Friday, September 30, 2011

Martha Stewart - Not A Fan Of The Holidays

When I was reading excerpts from Alexis Stewart's book, I knew there would be some things about her mom, and I also could sense that perhaps Martha was not the most loving parent of all times, but it turns out Martha is a little bit strange too. I think the craziest part is that Martha is not a big fan of the holidays. I know right? She has magazines and books devoted to the holidays and special episodes of her show are devoted to holidays. But, Alexis says that when Alexis was a child that Martha would give Alexis her presents unwrapped and tell her to wrap them herself. Alexis also says that every Halloween, she was not allowed to dress up or wear any costume and the night consisted of staying at home with all the lights off so no one would think anyone was home and comes ask for candy. Good times.

Apparently there was never anything to eat at the house, just ingredients. Martha would always use the bathroom with the door open even when guests were at the house. She makes people take off their shoes despite the fact there is dog feces and pee on the carpet and floors. Oh, this is a good one. She told Alexis that if she ever had to marry some ugly guy for money to make sure to get pregnant with some good looking guy and to not ever have babies with the ugly guy. So, Martha is basically telling her it is ok to marry solely for money and ok to cheat. It's a good thing.


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