Friday, September 30, 2011

15,000 Posts

Last Friday I wrote post number 15,000 which seem kind of ridiculous if you think about it. Can you imagine how many were wasted on the Kardashians or Paris or Lindsay? Along with those 15,000 posts are a whole slew of comments. Comments are what makes this site go. I have the best, most intelligent, and funny readers on the planet. I just do. From the early days of the wild west like commenting when it was anonymous and led to thousand comment posts on what the angle of the sun would be at any certain point to today where everyone has to sign in and the trolls have generally been eliminated.

One thing I have always advocated is that you can take whatever shots you want at me. I throw them out all day so I should be able to take what anyone throws back. In November it will be five years of doing this site everyday and I think I have probably deleted 200 comments and about 150 of those were from Les Suckno or one of his friends. Say anything you want about me. I draw the line though when a commenter goes against another commenter to the point it becomes a death threat. That is not fun and not nice and is not in the spirit of what this site is about. Although Blogger cannot ban anyone, I do have the capability to throw commenters into a spam folder before their comments can be approved and posted. I really don't want to have to take that step. I know things can get heated and violent, especially when deciding what liquor goes best with bacon. In case you were wondering it is tequila. Something about the smokiness of the tequila matching the bacon. I am making myself hungry now. Where was I? Oh yeah, so please, remember this is just gossip and entertainment and some crazy human interest stories and not worth pulling out the insults and threats. Save that for when Paris decides to release another record.


  1. Enty,

    Thank you for the commentary you provide each day. Sometimes work is so boring and dreary that I look forward to CDAN each working day ;>.

    Thank you for the reminders about general civility on the boards too. It is much needed.

  2. Cool! I come to this website to make fun of celebrities and for some light entertainment. When the comments get personal, I lay low for a while. I've never understood why you would attack someone in the comments. Get a life trolls. I don't understand attacking Enty either. If you don't like this website, don't click here. I look forward to the reveals!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for such a fun site, you sexy blogger you!


  5. This site is my fun diversion and favorite site to come to. I appreciate how many posts you can do in a day. I also appreciate the favor you did for me by posting about the magazine I was looking for. Thank you so much.

    Here is my constructive criticism:

    Less Lindsay Lohan, Kardashians and


    Thank you!!!

  6. Remember when Nightmare Child said he was going to cut someone's throat and shit in the wound? I wonder where that scamp has gone to?

  7. Please Les. Stop. Jeff Cohen is a hot guy, not a tub...and that is if he still is really running this blog.

  8. Thank you Enty for your post. Always glad to remind people not to go beyond civilized banter, and death threats are absolutely unacceptable wherever you are.

    This site, with the expectation of a new Rocket Prince or Princess, is like a new adopted clan. Have made new eFriends over her, and love them all in their diversity. From smelling armpits, to freaky old-monkey faces.

  9. Thanks for being one of my favorite reads during the day. Although I second what Ms Cool said above: no more of any of Lindsay, Paris, Kim K and their ilk. :)

  10. And blind item reveal days? LOVE!

  11. Les, every single one of your comments about those celebrities is common knowledge. No need to hear it from Enty.

    This and DListed are the only two gossip sites I read. Love them both. And love the commenters on both sites.

  12. Gee, I can't imagine why you'd have to remove any of Les Suckno's comments. Keep up the great job Enty. I check in every day from Toronto and my only complaint is that you're 3 hours behind out there in La La land so I have to wait until noon to get my fix!

  13. Les, I'm pretty sure the reason he removes your comments has more to do with the avatar pics you have than what you say. The porn stills are a bit much, ya know?

  14. I Love Love Love this blog. L O V E IT!!!!

  15. I Love Love Love this blog. L O V E IT!!!!

  16. Rut roo, I think Enty is going to be mad! ; )Les, I think that the comments you have made will get you sued faster than Enty. TC loves to sue people and the Scientologists could make your life a living HELL from what I have read about them. You might dial it back just a smidge.

  17. Quite a few of ENT's fans appreciate the photographic record of my sexual exploits and have contacted me for hookups. You'd be surprised. Very surprised.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My lawyers are better than his. I have no worries.

