Friday, September 30, 2011

Lana Wood Says Robert Wagner Killed Natalie Wood

One of the things I do enjoy about The Enquirer is they love bringing out the classic old school Hollywood stuff. In an interview they did with Lana Wood, who is Natalie Wood's sister and investigator Marti Rulli, the pair assert that Robert Wagner was responsible for Natalie Wood's death. I agree that this case has always seemed shady and convenient. For those of you who are too young to remember, Natalie Wood was A list. She was also married to Robert Wagner, who was also probably A list or close to it back when Natalie died. Natalie died on a yacht in the middle of the Pacific. On the yacht were the captain, Natalie, Robert Wagner and an actor you may have heard of named Christopher Walken. Christopher and Natalie had just finished making a movie together and Robert was jealous of Christopher. There was a fight the night Natalie died between Robert and Christopher. Wagner smashed a bottle of wine and Chris went to his room and Natalie to hers. Robert followed Natalie and the two began yelling and fighting. The fight moved out to the deck. The next thing you know, Natalie is overboard. Robert would not let the captain turn on the searchlights for Natalie and no one radioed anything in for two hours. Despite all of this, the police bought the story that Natalie was drunk and slipped and that it was an accident. Robert and Chris were not questioned at the scene and were allowed to helicopter home.


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