Monday, September 26, 2011

Jesse James Cheats On Kat Von D - Again - Does Jesse Have An STD?

Jesse James loves cheating. It is his favorite thing to do. Kat Von D is discovering this and the couple split up again until Kat Von D forgives him again which she will do.

If you go over to Cheaterville, there is a lovely post that someone left on the site which says that Jesse told this woman he and Kat had split which is why it was ok for them to be together. The woman who posted also says that she left her husband to be with Jesse so this makes it a win win for everyone. Oh, and the woman says that Jesse left her something which does not go away. STD?

For her part, Kat went on her Facebook and apologized for all the back and forth confusion to her fans. She says she is not in a relationship right now. I think she takes him back.


  1. I've never watched any of this shows, so I truly do not get the attraction. Saw him in interviews when he was on the apprentice, and thought he dressed like he was in prison.

    What is the attraction? I mean you'd think that anyone with half a brain cell knows that you do not get close within a 10-inch pole to anyone who had slept with either Paris Hilton or that McGee Nazi person.

    It's just common sense.

  2. So does Jesse have an STD....just one ?

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    This man emulated Hitler in a photo that was published in every tabloid (it seems). Why is his sorry ass still getting attention?

  4. I for one hope they get back together. The more sex they have with each other, the fewer people they infect.

  5. Ditto MISCH! Shouldn't the question be how many STD's?

  6. He told his side piece that he and Kat were over and it was ok. Isn't that what he told Bombshell WhatsHerFace about Sandra??? I still don't understand why Sandra was ever with this sleezeball.

  7. Was she in Nightmnare Before Christmas? She looks like an evil jack o lantern....

  8. This is funny. I saw his post there a day ago or so, and blew it off as a joke.

  9. Does this mean Sandra has an STD? If the gift "never goes away," that makes me think of herpes. Does that mean Sandra has it too?

    I doubt Kat would notice. She acts like the type to spend her free days getting shots for her stuff and is probably already on Valtrex. Her ex-boyfriend was Nikki Stixx or was it Tommy Lee? I get them confused.

  10. Lets be honest....most of the actors and actress's who make this blog have the Herp...there is a site that lists the ones they know about...
    Brad Pitt's been on for years
    Jennifer Aniston, ScarJo, Ryan Reynolds...and on and on

    They say 1 in 4 or 5 have it in the real world, I guess Hollywood is 2 out of 3.

  11. LOL@RocketQueen

    What a dumb ass that guy is!!

  12. Just read on the that they have proof Ashton cheated on Demi last weekend. I'm only posting here to ask if anyone knows of any blind items this may have fit recently.

  13. This guy is an idiot. However, enty has hinted before that she was cheating as well? Anyone else recall this?

    Princess - enty revealed a BI about Demi & Ashton...they've been over for a while, just not officially.

  14. Kat looks 6 months pregnant here.

    The fact that Sandra Bullock was with him really makes me question HER. I mean, there's bad taste in men, then there's *marrying* the biggest idiot sleazeball imaginable. I mean, *really*???

  15. I remember when you only saw people like them in a sideshow!

  16. I am sorry, but anyone who gets involved with this human scab needs to realize he is gonna give you some disease or another. Sorry for this gal .. but what did she expect?

    Now, as to the site itself, oh my god! Did you read some of the other posts? Dear god! Apparently, they no longer teach grammar, spelling or punctuation in school. : / .. Wow.

  17. @Figgy---ITA

    I am ashamed of myself to think so, cause I feel like its sexist to cast doubts on her character because of who she choose to be with (but I still do)

    He is just so over the top--with the macho dickish misogynistic behavior-the cheating-the Hitler shit.....I DO question her a bit for her choices pertaining to him.

    However, I can see the physical appeal- he looks very 'manly' and is reputed to be great in bed with a big d--k. So yeah, not totally without some sex appeal. And if he's spending time with the Kat Von D's and Boobshit McGee's of the world, odds are sex appeal is pretty high on their list of requirements in a man--if not the only requirement.

  18. I used to have such a huge crush on Jesse James (but I like the bad boy look). I loved his show Monster Garage and I really loved him on The Apprentice. He is actually a smart business man. I was absolutely crushed when all the shit came out right after Sandra won the Oscar. The hitler stuff, all the cheating, just absolutely blew me away. I can't stand Kat anymore (though I do still think she is one hell of a tattoo artist and would love for her to do a portrait of my dogs on my back, but then that would mean she would have to touch me and I would have to listen to her talk, and I couldn't do any of that so I'll just find a talented person that I like) so like Cathy said - I hope they get back together so that they can't infect any one else.

  19. There was a rumor/blind about a year ago about Ashton & Demi, saying that they aren't legally married at all...something about being in a hurry and the license didn't come through...
    Now I remember Mick Jagger & Jeri Hall weren't legally married either, the got married in Bali in a Buddhist ceremony, but they had kids and he paid....
    So this will be interesting.

  20. didn't anyone see the interview he did, (w/ tears even) about his childhood? its not his fault! (cue violin music).

    (once a cheater....)

  21. I would be interested to know how many STDs these 2 have between them. I always got a gay vibe from Sandra. I thought she married him for a beard. She seems too smart for someone like Jesse James.
