If this was some tabloid saying that Jennifer Aniston was pregnant we would all know it is crap. I mean they say something like that in one form or another every week and it is never true. I mean at some point, if Jennifer Aniston does get pregnant the entire tabloid world will say they broke the story, they just happened to be a few years off. Anyway, In Touch says that Jessica Simpson is pregnant. She has been pregnant before by the tabloids but not that often. The thing is, their whole justification is based on Jessica sending a glass of champagne back at a birthday party for her unemployed boyfriend. Wait, I am sorry. He is a life coach now. How many clients do you think he has? What he needs to do is write a book about how to date rich women without having a job or being all that attractive.
In Touch even says that Jessica is craving nacho chips with chocolate sauce. It is easy to put up a photo of Jessica looking larger than she has in the past and calling her pregnant, but I just don't know. What do you think? Pregnant?
don't care..
ReplyDeleteToo many blinds lately point to her being at least 6 weeks pregnant. And why not sell her story for some attention? All her adult life has been in the tabloids anyways.
ReplyDeleteGiven her previous need to seem oh so virginal/chaste/conservative Christian, I don't know why she'd endanger her rep with a premarital pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteThen again, who cares anymore? It's not like people won't buy her shoes anymore. Which, I hate to admit, are pretty cute.
i think she is def pregz.
ReplyDeleteProbably. I don't care, but it's something she's wanted for years.
ReplyDeletedidn't Jessica's "virginal/chaste/conservative Christian" go out the door once she was in Dukes of Hazzard and flashing her bod for Carl's Jr ads? that's when she became "sexy" Jessica.
ReplyDeleteI think she's pregnant and if so, good for her. She seems like the type of gal who wants nothing more than to be a wife and mother.
I don't really care but I do have to say....look at them both. That is going to be one hellava good lookin kid.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely preggers.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, it's not an image-killer anymore to be young, single and preggo. Granted, she's not single, but the prudy prude in me believes marriage first; baby second.
Not judging any single parents out there!! I just think raising a child with two people is hard enough; I can't imagine how single folk do it.
Of course these bitches in Hollywood have a staff, so whatevs..
Pregnant....Don't you know Papa Joe is having a screaming fit? Love it. ; )
ReplyDeleteThe K! channel was talking about it last night but I tuned out. I bet she is and I think this is perfect timing because she can put off the wedding she doesn't want to have with him and just let this relationship fizzle out over time in the media. It'll help her save face so to speak with Nick's marriage not that she needs to but you know the tabloids would make her out to be the next heartbroken Jen Anniston that can't get a man if it ended any other way.
ReplyDeleteI think people that do it solo deserve a medal or something. It's no joke.
@bluebonnetmom I don't know that he would be that upset seeing as how her sister has already gone through the same thing.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's just carrying around some extra pounds? I really don't care, I just wish she'd clean up the wardrobe.
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt it - the same report also said she's still planning on getting married in November and I think we all know that's not gonna happen...
ReplyDeleteYawn, don't care.
ReplyDeleteAt 6 weeks pregnant, she is more likely feeling sick as hell or with no appetite and not craving anything.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, that's pretty much the only reason I would send back free champagne ;)
Susan - I think single, RICH mothers with big families probably don't have that hard a time with it ;)
ReplyDeleteTotal WORD, Sue Ellen. Being a single parent is no joke. I give all single parents mad props.
ReplyDeleteI agree Rocket Queen.
I just don't know why anyone should or would care. Oooooh, a celebrity is pregnant. Fascinating! And yes, I get the irony of posting about not caring on a gossip blog but I just don't get why anyone who's ever had their name in the media has to be covered forever and ever. Like that Salahi couple. Why is it news? I'm sure if it wasn't covered, no one would be freaking out dying to know what's going on with them. People would just eventually forget about them.
ReplyDeleteShe does have some nice shoes but I just can't bring myself to contribute a dime to anything with her name on it.
At 6 weeks I didn't even know I was pregnant....it took till week 10, always was irregular...
ReplyDeleteJessica is preggers. THis is a BV I read somewhere yesterday. It will come out within the next 3 weeks or so. Also, she and her fiance are "supposedly" happy about it...though, according to the BV, she will not walk down the aisle until after the birth of the baby.
ReplyDeleteI'm too busy trying to get over the mental image of nacho chips and chocolate sauce. Blech. Two great tastes that are NOT great together.
ReplyDeleteBlind Gossip made a huge deal about this a few days ago (and I had to ROFL at the Jen Aniston guesses). I think its JSimpson and I think its true.
ReplyDeleteGood for her! I hope her relationship with her boyfriend works out, so that she won't be a "single parent".
ReplyDeleteI'd rather see child/ren raised with a single parent than with both parents where one is negligent or abusive.
Eric has to get her preggers, children can't be included in pre-nups and he will need that child support money later in life to live off of.
ReplyDelete@crila - I think you're on to something. I just read on Msn.com that Jessica has postponed the wedding date.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with TimeBob...He's gonna make sure he gets some seed in so he gets support...Worked for Kevin Federline!
ReplyDeleteI read a book about a group of college friends. One of them became a famous pop singer. When she started to slip in popularity her PR people suggested a pregnancy. Its all I can think of now when someone who loves the limelight gets pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised she's never had an "accidental" pregnancy before with any of her other boyfriends since she's so clingy. That's one of the reasons I did agree with the people who guessed her for the BI about the girl who didn't know better than to let the guy go straight from anal to vaginal and got PID Which can affect your fertility.
ReplyDeleteBut really who cares. It's something she always wanted and as long as she's happy paying this guy to go with her to a fertility specialist (assuming the BI was her) and giving her what she wants then so be it.
I still won't buy her stuff though.
I'll say yes, but only b/c she's been papped lately wearing "loose fitting tops" and that is the "tell tale sign" of a celebrity pregnancy. ;)
ReplyDeleteYesterday, the subway stop at 103rd and Broadway, today Old Campus at Yale. This is like "places I used to go to with my ex-wife" week.
ReplyDeleteI hope she ISNT pregnant and that she is just settling into being a little larger than the average starlett or celeb out there.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that women in Hollywood weigh an average of 15% lower body weight than the majority of women in America?!
And we STILL think of them as our ideal?!
I say good for Jess- she looks great in that photo-very comfortable with herself and happy.
And Enty- those digs at her bf for not working are getting irritating and sounding borderline sexist. A man CAN be taken care of by his woman if she feels comfortable doing so and can afford it- it doesnt make him any less a man. Every relationship is different, dont be jealous big guy :-O