Seriously, it will haunt your dreams. I cannot believe White Oprah has done this to her kid. She should be jailed after being forcibly sterilized, IMHO.
Texshan - OH MY. Just.... Yeah, haunting would be the right word. Are we sure that is really her?
ReplyDeleteWell, it kinda looks like her, post-300 surgeries, so I'm pretty sure. It's linked from the front news page of Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteI think Lindsay looks really cute there. She actually kinda looks like my mom, they way her knees are bony like that. Well, I guess that's bad because my mom is really old, like 40-something. But Lindsey is cute!
ReplyDeleteI never use those stupid cloth bags when I go to the store. They're just too much of a pain in my ass. Its not like I;m using THAT much plastic, anyway, and I bet it takes more energy to recycle them than to let them break down in a landfill.
@Texhan - I had to stare at that picture for about five minutes. I just CANNOT believe it is the same person. She looks 20 years older than her actual age. It's awful! :(
ReplyDeleteI have reusable shopping bags, but when I forget them at home (which is something like 90% of the time) I use plastic, which I recycle. I recycle all my plastic bags (even the ones that food comes in), cans, plastic and glass bottles, paper, cardboard, styrofoam, magazines, junk mail and I have a compost bin for kitchen waste.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I will bring home a paper bag from the supermarket just for my cats to play "cave" in. When that gets torn to shreds it gets recycled.
It's work to recycle and compost but I like leaving a smaller carbon footprint.
Thank you Texshan for bringing that tragic picture to our attention. This is what I wrote on my facebook about it, while siting the picture below:
And they say young women dont feel an extreme amount of pressure today to be the most quintessentially 'feminine' them that they can be....This poor girl at 17yrs old is a mirror that should reflect upon us the consequences of making our culture all about thinness, facial beauty equally inner beauty, and selling ones body in lieu of developing/expanding ones mind. goddammit
Case in point: the Pretty Woman Toddlers and Tiara's pic.
ReplyDeleteWow Lilo's sister should have had a talk with Russo on looking one's best instead. I really hope that isn't her.
ReplyDeleteI already saw Girl w the Dragon Tattoo and it was excellent will never understand why it is being remade. Ugh it isn't even 5 years old. I will not be seeing this new version- I'll save my time & money.
Not sure I agree with the Renee Russo not aging statement - she looks pulled and puffed in Thor. Quite noticeable....still attractive but definitely 'done stuff'
ReplyDeleteOMG on the Ali Lohan pic. WTH did that harpy of a mother do to her kid??? She looks emaciated and nipped and tucked to the max. And she's only 17. This is a travesty and it makes me want to cry. She doesn't even look like the same girl.
ReplyDelete@Ice Angel, I watch too and I swear these women are in denial. #1 you are fat and ugly (most) quit living through your child; #2 not all children are beautiful (though all mom's think theirs are THE most beautiful self included); #3 if your hubby is sewing pageant dresses and coaching your child on how to perform/win...he's either GAY or a PEDO!
ReplyDelete@Ida - It is like watching a train wreck...I can look away.