Thursday, September 29, 2011

Holly Madison Insures Her Breasts For $1M

When I first heard about Holly Madison insuring her breasts for $1M, I thought it was just some type of publicity stunt she thought up to get herself some attention. However, when I read it, she made a whole lot of sense. Way more than when Jennifer Lopez supposedly insured her butt for millions. That was a stunt. She probably insured it, but it was all for the attention. Holly says, "I've heard about people getting body parts insured and I thought, why not?, because if anything happened to my boobs, I'd be out for a few months and I'd probably be out a million dollars."

She makes a good point, she probably would be out and maybe if she had to get an implant replaced it would not look the same or whatever. The thing is she also realizes that it is because of her boobs that she is famous. Well, that and having sex with an old guy which got her on a reality show which led to her Vegas gig and another reality show all of which she got because she got a boob job. See how everything comes back into a circle.


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