  20. With this crowd, I might not. ;|

  21. I enjoy spending lunch every day with my fellow CDAN readers and ENTY.

    For what it's worth - I really enjoy all of you and wish you all well.

  22. Enty, this morning I awoke to the smell of bacon. Mind you, I also live downwind of the local Schniders' Meats plant (Canadian meat/meat products). It made me smile, and so does this site.

    Hope you have a smile today, and perhaps some bacon.

  23. Congratulations! And I'm just rolling here laughing at Les's posts!! Very funny for Friday. Now stop it Les before the network nazis install a ban for the site and I can't read here any more. Like they did for DListed. Very entertaining here and I guess I've been reading for all five years and commenting for most of them. Greatest posters here ever! Keep up the good work. Without the posts on the Kardashians. Or Paris.

    I like tequila but really prefer a bloody mary with my bacon. To each his own!

  24. Kelly Ripa is black?

  25. I try to amuse but tend to offend.

  26. I have been reading this site off and on for the last 3 years. I love it and it is sometimes the only break I get in my day. By the way Enty, they sell bacon smelling soap now. I don't suggest getting it, you might wake up with your fingers in your mouth. ;)

  27. The only Les item that confuses me is Kelly Ripa.

    Love you Enty!!!

  28. God this site is entertaining. I've been a tad bit worried about The Nightmare Child - I wonder what happened to him...

  29. @KLM

    Me too, in a weird way. Remember when he started talking about having the day picked out that his life would be over? What if that day came?

  30. Thanks for this post, Enty. There was definitely a post in the last week or so that seemed to me to cross the line in terms of wishing another poster dead. That makes me uncomfortable even when posters are talking about Lilo ;)

    Overall, though - love this site and the posters. We may not always agree, but healthy discussion is half the fun! Keep on rollin', big guy!

  31. I'm with Vicki - this and Dlisted are the only 2 gossip sites I read. And like others here, when people on here start getting too personal and attacking each other (usually because they think it makes them look soooooo smart) I just stop posting for awhile. Keep posting Enty!

  32. Yes @SEM!!! Totally - that's why I am worried. A couple of weeks ago I posted a few times to see if he was out there but there was no response. Ugh. When was that post about death? It was at least three or four months ago, right?

  33. Les Suckno's posts made me laugh. Hard. Were they supposed to be funny?

    I don't remember anyone ever threatening anyone else on here. Maybe it happened on the one day that I actually paid attention to my kids? Won't make that mistake again.

  34. Congrats on the milestone Enty.
    Been reading for at least 3 or 4 years now but don't always get to comment but I read every post on RSS so keep up the good work!

  35. I want to say at the very least, but I think you're spot on with that time frame, KLM. Probably around the spring. The last time he commented on my personal blog was June 9th, so it's got to be before then.

    Are you going to look for the comment?

  36. Man, is someone playing innocent on this thread!

    In general, if you've got that much anger that you are compelled to spew venom at others, maybe you should go talk to someone. It's a sad way to live. Or maybe it's simply a desperate bid for attention.

    Fortunately, I have found so many great people on this blog (and you know who you are) that any death-spewing comments have been worth it. I know how karma works. And it works every time.

    Enty, please send me your address so I can mail you the finest tequila and bacon in the land!!

  37. Can't you buy bacon-infused tequila?

  38. Anonymous11:25 AM

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  39. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Really, Rita? You are glad Enty reminded us all "not to go beyond civilized banter," and that you "love your new e-friends in all their diversity?" Hmmm. Interesting.

  40. Listen, when someone antagonizes you, like you do to me mngdess, sometimes that person snaps and says things that are mean. I never wished death on you, you pathetic hag. I said I would cheer for your murderer which was said in response to you disgrearding my entire comment and picking out words to make your own meaning of what I am said.

    Congratulations, you made me mad on the internet. You win?

