Thursday, September 15, 2011

Anna Faris Has No Actress Friends

Anna Faris is interviewed this month in Marie Claire and some parts of it are refreshing simply because she is the kind of person who does not really care what anyone else thinks about her. I have gone through periods where I was not a fan of her and still think she should not have agreed to do that rape scene in Observe And Report. Rape is not comedy. Ever. In the article she discusses the fact that her first marriage fell apart because she was more famous than her husband. Well, her new husband is not exactly making millions of bucks which is probably why this one is very creaky too. When someone gives a monthly magazine interview rather than a weekly magazine you never know whether that relationship might end before the issue is published.

She says that after her first marriage broke up she decided to get a boob job and drink everyday and just stay inside and never change clothes. She makes it sound funny, but this is fairly common. Most of us wake up every morning and go to a job. We are forced to get up, presumably shower and change clothes and participate in the real world. If you work in movies, you might work for three months and then not work for two. What do you all day? You don't have to do anything so you don't.

She also says she has no actress friends. Well, maybe it is because you said that you would love to be roofied someday. She says that in order to meet actresses she has to call their agents and then set up a meeting and the ones she meets at events are too stuffy. Anyway, I will say that her new movie looks funny and will probably be seen by me on DVD. Oh, and if you have never seen her in Just Friends, you should do that tonight.


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