Monday, September 26, 2011

Man Tries 127 Hours Hike - Almost Dies

You know when you wake up in the morning and want to try a hike that almost killed someone that you should probably just go back to sleep until that feeling wears off. It is kind of like the one time I went to this tapas place and saw there were only 20 items on the menu so ordered them all. Do not even get me started on tapas. You spend way more money at a tapas place than a regular place because it is like one bite for everyone. Tell me when you went to a cocktail party and had two bites of something and said you were stuffed. Well, Victoria Beckham excluded.

Anyway, there is this 64 year old man in North Carolina named Amos Richards who decided to try the hike made famous by Aaron Ralston. What happened was pretty similar. Oh, Amos did not have to cut off his arm, but he did fall at almost the same place and shattered his ankle and dislocated his shoulder. He spent the next two days trying to drag himself back to civilization until rescue teams were able to find him.


  1. 127 Hours actually made me a safer hiker.

  2. Well, he got his 15 seconds of fame. Now please go away and stop wasting the tax payers' money for any more of your dumbass behavior.

  3. 127 Hours made not EVER want to rock climb. And leery of hiking. Hopefully, this dude at least told people where he was going?

  4. I get the feeling he was itching for an 127 Hours Part duex possibly with Ed Haris playing him.

  5. I wonder if he was looking for publicity, in which case, he got what he wanted.

  6. I wonder if he was looking for publicity, in which case, he got what he wanted.

  7. there has to be a law or crime on the books when someone clearly does something reckless and wastes emergency services tax money for rescuing these dumb asses. They have to be held responsible for the costs of the recovery.

    It is not cheap to help these idiots.

  8. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Do you get to sleep any during the 127 hours?????

  9. @ Timebob: Some places actually do have that as a law. A couple counties around where I live in Northern California have tried to put in place if you have an accident (even just a regular traffic accident) you will be billed for all emergency services if you aren't a resident of that county (because it's the tax payers who pay for that service).

  10. @New Life and Attitude: That law seems a little ridiculous, unless someone has a LONG history of getting into accidents in other counties. What if I've never had an accident in my life until I get into one in the county with that law? I've been paying taxes in my county, protecting other people, it just happens that I am in an accident outside of it.

    Seems unfair. Plus, those accident services are ridiculously expensive. Having seen the bill for an ambulance ride, I can't imagine paying the firemen, police, etc, as well. It would put basically anyone into debt, and unless someone was being extremely reckless, that's a high price to pay for an accident.

  11. Agreed Anna- god, I wish the U.S. would just have socialized medicine and be done with it already!

    Yes, this man fell and yes it was probably expensive to retrieve him BUT sheesh- nitpicking over who should be rescued or who much they should pay out is RIDICULOUS!

    And Enty- your Tapas tangent is SO TRUE! I loveee me some tapas but it is like a tease--i've routinely spent 20-40$ and am NEVER full for long---its horrible.