  41. We have not heard anything out of NMC in a long time. Also, Ida has been quiet for at least a week and I cannot remember the last comment from Tempestuous Grape. I hope they are all doing o.k. Dear Lord, the fighting has begun again. : (

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. @SEM - yes - I am gonna go back and look, just not now. My pesky job keeps getting in the way!! I'll look over the weekend and post on Monday at one of Enty's entries to give you an update...

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Also, I think Tempestuous Grape mentioned she was going away (or maybe I am making that up). I just saw Ida a few days ago. TNC has been missing for at least a month, if not longer. I feel like I noticed his absence about 6 or 7 weeks ago.

  46. @bluebonnet

    No, ma'am I am done. I've got to learn to ignore certain people and not get ignant when people cross the line with me. Sorry you have to be witness to the worst of me.

  47. @KLM

    I think he's been gone for longer than a month. I don't remember him posting once in the past 2-3 months. Anyway, good luck with the search.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Love you jbdean_79!! Thanks for saving me loads of time...

  50. From the Urban Dictionary:

    3. ignant - proudly, willfully ignorant. Holding up one's ignorance as a virtue, and using it as rhetorical and moral leverage.

    Someone's rollin' with the homies! I LOVE it! Best laugh all day.

  51. @jbdean_79 - how did I miss that post??? I was actually looking for the one about death, but that was crazy! Sometimes I flake in and out on CDAN, but somehow that one escaped me. I am going to work back from that post. My job can wait.

  52. Enty, you rule. Thank you for doing this, even if it clearly did not quite hit home. And thank you for posting every day.

    Now, Sue Ellen, I must ask: "ignant"?

  53. Ugh forget it. I can't seem to find it...

  54. I check your site at least once a day. Love your site. Congrats on that incredible amount of post and thanks for all of the great stories (and reveals) you share!

  55. P.S. I rarely comment. Just de-lurking... :)

  56. Maja, I admit to my ignorance - I had to look the word "ignant" up too. In addition to what mngddess found:

    2. ignant

    While ignorant implies doing or saying something foolish not knowing any better, ignant implies that the person knew damn well and chose to act foolish anyway.

    ‎7. ignant

    ]ignant], adj.
    1. when you know you wrong
    2. a term used to describe an action that, despite one's apparent ability to make better decision, defies accepted standards of behavior

  57. Started reading you in Dec. 2007. I remember vividly because I was working a part-time job and was bored out of my mind, when low and behold I some how came across this site.

    Love of the best blog's out there.

    People, remember to not take things so seriously.

    People get so upset over a movie, or a celebrity some of this stuff is just entertainment and we should look it as so imo.

  58. I also have been here from just about the beginning, and I have to say, I miss the old days when you'd tell us really great stories, but I do understand why you more or less had to let that go.

    My only beef is when things get really heated, at times they can get down-right nasty, so much so, that I just have to step away. I respect everyone's right to believe - whether it's in faith, vegetarianism, anti-smoking or anti-fur. But you know what? I smoke, eat meat AND own a fur coat (which I haven't worn for ages), none of which I will apologize for or be made to feel guilty about.

    None of these things are illegal, and it would be nice if we wouldn't jump all over each other just because we choose to live our lives differently. I think life would be pretty boring if there were no differences amongst us.

  59. About Ida - from time to time she takes a break from the internet. I hope she comes back soon!

  60. Also, a few of you noticed that certain people haven't posted in a while. Just wanted to share this story, and how when you're a regular poster to a board, it's a good idea if at least one person knows your true identity.

    I was reading a thread at another site, and noticed that one of the regulars had posted a sympathy note regarding another regular. So I went through some older threads to see what was going on. Turns out one of the regulars suddenly disappeared and everyone was getting worried. One person knew the poster's first name and city where he lived. Turned out that hours after his last post, he died in a house fire. It was awful. Young guy. The person who discovered this, posted the info so the other regulars would know why this guy suddenly disappeared.

  61. I am relatively new here but I am a big fan. You Rock Enty.

    I like the set-up, the commenters seem relatively sane (for the most part) and I never get bored.

    Congratulations Enty and I look forward to another 15 or 30,000 posts.

