Friday, August 19, 2011

What Is "Beyond Pornographic?"

Police in Aruba investigating the disappearance of Robyn Gardner say they found photos on Gary Giordano's camera of the woman which are beyond pornographic. They were also called graphic and disturbing. What exactly is beyond pornographic? What exactly was going on during this vacation? I bet right now The Enquirer and every other tabloid are trying to find any police officer in Aruba with access to those photos who wants to earn an extra few hundred thousand bucks. Police say the photos look like what she was doing was consensual. What was she doing? They won't say, which of course just leads to tons of speculation. Meanwhile, it was also revealed that Gary took the first steps to collect on the life insurance policy just two days after the woman disappeared. Oh, and the policy only covered accidents on this trip. Yep. She was definitely not coming home. Meanwhile the Aruba police are doing their usual horrible job. They said they are having a tough time tracking Gary's movements because he changed his toupee frequently. They are going to end up letting this guy go, but he will probably be arrested in the US because of that whole life insurance policy thing. The FBI is investigating it.


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