Friday, September 30, 2011

Crystal Harris Running Out Of Money - Auctioning Engagement Ring

After trying to find someone to buy her engagement ring privately, but finding no one who was willing to give her the price she wanted, Crystal Harris is selling the engagement ring Hef gave her through Christie's auction house. The ring is expected to get between $20K-$30K which will probably be all the money Crystal makes this year because she is under the impression that she is huge star and cannot work a regular job. I think what she is discovering is that there are thousands of others just like her in Hollywood and that her publicity stunt did not work.


  1. Egads! What a ring. She's dumb as a box of rocks, isn't she. The ring I would need, to marry someone that much older than me, would look nothing like that. It would actually have to eclipse at least three fingers. At least. I could whore with the best of them!

  2. Wasn't she supposed to return it? I can't remember the etiquette rules but if she called it off, the etiquette is she should return it. However, she doesn't appear to be Miss Manners.

  3. Etiquette is one thing but I'm pretty sure that legally since she left him the ring still belongs to him.

  4. Ms Cool - you cannot connect Etiquette with Crystal Harris. It just isn't done.

  5. I believe in CA, it is considered a gift, regardless of who "calls it off". But I am not an expert in engagement ring law.

  6. @Lauren, it is a gift dependent on marriage, if he dumped her she gets to keep it. If she is the one that backs out or they mutually agree to end the engagement then he can recover the ring. See California Civil Code 1590.

  7. Ms. Cool - Hef specifically went out of his way and told everyone he told Crystal to keep the ring. So of course she did. Classy of him, actually.

    I had actually totally forgotten about this trick. Little blessings.

  8. I guess I don't get the Playboy Playmate thing, because I don't think she's attractive at all. And that horrible weave she's wearing...lawd have mercy.

  9. It's actually kind of shocking that she's already down to trying to get money for the ring. Boy that went fast, huh? And Enty absolutely is correct: There is nothing -- absolutely nada -- about her physically that stands out and makes anyone know her from hundreds of thousands if not millions of women. I would not know a photo was of her as opposed to just any blonde without a caption identifying her. And I barely remember her name even just in the length of time it's taken me to write this.

  10. Supposedly this was a $90K ring that she is willing to sell for $20K to $30K? Pretty heavily discounted. Hugh did tell her she could keep the ring. It was my understanding that you were to return the ring if the engagement fell through. After the wedding, that ring is yours whether you divorce or not.

  11. Kind of off the subject but I think that Playboy show is pretty good. Better than I expected.

  12. A gift given in contemplation of marriage should be returned to the giver if the marriage fails to occur unless the giver doesn't want the item returned. But shoulda, coulda, woulda and possession are all very fluid concepts in what is usually an emotionally overwrought time.

  13. dumb dumb dumb. She should've married him, stuck it out for a year, THEN divorce and try to give interviews. She missed that gravy train.

  14. Can't get into this prostitution ring that is Playboy. They both disgust me but Heff more than Harris. Stupid asses! They both got what they deserved. Hugh, Sit The F*ck Down and eat your metamucil. Crys, head to Vegas and serve drinks at a DARK strip club & let the pretty strippers do their thing. Ugh!

  15. After reading all the posts (all of which I agree with wholeheartedly) I have to ask shiny_special_one:

    How can you tell it's a weave? I mean really, I must be blind or something, but I can never tell when someone is wearing a weave.

    Please note that I don't doubt you. But hear my plaintive cry: How can you tell?
