Casey Anthony Headed For Mental Hospital
The National Enquirer is reporting that Casey Anthony is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and could be headed to a mental hospital if things do not change. Apparently in her therapy sessions she has been exhibiting multiple personality disorder. Her parents spoke about that on Dr. Phil and I think one of her ex-boyfriends said she used to have seizures which caused her to turn into different people. I didn't know seizures could do that. I know her mom would like to believe that seizures from Casey were the reason Caylee died. I don't really care what happens to Casey Anthony as long as she never makes a buck of the death of Caylee. Unfortunately though I will probably not get my wish. With the state of Florida trying to get $200K from Casey, she is going to be left with no choice but to write a book or hit the talk show circuit or something to raise cash. Plus there is the pesky thing about attorneys fees.