Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kendra Wilkinson Goes Jada Pinkett Smith Route About Sex - Trashes DWTS Partner

As much as I found it annoying to hear Jada Pinkett Smith constantly talk about all the sex she and Will Smith were having and where they were having it, I knew it was just an attempt to cover-up the fact they are probably having zero sex and are probably not even into each other. I can handle the fact she was overcompensating. Now though Kendra Wilkinson is taking the same approach while talking about her sex life with Hank. In her new book, Kendra Wilkinson mentions sex on every page. Yes, every page. Whether she is having sex on a jet ski, in a car, or not having it in a bed, Kendra wants you to know about it. Her ghostwriter must have said to her, "Is there anything else you want to talk about other than having sex?" Kendra aid, "Oh yeah. I hated my Dancing With The Stars partner, Louis Van Amstel."

Kendra says they fought all the time and she would have had fun if she had not been partnered with Louis. Let me tell you something Kendra. If you had been with someone else, you would have been voted off four weeks earlier. You were not that good. He made you work hard and did not listen to your whining and you ended up staying until week 7. Now, as for your book, I can't imagine why anyone would want to read it and if you do buy it, please explain why. The only acceptable reasons I can think of are gag gifts, fire starter and a self-drinking game where you drink everytime you read the word sex.


  1. If you really want to get sickened about this woman Enty, go to's FB page. There are women with DAUGHTERS who respect this smelly skank. It is just unbelievable to me. I don't even think she is pretty!

  2. I don't think she's cute either. And I thought she liked women more than men? I thought that was the big rumor back in GND days. But honestly, I don't pay much attention to her. Never seen a single episode of her show. And I'm ok with that.

  3. A Playmate that was one of 3 girls f'ing Hugh Hefner mentioning sex all the time in her book? SHOCKING!

  4. Honestly, I'd take a Kardashian over her any day. Yes, they would not be where they are today if it hadn't been for Kim's tape, but at least they actually do some real work - say what you will about their clothing line for Sears, their Dash stores or their perfumes, but at least it's work. Kendra got famous for being naked as well and has yet to get a real job.

  5. That is all she has got and she knows it. Pretty sad that you think that is all you have to offer the world is your body or talking about it. Get a education and grow up. Be a Mom/Wife your Son and Husband will be proud of.

  6. Too true, bluebonnet!

    I can't stand her mouth, her fake smile, or the fact that we talk about her at all.

  7. Cathy - Bite your tongue! a Kardashian is no better then any one! :)

    BTW, is she wearing her 'Thinking' hat?

  8. Ditto-ing what RocketQueen said. Cannot STAND this person.

    She did a decent job on DWTS but if she's slamming Louis--who had to PUT UP WITH HER IDIOTIC SKANK ASS THAT WHOLE TIME--then she can straight-up fuck right on off!

  9. It's true, Rita - the Kardashians might have obscenely more money than they deserve, but at least they have a little bit of a work ethic (compared to Kendra, that is). All she ever does is cry about her baby weight, cry about having to move from one mansion to another mansion and cry about missing her husband, never once doing any work.

  10. Gyahh! I can't even look at her! Stupid, vapid, vacuous. And the sad thing is her husband seems like a nice enough guy. He must be dumb as shit, too.

  11. Cathy - I can't stand the Ks. Just. Can't. don't know why. Every time I hear Kim speak, I feel the need to scratch my nails down a blackboard just to dim the sound of her voice. That morning talk-show host was too kind.

    i always feel bad for feeling so aggressive about someone. Hopefully the whole generation of Kardashians and Kendras will disappear before I learn to get over it.

  12. Run, Hank, run!! And take Hank 4 with you.

  13. I don't like the Kardashian's, but in a lesser of two evils comparison, I'd pick one of them before Kendra.

  14. Vile cow probably just wanted Maks as a partner... god only knows what would of happened there

  15. Anonymous1:04 PM

    She's either high as a kite in this pic or has a serious case of pink eye.

  16. I've always thought that Louis Van Amstel was one of the nicer people on the show, and he coached a few of the other professional dancers on there before DWTS. Kendra should be thanking him for the hard work he put into their time there.

  17. Anonymous2:25 PM

    @RocketQueen - I don't like her mouth either. She's not the least bit pleasing to the eye.

  18. Is she wearing underwear on her head in that picture? I guess she's really "not a-fucking-fraid of elegance!"

  19. @Robert - it's what she calls her 'Thinking Hat'.

  20. Anonymous6:04 PM

    She's just so nasty looking.

    And there's no need to choose, you don't have to choose between a Kardashian and Kendra, they can both go.

  21. Didn't she already have a book? What else could there be to talk about?

  22. she's got some big ole', funky chompers there!
