Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Megan Fox Wants More Money Before She Will Have Kids

I am not sure what to make of an interview Megan Fox gave The Hollywood Reporter, except that it is 14 minutes long and I suffered through it for you. In the interview she was asked about having kids and she says that she wants them and can't wait to have them but that she wants to be financially stable first. Umm, last I checked you made multiple millions last year and your husband did pretty well too. At what point do you become financially stable enough to raise a child? "I have it in my mind about what amount of money I want in the bank so that I can protect that child's future, and really protect it, so that kid never struggles. Once I feel safe with that, then I'll have kids."

So, basically she wants to have a child who never has to work and can get by on the money mom made for the child. What do you suppose her magic number is? I wonder if BAG knows the number? I wonder if she just does not want kids but thought this was a better answer. See, if you do not want kids that is fine but so many celebrities are afraid to come out and actually say they do not want any because they feel it will make them less liked by their fans or potential fans. Do we really think Jennifer Aniston is going to have kids? She keeps saying she wants some, but at some point she is going to have to come up with a new answer. Saying you want kids but are waiting to become financially stable is a fine answer for someone who makes $10,000 a year, but it really seems ridiculous when you have made millions of dollars.


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