Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Use For Humanitarian Awards

The man above is a doctor. Wait, let me take that back. He is a doctor, but does not practice because he lost his license for doing coke a few years ago. Somehow though, this did not stop the doctor from receiving a very prestigious humanitarian award in Houston last year.

The doctor is on trial right now in Houston facing charges of domestic violence. Oh, the woman above is his fourth wife and the victim. This is not the first time the doctor has beaten a wife. He was convicted of beating his third wife back in 2002. Do these humanitarian people do background checks? Apparently the couple got into a huge fight shortly after the photo above was taken. During the fight, dishes were breaking and shelves were being smashed and the doctor picked up his humanitarian award and threw it at his wife before being tackled by the family bodyguard.

Yep, they have a bodyguard. Apparently the doctor has a bunch of clinics around the US which specialize in hand injuries, so he is rich. Not attractive, but rich. Oh and a coke user and a wife beater, but he is your Joanne Herring 2010 Humanitarian Of The Year.


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