Wednesday, August 03, 2011

What Do You Think?

Over the weekend, Charlie Sheen decided to stop playing with hookers and porn stars and decided instead to play a little game he calls f**king with Brooke Mueller. He likes to play this game when he has nothing else to do and does not feel like drinking or doing drugs alone. He did this to her last year and he will keep doing it until Brooke realizes that she is nothing to him except entertainment. This latest time began with Charlie flying to Mexico to pick up Brooke 12 hours after she got there because he felt her rehab would be too dangerous. Yeah, probably because it might have actually worked and then she would not have been as fun to play with. Brooke needs to run away from Charlie. He has got her twisted and wrapped around his finger and if she dies a drug or alcohol death I would blame him. Yes, Brooke can make her own decisions, but Charlie keeps tempting her and shoving things in front of her face.

What do you think? Should Charlie be interfering in Brooke's rehab or does he have her best interest at heart?


  1. The kids are so cute. Wish they weren't part of this mess.

  2. Charlie Sheen should be kicked in the balls, punched in the throat, and shoved off a cliff. That's all *I* know for sure.

    We lost Amy Winehouse, yet we still have Charlie. That's just great.

  3. Brooke has been on crack before she even met Charlie. Don't blame him.

  4. Actually, I think those boys will grow up to treat women like shit, just like their father. Unless someone intervenes to give those boys a better and more stable home life, they are doomed. Sad.

  5. I agree with moussemaker. Brooke's history with crack and rehab facilities went WAY back, WAY before she met Charlie. Is he helping? No. Do I feel sorry for those children? Yes.

  6. I agree it's likely she was using before she met him (that's what they had in common.) But as long as he controls her by pursuing her physically and feeding her addiction, he's in control, keeps custody of the boys and appears (OMG) to be the adult in that relationship. Eventually she'll OD and he'll look like a saint. He thinks.

  7. This is another classic dysfunctional, co-dependent relationship with the weak minded dragging down the weak minded....does CS have her "best interests at heart"? One would have to know what best interests are to do that and this guy is too stupid and too much of a mess to know what's good for somebody else. He has only his own, controlling, selfish interests at heart. IMO

  8. I only care about the kids.

    But to answer the question - no, I don't think it's out of boredom.

    I think it's more of a "If I control Brooke, I control the kids" kind of thing.

  9. is it wrong that i'm waiting for sussique to come in here and tell us all Charlie is a wonderful daddy and we don't know him so we should take the sticks out of our bums?

  10. That one twin looks ~so~ much like Charlie it's scary.

  11. He is just trying to re-create the family man image so he can get his sit-com career back on track. As far as I know he hasn't sold that Anger Managment sit-com to any network or cable stations.

    I 100% agree Charlie is twisted and he choose Brooke becuase she was weak and easy to break. Paris plays the same head games with her. It's sad. But I don't see Brooke changing either, she is permanently co-dependent on drugs & Charlie. I don't think the parents are much help either in that department.

  12. This has almost nothing to do with her. Controlling, manipulative people like controlling everything, whether it's animals, children, or grown women. Controlling grown partners is apparently a special thrill, but not completely necessary.

    She's in a state where she can't protect herself or her children from him. He would probably be less successful if she didn't have the problems she does, but maybe not. It's hard to get away from people like that because they literally have no respect for boundaries or normal behavior.

  13. I know it's been said, but I so wish those boys would go to Denice, with some time spent w/ Grandpa Martin.

    I just think it would be so healthy for the boys to hang out with other children, to have sisters (to help them see females as people), but mostly to have a routine. Kids that age need discipline, or they could be doomed to chronically arrested development.

    I guess there really is a hooker with a heart of gold, at least in comparison to this total train wreck.

    I don't care AT ALL how anyone wants to abuse their bodies, but when you have kids you either need to GROW UP or give the kids for adoption. I know that sounds harsh but I get emotional for the kids in these situation.

  14. I did not know that Charlie took Brooke out of rehab.

    If this is true, then it goes without saying that he has taking the place of a pusher. The drug addict should take responsibility for his/her actions, but the pusher should also do time for pushing people under the influence to do more drugs, resulting in a lot of situations of health issues, and at times death.

    They are both responsible, and both should be punished accordingly. Charlie Sheen should do time for pushing drungs and alcohol on Brooke Mueller.

  15. lol @ Chrissy Buns. This does not surprise me about brooke & charlie at all. As people have previously stated Brooke was an addict long before she met Charlie. That being said, I think being with him took her to an entirely new level of addiction and co-dependency that sadly I don't know if she will ever be able to overcome. I just feel for those poor innocent boys.

  16. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I totally agree with Libby. I don't care what happens with Charlie and Brooke, they are both complete wastes of space. My concern is for their twins. These poor confused kids have no routine, no discipline, no strong positive role models -- all of which they desperately need. I know I will get lots of flack for writing this, but honestly I think their parents are so toxic that I can't think it would be a bad thing if they were out of the twins' lives permanently.

  17. i hope the better for the kids

  18. Soooo tired of hearing about these jackholes.

  19. I agee with timebob and libby.

  20. She's an adult and makes her own choices. Is Charlie manipulating her to make very bad choices? YES! This is such a toxic relationship that it will amaze me if they both survive. Unfortunately, I think Brooke will OD or something within the next year and Charlie will continue on doing what he's been doing for a long time. It's like he's made a pact with the devil himself.

