Friday, September 16, 2011

Brad Pitt's Marriage To Jen - Not So Great

In an interview with Parade Magazine, Brad Pitt talks about being satisfied with his life and his family and loves Angelina Jolie and blah blah blah. Then he gets to the good stuff. He says that his marriage to Jennifer Aniston was not that great. He said that his life was boring and "I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn't."

I guess sitting on the couch all day smoking pot got boring pretty fast. Right after the excerpts from the interview was released, Brad tried to do some damage control and said that Jennifer is great and a friend and that she was not dull, he was dull. Uh huh.

He also said in the interview that his life was just not that interesting with Jennifer but now that he has Angelina and the kids his life is interesting. No response from Jen yet. Angelina is probably smirking.


BrandieMarie said...

can we just copy and past the covno from yesterday's article? lol

BigMama said...

I was a little surpised by this (the fact that he spoke of it at all) until I remembered that he has a movie coming out and there is already some Oscar buzz around it. Frankly, I think he has picked up a few tricks from Angie.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Who cares. Obviously his relationship/marriage with Jen A wasn't that great cause if it was there is no way Angelina, or anyone else, could have broken it up.

How long does it take for a break up to become a nonstory? 10 years? 30? Geez.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Ha! I had the exact same thought as bnl1016.

They're ALL boring as hell.

Patty said...

He sat around all day smoking pot?

What a prize!

MISCH said...

He still sits around smoking pop...and Angie has her own vices...

AKM said...

While it's probably true that no one can break up a HAPPY marriage, for him to even talk about it now and to describe it as he has shows that he has no integrity. He's lost my respect, that's for sure.

Rita said...

Having read the whole article, I thought he was quite un-classy. If you are a gentlemen, you always speak a king word about your exes and move the conversation to another subject.

Anyway he tries to put it, he clearly states that during the time he was married to Jennifer Aniston, his life was boring and lacked meaning. Whether true or not, when in the public eye, or even in private, you don't say shit like that. I bet Jennifer could say a few things about what a lazy pot-smoking skank he was during their marriage.

I hate it when he helps Aniston look like an angel.

Doc Girl said...

Yeah, it's called having a movie to sell.

Chrissy Buns said...

i ended up thinking he was a big fat old jerk after i read his interview. he is just as full of himself as Angie-Jo is, they are perfect for each other!

skeeball said...

what a shithead. He really has learned alot from Angie, hasn't he? She knows to trot out the kids and say Brad is the best she has ever had when she has a movie to sell and he knows if he brings up Aniston, people will read the article and maybe go see the movie. So Classy. So it seems they all don't want to let it die, as they know it will sell the movies. He looks like a total dick, though, and Angie's puppet.

Feisty said...

I cut him some slack on this. I believe that only boring people get bored (unless you're trapped somewhere like an airplane).

It sounds like he was saying a variation of that, that he was bored, and it was his fault because he was boring. I didn't read it as totally blaming the marriage for that.

I also believe that he could have found a way to make his life more exciting/less boring with Aniston if they had both tried. Maybe that's what caused the marriage to break. Maybe it was Angie's magic vagina that caused them to break. Whatever. I don't think talking about the 90's now makes him a dick.

Like someone pointed out, this is a story that repeats itself everywhere all the time with non-famous people. He clearly wanted press with bringing the marriage up, and he got it. Mission accomplished.

califblondy said...

So he's happy now, good for him, but he shouldn't have referred to his former marriage. Tacky.

But, it got him in the news and with a movie coming out I guess that's all that matters.

msgirl said...

Eh, I think this is a major case of foot-in-mouth, to me it sounds more like he was talking about himself - being bored with who he was and his life (ie pretty boy) - than JA herself.

parissucksliterally said...

He looks like such a dick now.

jbdean_79 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
__-__=__ said...

How long? How long did we talk about Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton?? Sad, isn't it.

Lady J said...

Really a non-story when you think about it. This story has been talked about for far too long. I don't give a rats ass what he says about his ex, he can say whatever the hell he wants. He was just being honest about how he feels, reality is he wasn't happy. He said his life was boring before, in no way did he say Jennifer was the reason for him being bored, he said he was bored with what he was doing with his life.