  62. Love the site, love commenting but I also hate it when things get personal. I like heated discussions but sometimes they go too far...

  63. i love this site. it's the only one i post on, even though i read dlisted religiously. Dlisted is brutal in the comment threads, and only a few people actually get acknowledged and banter back in forth. this has a better community atmosphere!

  64. @surfer - I can't help but feel like your comments are directed towards me as I am anti-fur and a vegetarian (although I am not the only one who feels that way on this blog). I certainly respect and understand it is your decisions to eat meat or wear fur, but I feel like you're saying here you don't want me to talk about how *I* disagree with them. Which isn't really fair, is it? So in the spirit of equal opportunity, I will continue to say I don't agree with those things when the subject comes up, and you can continue to disagree with me. Okay?

  65. What surfer said about respecting other's opinions. And generally that's the norm here, but lately things seem nastier than normal. And way too nitpicky, with comments about grammar, spelling, etc.

    Thank you, Enty, for this blog.

    Tomorrow I'm going to the Tulsa State Fair. Maybe I will have a loaded bacon dog with deep-fried fruit and deep-fried Kool-aid (I know, wtf-y wtf?) in honor of Enty.

    (Seriously I might try the red velvet funnel cake, at least) :)

  66. people people people...its a gossip blog....we gossip about celebs..Lets try to get along, we don't have to agree...And Thanks ENTY for it all...been here for most of it and its my daily fix

  67. Congratulations Enty! Thank you for your blog and to all the posters. I love reading everybody's thoughts and opinions. I too wish we could keep it above board, but am aware that human emotions can flame up. I feel the vast majority of discussion is intelligent and thoughtful, and even if I don't agree with you, I appreciate a place where all different points of views are aired.

  68. @RocketQueen. My comments were a general statement, not directed towards you or any one person in particular. Your views are well known, and there are others who feel the same way—I have no problem with that. I feel differently, and that's okay too. I will never get into a bitch fight about that, or anything else for that matter. My issue (and again, this isn't directed towards any one person, including yourself) is when people get really nasty about it and start saying vile things. I keep a lot of my likes/interests private, so I guess I'm sometimes taken aback when people are so vocal about certain things.

    That's all. I'm not looking to, or wanting to start anything. I just expressed my views. Hope we're good.

  69. @RocketQueen - just in case I wasn't clear, I wasn't, nor would I ever suggest that you shouldn't discuss your likes/dislikes, it's when it gets venomous (in terms of wishing ill will on people), that's what I was referring to. Again, the collective, not singling anyone out.

  70. Thank you, Enty! I too have been reading almost from the start, even though I rarely comment. I love what you have to say and that I can get my daily gossip fix--with bonus snarky commentary included--from a place that *usually* feels very safe and respectful. I appreciate your call for civility and hope each one of us will heed it, even when we're dealing with flat-out ignant people. MWAH!

  71. Love ya Enty! Thanks for helping me with that thing, that one time....

    I lurk, but don't comment a lot cause the following people say what I have to say: Surfer, RQ, Mooshki, Maja, SEM, Rita, VC, Feral: I look forward to reading your comments every day-sorry if I forgot anyone!

    And I miss the NMC too.

  72. Yay Enty! Happy Anniversary love!

    And happy anniversary to some of the bloggers on here (you know who you are) who really make being on here an enjoyable, thought-provoking, and even debate-inducing community!

    And even some of you I dont always get along with---it's been a stimulating, if not always nice, ride to take with you all thus far!

  73. p.s. Ida, I miss you. Stop being mad at me ~

  74. Thanks for all you do, Enty!

  75. @girltrav - thanks for the shout-out. I don't comment nearly as much as the others you named, but that's mostly because, like you, they often say what's on my mind.

  76. @girltrav - thanks for the shout out! I don't post sometimes either because others have said things, and in the most eloquent way.

  77. Everybody else already said everything I could have, so I will leave it at, "Happy Anniversary, Enty, thanks for everything." And to all the other posters here, thank you for everything, as well.

