Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eric Johnson Is Now A Life Coach

I guess I can't call Jessica Simpson's boyfriend unemployed anymore. Pimpa Joe probably told him he needed to get a job somewhere so it looks like he is at least trying to make an effort to contribute. It is not like the guy works for a company. He works for himself. He was probably sitting around drinking with his buddies and flashing the credit card Jessica gave him to use but only for emergencies and needed to come up with a job. Someone suggested life coach. The next thing you know he is one. Here is advice to all of you out there. Find someone rich, kiss their butt and hope they marry you. In the meantime, enjoy free trips, food, no rent and sexual napalm.

Do you think his lack of a job is the reason Jessica does not want to marry him now? Oh sure, she is still dating the guy, but I think the odds of a marriage lessen everyday.


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