I believe he was bored because in the last few years of his marriage (before Angie) he was constantly talking about having children, something his wife wasn't. I don't know if they discussed it, if she wanted to wait for her career to take off or what, but I honestly believe it was a compilation of things that led to the downfall of their marriage, Angelina was just the catalyst that got him to leave. He fell in love, and whether we like it or not they are still together. Hell their relationship is longer than his and Aniston's was so people really need to GET THE FUCK OVER IT. I like him and Angie, (Jennifer is like watching paint dry but I don't hate her like some do) but I honestly believe he is happier now with her than he was before because he has what he always wanted, a family.

Linnea said...

jbdean_79, I completely agree with you about the charity work. I admire that.

Also, where does a magic vagina end up on the "good in bed" scale? Before or after sexual napalm?

SpunkyPR said...

Okay, i'm so tired of how he got away with being a complete a$$hole. Jennifer is now dull, boring and selfish, Angelina is a homewrecker and Brad is a saint? Gee, what's the common denominator here? I'm not an Aniston or Angelina fan but I wish he would just man up and say how much of a dick he is and we can all move on.

RocketQueen said...

I'm with jbdean and Sue Ellen. Brad sounds HAPPY to me now, and while it might not have been the classiest move telling everyone how unsatisfied he was with Jen, hopefully all the "homewrecker" people will zip it now. Dude wasn't happy. Now he is. Moving on.

Maja With a J said...

"Angelina is probably smirking".


Henriette said...

These three always trot this crap out when their is a movie to sell. Pitt is a dick. He cheated on his wife with another broad. Period. It happens everyday. Why do I have to buy a mag to read about it?

Now he is setting himself up to look like a twit when his relationship with AngieJo goes to hell. Everyone knows it is just a matter of time. Hollyweird marriages/coupledom/whatever that last are EXTREMELY rare. I think one has a better chance of winning the lottery than being in one of these relationships that last.

Pitt just sealed his fate.

Sis said...

Sorry, I still like him. I remember way back then one of the problems with his marriage to JA was that he wanted to do more meaningful things, she did not, he wanted kids, she did not. It's only a matter of time before that goes down hill.

JA knows the truth but she is too cowardly to set the record straight, instead we still get the JA vs AJ hoopla again.

I respect the charity work that Brad Pitt does even when he does not have too, I just respect it.

Ellen said...

Dulliston will have her People (Handler, Huvane, various Sources) take care of this so she will remain spotless.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

I AGREE SIS...Sometimes the truth hurts but, is it our business? That's a different question.

His marriage is his and JA's need to tell this info.

Hate guys that kiss and tell, besides the tabloids already wrote on this.

Maybe that's why he decided to confirm it, because everyone already knew anyway.

Reese said...

Brad is not aging well; physically or emotionally. Tacky interview.

AndrewBW said...

Sorry, but if I could sit around all day smoking pot with jennifer Aniston (assuming I wasn't already married of course) I'd do it in a heartbeat. Angelina Jolie? Meh.

MytwoCents said...

Umm, hello? do any of you Brad defenders remember this?

Brad and Jen are over. I get it. And yes, Brad is really happy now. Angie might really be the best thing that has happened to him. But what they did was selfish. I think of course Angie is to blame, but it is Brad who made the marriage vows and HE's the one who chose to break them. This is just rubbing it in. he hurt someone. Can't he just let it go. I don't care about his opinon or his side of the story or if Jen didn't want to have his babies. He was her husband, he cheated and he publicly humiliated her. Have a heart dude! I think Angie is actually more sensitive to this than Brad. It is what it is, but instead of trashing Jen, why can't Brad just defend Angie and say somthing that isn't comparing the two. Angie took the blame for Brad and Jen's split and he didn't come to her defense.

Why this interview upsets me is because it sounds like he dumped Jen because he felt bored. Defend him all you want, but if you are married and say you are bored, you are in essence saying that your spouse was boring. We all know he cheated on Jen. Why rub salt in the wound? He sopunds like he is trying to justify his cheating because she was boring.

MISCH said...

When I look at Brad Pitt he's just a shell.....Angie sucked the life out of him.....and as far as how happy he is time will tell......
They live like gypsy's, dragging the kids from county to country....
We'll see how they turn out...
And as far as charity work...some people are private, I bet we'd be surprised at who gives and supports causes privately. I wouldn't want anyone to know what I was doing...some things come from the heart, its no ones business .
And as far as I'm concerned that article was in poor taste.