  78. I thought Rita = Ida??

  79. I like the people who comment here, even though someone called me a "piece of shit" once. I guess it didn't bother me much though, because I can't even remember who said it. I think she (or he) had misread a comment I made and got all bent out of shape about it. That's always a danger of commenting on a blog post, there's lots of room for misinterpretation. Still, I think we are all fairly nice here at CDAN, especially compared to some of the people on other sites.

  80. Way to go Enty. I'm in awe of what you do. I'm worried though that your use of the word "Trolls" might mean that you've been spending time with Charlie Sheen. We can't have that.

    I love the commenters here - they are the ones that make this site the amazing place it is. I read the comments on stories that do not interest me in the slightest (Real Housewives, Etc..) just to get everyone's opinion.

    RQ, Maja, Leilana P., Timebob and everyone else just knocks it outta the park each time. I really do love the aliveness (is that a word? F*ck it - it is now!) that's displayed on here daily.

    You can keep the Kardashian and Paris posts to a minimum E, but NEVER stop documenting the fall of L. Lohan. Have we ever seen somebody just implode in such a way? We are witnessing history here, people. History!!! I'm Fascinated!!!

    Oh - and in 15,000 posts have you ever mentioned composer John Williams once? The guy's about to turn 80. Show the man some love, E.

    Rock on.

  81. Thanks girltrav - right back atcha!

    surfer - nah, we're cool. I don't care for the nastiness, either. But dammit, if I have to read about bacon all day on this site, I'm going to mention now and then how much it grosses me out ;)

    Happy weekends to everyone!

  82. THANKS ENTY!!!

    I save your site for last everyday because it is my favorite, gotta save the best for last!


  83. Rocket Queen--Would it be better if we mentioned veggie bacon instead? I've had some, and while it's not the real thing, it's still pretty tasty... ;-)

    Oh, and congratulations on the forthcoming Rocket Prince/ss!

  84. And before Enty thinks I'm forgetting him: Thanks again for running this blog and keeping me both up-to-date on gossip and amused on a regular basis--if I knew who you were, I'd send you some of my best baked goods, but I guess virtual brownies/chocolate chip oatmeal cookies/blueberry muffins will have to do. Take care of yourself, OK?

  85. Awww, thank you so much for this post, Enty! And thank you for entertaining us all these years.

    CDAN readers seem to be intelligent, hilarious, opinionated & come from all sorts of backgrounds. It's always interesting to hear someone else's point of view & I can't tell you how many times I've learned something new or changed my perspective because of it. As long as everyone keeps it civil, it will continue to be an awesome community.

    Happy Friday, all! :)

    P.S. Ida, miss you too!

  86. thank you Enty. If I knew who you were, I'd send you some bacon and tequila. yours is the first go to site for me and the one I enjoy the most.

    your readers are the best and the smartest because you are the best and the smartest!

    and here's to the next 15,000!


  87. @Mooshki, Bluebonnetmom, JBDean_79-I miss Ida too. Hope she returns. @ Rocketqueen, you are NOT the only veggie/non-fur person here..Me too. But I have made peace with others who embrace that choice and hope they respect mine as well.Susan B..LOVE D lusted (typo and it stays) fan. I just cannot follow the string of comments there and have never been able to get signed on for some reason anyway.
    Love this site and must have my fix every day. I just wanna sit at the popular table in the cafeteria..sigh. (Who is Les again?)

  88. I love this site so much. Happy anniversary Enty. PS I prefer bourbon based drinks with bacon.

  89. Anonymous6:20 PM

    RQ, please remember that you told Surfer it wasn't fair for you not to be allowed to have your say. The last time you and I got into it, it was because I disagreed with you on something. You then accused me of being "blinded by my religion," even though I hadn't mentioned anything about my religious beliefs. You and Rita and a few others on this board can't stand it when I disagree with you, so you react by putting words in my mouth, calling me names, and telling me that I shouldn't post here. That doesn't really sound like people interested in having a lively debate without getting personal.

