Tuesday, September 20, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

In the last month you’ve have seen pics of these two C listers, who are famous for being famous, going to dinner together. The rumor is that while one was in the bathroom, the other star spit several times into the absent star’s dinner.


  1. Lindsay and Paris? Lindsay spitting in Paris' soup of course. Who else plays little-minded games but Lindsay?

  2. How can a C lister be a star?

  3. Name recognition, paparazzo pictures?

  4. TMNT, Lindsay is a d-lister but she would still be a star. I don't think this is her but she would fall under both categories.

  5. Eh, if it is Lindsay or Paris, it's not like either of them would have eaten the food anyways... besides, it certainly wouldn't be the worst thing either of them has ever ingested.

  6. disputing C list thing aside, I like the Lindsay and Paris idea. I could see either of them spitting in the others food. Except would it matter? Do they really actually EAT the food? lol

    I don't have any other ideas so I'm open to possibilities.

  7. Good point Cathy. Except I can imagine the cattiness. Lindsay having to stay drug free, not alcohol free, will not be able to go to the bathroom, and Paris shoving it in her face and going more times then needed.

  8. The whole time I was reading this I was laughing out loud and thinking about Ida's disgust at the stupidity of these BuzzFoto blinds. I am with Ida. These have got to be made up - and by someone who is still bitter that they didn't get a date to the prom...

  9. Today Paris showed Lindsay how it's done: the judge told Paris' lawyer that he is in awe of her work (wtf??!!!) That instead of only doing 200 hours of community work, she had completed 228 hours.

    1- good for Paris
    2- Would you ever thought you would live in a world where Paris Hilton shows off her goody works to a Lindsay Lohan?


  10. Rita - I don't count court-mandated community service as goody work. I also don't think she meant to exceed her requirement; I'm pretty sure she just sucks at math :)

  11. Cathy - Ha! point well taken. But the fact of the matter is that Paris exceeded her court-mandated community service, where Lindsay is pretty much far behind and would have to work full time to catch up to her mandate.

  12. Exactly what was Paris' community service? I hope it was working at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen or even wearing an orange safety vest while picking up trash on the highway.

  13. If this is Paris/Lindsay, this is right along their level of class.

  14. 28 hours is a long time for a loser like Paris; I think her PR people saw an opportunity to market her as non-LiLo.

  15. What about Paris and Petra Ecclestone? They were photographed together recently.
