Friday, September 30, 2011

Justin Theroux Wanted Angelina Jolie

In an interview with Star Magazine that was supposed to be all about the crazy amount of drugs that Justin Theroux has taken in his life, it somehow always has to end up coming back to Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. You just have to have some kind of drama. In the article, Keith Middlebrook, who was an actor in Iron Man 2 with Justin said that he and Justin became friends and that Justin told him about all the drugs he was using and pain killers and booze and was just a mess. He also said they would discuss their fantasy women and Justin's #1 choice was Angelina Jolie. I wonder if that subject ever comes up with Jen. Apparently shortly after the movie ended, Justin went and got sober and is in AA. It must be hard for him to be around pot smoking, tequila loving Jen then. Of course being with the queen of heroin would probably be worse.


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