Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will & Jada & Marc

Since I missed a day of Will and Jada coverage yesterday, I feel left out and was not able to discuss with anyone yesterday about it so that kind of sucks. I mean this is the kind of story you like discussing with people. I can see Will & Jada getting divorced. That part shocked me for like two seconds and then you realize they must have some serious arguments, then there is the whole plays with whom stuff to discuss and the rules on that and that alone is enough to drive a couple to break.

About the whole Marc Anthony thing. Where do you think these stories have been coming from? Who would know about what Marc Anthony was doing? Did you answer Jennifer Lopez? Considering she is the one who introduced everyone to each other, I think she was ticked off. She can handle all the back up singer romances and the groupie quickies, but this one would embarrass her. This one probably stung so what better way to sting back then to become a source.

Meanwhile, Will & Jada did the want to be seen looking happy thing in Malibu to prove they are a couple. Why even bother? No one is going to care if they divorce except their kids, and only the younger ones at that since Will's oldest from his previous marriage does not have the best relationship with Jada. Well, no one really does.


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