  90. Well, I just totally felt compelled to comment. I've been reading CDAN since the beginning, and used to post constantly until I noticed the fun & somewhat "innocent" snarkiness had become very mean-spirited and threatening. I still check out CDAN daily (with the exception of this past week because I've been with my sister who just gave birth) but I have chosen not to comment because it kind of lost its fun. I love many of the commentators on here, and definitely keep up with them, but choose to do it on a different medium where we can all agree to disagree. I have made some really close, supportive friends through Enty and CDAN, whether he knows it or not. I am so glad he knows what a great group we are! Unfortunately, it appears that his post fell on some deaf ears, and only validated my reasons for not commenting. My friends on this site, and y'all know who you are because you've been withy Enty since the beginning too, I will see you on the flip-side. Thank you again, Enty, for devoting so much of your time to us. Some of us DO appreciate it and even though we donmt comment that much anymore, we are still here and as devoted to you and your work & esteem as ever! Love, peace & happiness, y'all. It ain't that hard!

  91. Dear Enty and Fellow Commentors, Thank you for 4+ years of daily entertainment and community. Love this site and the snarky but sane readers. You guys ROCK! Ready for 15,000 more. Take care one and all. BW

  92. Hey, folks. Ida here. In the flesh. Warts and all. No, I am not Rita -- though I think she's eloquent, thoughtful, and seems like a considerate poster, so I will take that as a compliment. And contrary to what some of you thought, I'm also not that person who was obstinately defending Sarah Palin the other day (SERIOUSLY?). I am ALSO not the other (correctly spelled) Sue Ellen, though I know certain people will never believe that.

    Also, I think Sue Ellen #1 meant "indignant." But I am glad to add "ignant" to my ever-increasing lexicon of slang.

    If Enty has been posting for five years, that definitely means I've been here from the beginning. I was around for Full Frontal Friday, Cl@ss@!pha's insane Brittney Murphy's conspiracy theories, Molly's banal ramblings, and I think I initially discovered this blog because of my fondness for old Hollywood gossip. I basically think that movie stars of yore were far more fascinating, and this blog provided great commentary on old scandals. I also loved reading what people like Jax, Badfish, Mooshk, RQ, et al had to say. No offense, Enty, but the comments trump your actual posts, more often than not. ;-)

    I stopped posting a few weeks ago because, frankly, it began to feel unhealthy. I truly dislike losing my cool. I would WAY rather giggle than yell. There are enough frustrations in real life; getting worked up while sitting in front of a computer and interacting with strangers seems pretty pointless. Merely lurking and shaking my head at comments like "I sure wouldn't mind if you got murdered" is better -- and more productive -- than jumping into that venomous fray.

    And Jasmine, I DO love you, and I'm sorry I snapped (Aries rising, yo), but the insinuation that I have some sort of innate hatred towards my own gender was just a little too much for me to handle. I decided that I could continue to try to delineate my point and get angrier, or I could take a break from commenting in general. Few things upset me more than sexism. I will always, always, always pay attention to women's rights. Shit, you might love skirts and lipstick, and that's FINE. I don't. We both have vaginas, and we're proud of 'em. 'Nuff said.

    I have a strong feeling that if most of us were to sit down to a large dinner, face-to-face, most of us would be good pals and would demonstrate far more decorum towards each other. Personal interactions sort of demand more cordiality, of course. I would probably even pass the salt to Sue Ellen with a genuine smile on my face. Maybe.

    Either way, Enty, congrats on five years of blogging. Personally, I don't think you're an actual lawyer, but I also couldn't care less. What you ARE -- for sure -- is a stellar entertainer, and I thank you genuinely for taking the time to form this community.

  93. I rarely post here, for reason. It's a gossip site, and that is what makes it fun.

    But whenever a Palin post is made, people go batshit crazy. As if they don't realize that 50% of the country identify as conservative?

  94. i love this site! its my reward at the end of the day. when the kids are in bed, the kitchen is clean, etc; its CDAN time. (yay!)

