Friday, September 23, 2011

Alex McCord & Simon Van Kempen Beg For Their Jobs

Apparently Alex McCord and Simon Van Kempen really do not want to have regular jobs anymore. I think they have probably spent every penny of their Housewives money and all the money they got from events and promotional appearances and probably thought the money train would never stop. Now that they have been fired though, that train not only stopped, it threw on the emergency brakes, kicked them off and sped off before they could catch their breath.

So, what are two people who love fame going to do about it? They are going to the Bravo offices in New York and beg Andy Cohen for their jobs back. It is kind of sad actually that the be all end all of your existence is being on a cable reality show and that you need it to survive. I think the couple has grown addicted to the fame and I think there is still hope for them to get back on the air if Alex runs off with some other member of Journey or if Simon does the same.

Of course their begging will probably be aired which would probably satisfy them as long as there is a paycheck.


  1. I do not like these two and this is exactly the reason why. I feel like if I were in the same room as them I'd need a shower afterwards.

  2. Ha ha haaaa! "If Alex or Simon runs off with a Journey member" ---good one, Enty!

  3. I didn't like them at first, but they grew on me. Love her blogs on the other RH shows, too.

  4. They're so obnoxious, they're fun. I hope Andy Cohen reconsiders and lets them come back.

  5. They are so desperate, but the cute yet annoying desperate. Like the aunt you have to invite over on the holidays. The only line from Kelly I ever liked was when they were at an art gallery opening and Simon and Alex walk in and Kelly says "They would show up to an opening of an envelope."

  6. Yes, bits, that was funny. And I'm sure someone whispered that in her ear (over and over and over again until she got it right) LOL

    Not sad at all about Jill Zarin, Kelly and Cindy getting the ax. The funniest thing about Cindy was when she was SOOOO frazzled at taking care of just ONE of her kids at LUNCH with her parents that she had to call a nanny in and then panicked at the thought of having two of them on a road trip! LMAO!

  7. I feel like there is so much more to the story of the 3 ladies getting fired than we have heard.

  8. @bits: Outtakes from Kelly's quip:

    "They can open an envelope. ... What? ... They can show how to open an envelope. ... What? ... They would open an envelope at a show ... What? ...."

    Hee hee

  9. @nunaurbiz
    Totally right on! Thanks for the good laugh

  10. They could hang out with Kate (Jon & Kate + 8) and talk about "dem were the days that wuz."

  11. I kind of have mixed emotions about them not being on the show, along with Jill. They definitely added something to the show. Jill was one of my favorites until her and Bethanny had the falling out and ever since then she has been a crazy assed bitch! But her and Ramona's fights were always classic!

    As for Alex and Simon - I just loved seeing what dumbass get up he was going to wear. And then of course we have her modeling poses (which rank up there with Ramona's).

  12. I would have much rather had Luann get fired. Alex & Simon were my favorite part of the show. Don't know if I'll watch next year.

  13. More people I have never heard of. I think I'm getting it now--every time I see names I don't recognize in headlines on this blog, I will know that they must be more Real Housewives people.

  14. This is the other Sherry. I find all these reality stars hurting nothing but poetic justice. Let them hustle like real actors and experience the heartbreak everyone of them knows.

  15. Good! I hope they do get their jobs back because Alex was on the only housewife I genuinely like and think is a decent human being. She may be fame hungry, but so are the other housewives. And as someone who recently left the NYC job market after watching tons of my colleagues lose their jobs, I can assure you it's not easy to find a new job in NYC just now. They don't have a divorce settlement or a business to keep them afloat, so I can see why they don't want to lose their income. Personally, I like seeing an educated, intelligent and strong couple on TV. I think they're a great example of how to make a marriage work. They also use their fame to fight for something other than themselves - remember the gay marriage rally that Sonja made all about her?

    I know I'd rather see that selfish, poor excuse of a human being LuAnn go and bring back Alex. Posters on other boards have said the same. Many of us won't watch LuAnn. I know I won't.

  16. I've never watched a Real Housewives of_____ show ever in my life (RH virgin here!! *waves*). But since these headlines are being shoved down our throats everywhere, I'm going to agree with @Lauren. I think there is more to the story than we know about.

  17. i stopped watching this show because of jill and alex (and her freak husband). arn't these all the people that bethany didn't get along w/? she must be laughing her skinny girl ass off.

  18. @Lauren - I think Bravo really just wanted fresh meat.

    Simon has his bizarre wardrobe and Alex has been trying to drum up more drama and confrontations with the other housewives, but there's really not much interesting about these two. The firing is sad, however, because Silex probably need the money for Esperanto and harp lessons for their two horrid little boys, Francois and Johan.

  19. I bet Jill is stunned. She thinks the reality universe revolves around her. Bitch. But I liked Alex and Simon. They're a bit nutso.

  20. I don't mind Alex/Simon either.

    I didn't realize they were living soley off RH money though? I thought Alex was a graphic designer (or something)??

  21. I second everything KatD said. Alex was my favorite and I probably won't even watch now.