Rita said...

Andrew, my hero. Actually, Aniston will sit with you smoking pot all day, but Angie has more of a rep for shooting up and leaving you to deal with the kids.

Anonymous said...

Is it me, or does the guy talk TOO much about being happy? I find when someone has to tell me how happy they are, and how wonderful their life is, it's simply not the case. If this man were truly content and living the life he'd always dreamed, he wouldn't be bending over backward telling us - or, more like trying to convince us.

Bit dams said...

i lover me some brad pitt. but whe i saw this, i thought stfu. and it occured to me that maybe he LIKES the angelina vs jen a fight card in his honor.

Amartel said...

Boring old Jen is certainly interesting enough to bring up when you want to create buzz to get people to come to your new movie.

You're not the sharpest tool in the box there. Brad.
Better hope that hot don't run all the way out too soon.

Aoife said...

I look at this a little differently.

Aniston has been playing the martyr card for how long now? It takes two to make a marriage work and two to make it fail. Will we ever know the truth? Maybe not in our lifetimes.

Maybe Brad got sick of all the snide remarks and predictions/wishes that he and Angelina will break up soon. He's been in the business a long long time and knows how the game is played. What he's saying here is that his marriage wasn't what some people want to believe it was and that people need to move on.

Aniston hasn't replied (or had someone reply for her) because I don't think she expected him to ever be this blunt and say back the fuck up. She will reply but she has to get her sack cloth and ashes out first.

nancer said...

gee, i think i understand what he was saying. he was bored with his LIFE, and his marriage at the time was part of his LIFE. i totally get it---i was there once myself.

so fucking what? he's happy now and i'm happy for him. i don't think people should beat him up for the rest of his life because he fell in love with AJ. life's short, after all.

Rita said...

Maybe Jen Aniston could totally support him by describing what a self-centered pot-smoking bore he was during their marriage.

Jeri said...

What a douche! Who compares their former and present partners publicly in an interview!

You didn't see Elizabeth Taylor & Burton doing this kind of sh-t.

Seems like Brad gets his orders from Angie and hops to it. Must obey immediately.

Again, what a Douche!

Unknown said...

*eyes glazing over*

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Maja - HA! Nobody can do it as well as The Jolie. ;)

I'm glad he clarified his remarks). I still don't understand why he couldn't have said that years ago. They were different people, wanted different things. Happens all the time. And I kind of wonder if he HAD, would there have been all this endless speculation? If ANYTHING, at least this MIGHT stop the idiots out there that think they might still get back together one day. ;)

Jessi said...

I really thought I was going to be the only one to think this was soooo tacky. I like all three of them but seriously can we just stop talking about the love triangle that doesn't exist anymore! Ugh.

ecua said...

I don't think Brad Pitt breathes without Bitchelina Jolie's say so, so I have no doubt she's behind this brouhaha.
That said, Brad Pitt doesn't look THAT bad...for a guy who's nuts reside in his baby mama's anorexic fist.

Mango said...

Maybe he was stoned when he said that?

WTG, Brad. Very classy. Open mouth, insert foot.

Renee said...

i think that he's saying that he was not "out" and honest with jennifer and was living a lie. with angie on the other hand.. everything is out in the open. he's free to be his true self plus is enriched by the wonderful family they've built. it's a hollywood relationship. a very successful one at that.

nunaurbiz said...

I remember an interview I think with Jen not long after they got married in which she talked about how different they were. she liked to watch gory cop/medical shows while they ate dinner and he liked documentaries (I think is how it goes) that bored her. At the time I thought, well, they are getting used to each other's habits and now it's clear other than chemistry, they didn't have a helluva lot in common.

The Black Cat said...

Jeri and __-__=__ , I was thinking about Liz and Dick too and how Debbie and Liz made a movie together many years later :0 I wonder if Jen and Ang will do the same?

MISCH said...

Did anyone read Michael K's take on this ? He connected it with a blind....
Brad is whipped, and even though he cheats on Angie he's afraid of her..this is one F--kup relationship.

lunabelle said...

He was not trashing her but himself, the way I read it.
Glad he found some happiness, hope we all do!


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