  95. Enty, I've been reading since almost the beginning and I'm thrilled that you have made it to 15,000 posts. And thank you for taking on commenters who choose to not only be unkind, but also people who choose to threaten other commenters. I agree that some comments, especially recently, have crossed the line, and like BlankPrincess, I often don't read comments anymore because, well, I really don't want to expose myself to that kind of energy. But, back to you, Enty. You know I love you, Big Guy.

    PS: Ida, I miss you. Tons.

  96. Ida - thank you very much for the kind words. And quite honestly, like others, I find your comments the kind that deserve respect, and bring out the effort in us to be more eloquent.

    That being said, I've lurked for a long time before posting. My memory is long about past recriminations and fights, but because of people like you, RQ, Jasmin, Maja, Cathy and Robert(to name a few), this place has more of a community feel then any other blogs. It's not like Enty posts complete well-researched details regarding his subjects, I think he leaves that for us, when debating our point of views.

    And I, like you and many many others, have been disgusted with the aggressiveness of certain posters. It is unnerving when in 2011, you use quotes and add links to intelligent and proven reliable journalism, in order to support your point or stand on a given subject, thus clearly disproving (not to say catching others in outright lies) their standing on said subjects. It does become personal, and outlandishly childish, and you lose your cool.

    For between us, it feels degrading to lose your cool, and lower yourself in responding to people who don't know how to gracefully backtrack when faced with the truth, or simply, don't know how to correctly read in the first place, and truly jump to surprising interpretations.

    Don't leave this site because of the very few dimwitted-Jerry-Springer-like contestant wannabes posting incessantly and blindly. For EVEN WHEN THEY TRY, for just a few days, to get along and respect the other posters, they almost always revert to their old smut-filled ways, and get into yet another fight with the posters, based on absolute misinterpretations, or outright prejudiced ignorance.

    Stay for the community, for your eFriends, because your wit and contribution are very much appreciated, and we all look forward to you posting more regularly again.

    I cannot forget, which still makes me choke on laughter, that you were the first to ever write Douchenozzle. With that, hope to hear from you on Monday, and wishing you a great week-end.

  97. Can't give enough thanks for 15K posts and the accompanying comments, but know that i feel them. CDAN is kind of my end of the day, feel good but snarky roundup, too.

    Sooooo glad to hear from Ida and hope that TMC, TG, Himmmm, QS and others are out there safe and sound but being very quiet or otherwise engaged.

    Happy weekend to all y'all!

  98. Congratulations, Enty! And thanks for all you do to keep this site alive and thriving. Very impressive (especially when you choose posting over bacon and tequila)!

    And thanks to the CDAN community for expanding my vocabulary (see Rita's note above).

    Here's to 15,000 more posts, shared laughs and celebrity ridiculousness.

  99. Longtime lurker, infrequent poster... Just wanted to post a link to Nightmare Child's last post (thanks to Google):

    Thanks for a fun site with mostly fun comments... :)

  100. @Gladys -- you're one of THE COOLEST people I've ever met via cyberspace, and I'm glad I know your real identity. Your success is well-deserved. I hope we'll be reading each other's anthologized work a few years from now. I can only hope to catch up to you. :-)

    @Rita -- You strike me as a lovely person, and a great addition to this community. I can't say that I'll keep commenting, but I know that you'll have great thoughts to add to any thread. As Amy Sedaris would say: I like you.

    To the general CDAN community: I also loved The Nightmare Child's comments, but I find it truly morbid how people are focusing on his "last" posts to CDAN. The fact that he left this *site* doesn't mean that he's currently taking a permanent dirtnap.

    For all we know, TNC is sunning himself on a beach somewhere, soaking up vitamin D, detoxing from myriad poisons, and happy to be away from the negative energy emanating from the 'net.

    That's what I hope, anyway. But the speculation regarding his fate seems a tad redonkulous, considering how none of us actually KNOW him.

  101. @Ida- love you back dollface!

    And I'm enjoying the contact high from all the peace piping being passed around right here!

    For once this is a post of pure love- and it's so good to see and it's also awesome to see all the lurkers come out to join the love fest!

  102. Been around for a long time, but never posted. I lurked more than anything else. I love Dlisted too.

    What happened to Jax and Hmmm?

