Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Rachel Uchitel Makes Some Unusual Comments

I just cannot get a handle on Rachel Uchitel. The NY Post is speaking to lots of people about 9/11 as we approach the 10th anniversary of it. It is hard to believe it has been 10 years. Think about how the world has changed in the past ten years and how our daily lives have changes as a result of what happened. Anyway, Rachel would have been interviewed regardless of what happened with Tiger Woods, because lets face it, people identified with her at the time and her story was a tear jerker. In the past she has said the right things when discussing her fiance' who died in the attacks on the World Trade Towers but this time she said, "I'm almost happy it ended the way it did." She then went on to say that if he was alive she would be fat with three kids and live on Long Island as it would be a bad thing.

So, is she happy he is dead because she is not fat with three kids or is she happy he is dead because it gave her the chance to f**k half of married Hollywood? I don't understand. That being said, grief is something that has to be done at a personal level and maybe this is her way of dealing with grief. Maybe she is grieving again because of the anniversary and having to relive thoughts of what she wish she had done or not done the day of.


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