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Mooshki said...

    About Ida - from time to time she takes a break from the internet. I hope she comes back soon!

    Ida IS Rita.

    Ent really should come out with a 'one username' policy

  105. A huge thank you Enty and congratulations.
    I am so glad you are apart of my daily life, my special little place.

    And to the CDAN family, thank you too.
    As a lurker and an infrequent poster, I hide in the shadows but I heart this little community, warts and all.
    I love reading your wonderful words and insightful knowledge of all things gossip.

    P.S. Enty you had me at bacon and tequila.


  107. Congrats! I love this site. You're awesome. Keep it up!

  108. Henriette, Jax got tired of the drama and started avoiding the comments. I don't know where Himmmm went, but I hope he comes back too!

  109. Okay, I'm late to the party and am jumping down to post after reading about half of the thread.

    My two cents:

    Just because we haven't heard from a regular recently doesn't mean that TNC is toe up, or that Ida is in a full body cast and trying for the past week to type out a post with her nose.

    Sometime real life intrudes.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. @Suhyphen
    I thought the same thing! Too funny.

    Too bad about Jax. I enjoyed her comments, but I totally understand.

  112. As always, I'm tardy to the party.
    I totally overlooked this post and thus was always scratching my head about those weird references in the other threads.

    I want to thank you, Enty, for providing us with almost daily celebrity gossip and blind items.

    However, I also have to mention that this blog certainly has changed and, unfortunately, not for the better. I tend to believe that the big turning point came with that whole radio debacle nobody is allowed (dares?) to talk about here. I've realized that your tone has changed since then.
    Also, the tone of the commenters has changed drastically. Not necessarily at the same time, though.

    I started to notice an increasing usage of misogynistic language.
    I remember that a few years ago nobody here dared to use words like 'cunt' or 'twat', but nowadays the dislike for a female celebrity seems to be expressed only by using those slurs instead of being able to state disapproval/getting your point across without having to discriminate against the sex of the celebrity.

    Maybe it has also something to do with you, Enty, giving shout-outs to MK or (as I mentioned in another thread) you trying to emulate his wit (which you fail at, I'm sorry) - and MK can be quite funny - or his misogynist snark (which so doesn't sound like you), that seem to give the impression that the commenters can start talking in their comments just like the commenters on Dlisted do.
    I think that this is a shame because this was one classy blog and I think that the change of your tone and your approval of MK/Dlisted is (partly) responsible for how vile the comments have become on here. After all, Dlisted is a cesspit of crazy psychos and by approving that site you don't have to be surprised that you're automatically approving the tone of that site.

    As I said here once before, commenters emulate the tone of the blog owner (or the tone the blog owner seems to approve of).

    And it adds to the double standard of this site if commenters' posts in which they call people the n-word are getting deleted but the ones in which women are discriminated against won't!

    Just my two cents.

  113. I know as this thread is a few days old my comment probably won't be noticed, but I thought I'd de-lurk anyway. I've been lurking on this thread for years, though not sure since when... I think not long before the Shimmy/Timmy blind and I think someone called Hez was still posting back then.

    I love this blog, mainly for the commenters. It's my safe haven from text speak where I can get a dose of gossip and also hear the views of an eclectic bunch of people on more serious subjects too. Even as a lurker I like the sense of community.

    So... thanks Enty and thanks to the many commenters over the years as you've provided me with pure escapism at times when I really needed it... even though you didn't know the impact your words were having on a stranger.

  114. Hi, Shari. You should comment sometime in a more active thread. :)

  115. Jesus, Texshan. If there's one thing I hate, it's being misquoted. If you check the record, I'm pretty sure what you'll find is that I *actually* said I'm tired of you pushing your religious views on people. Hold them yourself...that's fine, but quit thumping on them. And I stand by that.
    Second, I have no interest in continuing this argument with you, so feel free to stop bringing it up at any time. It's clear to a few of us here, I think, that you seem to actually ENJOY arguing, but please find someone else. I prefer agreeing to disagree, which is why I think surfer and I get along so well.