  21. sheen is a creep and just wants her to fail.

  22. The twin walking looks exactly like one of girls CS had with Denise.

    Just the fact that either one of these two nuts is around ANY kid is just wrong, wrong, wrong.

  23. Give her family temporary custody of the kids and slap him with a restraining order. He shouldn't be allowed within a 1,000 feet of her or the kids.

  24. Ya know...HOW is that slime ball even still ALIVE? Which is my main Q about him. I mean, yes, he is a father and has kids who need him...but so far has that stopped him from being a Class-A, #1 JUNKIE ASSHOLE? Hell no, as far as I can see.


  25. I actually think Brooke really does want to quit the drugs. But unfortunately she wants to take the easy way out (which doesn't exist). She doesn't want to do the work involved. Kinda like someone who wants to lose weight, but instead of diets and exercise, goes for a gastric bypass. I also think Charlie KNOWS she wants to quit, and is going to throw every roadblock in front of her because if she succeeds he will look bad. I can't believe he took her out of rehab! That right there speaks volumes about his priorities.

  26. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Basil, gastric bypasses are not "taking the easy way out." Gastric bypasses, lap bands, etc. are tools people can use to help them lose weight; they aren't magic. The person still has to put in the effort or they will fail. Just FYI.

  27. Can I ask where Enty is? All these posts since his break, seem really harsh and mean.

    Enty always spoke his opinion but the tone of this site is different.

    Is he okay and when is he really coming back?

  28. Anonymous7:50 PM

    @chrissy buns Charlie is a wonderful daddy and exemplary human being. he is sure to win an oscar someday.

  29. No, I do not think Charlie should be interfering. But hell, he's probably funding the drugs!

  30. Have any of you watched Dr. Drew? This is the typical mess of Jeff Conaway and his user girlfriend, and Michael Lohan and his 25 year old girlfriend . One is trying to get clean, the other is sabotaging it. Too sad. that one little boy being carried looks just like Matthew Broderick. The other one looks like Denise's child.

  31. Interesting about this dynamic. If you go back and re-read the Amy Winehouse interviews during her Blake obsessed days, you will see a similar pattern...obviously neither Brooke nor Amy started out pure as snow, but it's like one of those duel serial killer things - maybe neither woman's addictions would have so completely taken them over if the love addiction hadn't been part of the chemical mix. (Reminds me of Days and Wine and Roses)

  32. This website make's it sound like Charlie was right to stop Brooke from doing something experimental.

    Charlie Sheen’s ex-spouse will head south of the border to register in an “ultimate” rehab program, where she’ll take a questionable hallucinogen utilized to curb drug dependency and assist in the recovery process.

    Brooke Mueller hopes that the 7-day treatment in a Mexican hospital with the hallucinogen Ibogaine will help “rewire” her brain.

    Ibogaine is a psychoactive chemical compound that is uncovered purely in the root bark of the West African iboga shrub. The drug is applied by members of definite African tribes and religions throughout healing over and ceremony-of-passage ceremonies. Research has indicated that the drug curbs indications and precludes drug desire for persons attempting to get clear.

    The hallucinogen is illegitimate in the US, where it is classified as a Plan One substance, meaning it has “high potential for abuse” and “no right now acknowledged medical use in treatment.” It is lawful in a number of different states, incorporating Canada and Mexico, and treatment centers have been set up for drug addicts searching for the hallucinogenic treatment. Specialists say that Ibogaine doesn’t comprise addictive properties, however has invoked some deaths.

    “Ibogaine treats opiate withdrawal through a biological effect, and in addition made a psychospiritual state or perhaps mystical state of alertness that is akin to different hallucinogens like LSD,” said Dr. Stephen Ross, chief of NYU Langone’s Center of Brilliance on Dependency.

    It isn’t the first time that hallucinogens have been utilized to heal drug dependency. In the 1960's, a number of professiona studied LSD as a treatment for the illness.

    Some persons assure by it,” said Dr. Daniel H.Angres, medical chief of revitalization addictive services at Hurry Institute Educational Institution of Medicine, reiterating that most dependency specialists are skeptical of rapid fixes. “Regardless Of any probable usefulness, there are more secure, more conservative, pharmacological approaches that have greater information.”

    For people who take Ibogaine, they “may have visual hallucinations where they are going to feel they are transported outside 3-dimensional time and space,” said Ross. “They may feel interconnected to a higher type of energy, their alertness is part of a greater alertness, and have a sense of sacredness, awe and reverence.”

    That could sound quite fine to some persons, however without good supervision from a clinician or perhaps sitter, an individual could experience scaring journeys that incorporate ultimate paranoia and nervousness.

    While the hallucinogen does really have guarantee in treating drug dependency, there have been about Twenty deaths connected with its use. Ross said the drug could cause heart irregular rhythms, which, combined with different drugs, might be deadly. He in addition said that the treatment isn’t great for persons with substantial intellectual sickness, like schizophrenia or perhaps bipolar disorder, since indication shows that persons with those conditions could relapse.

    However albeit Mueller does experience a spiritual arousing, specialists tell it is only the starting in a long recovery process.

  33. Feisty--ITA!
    Unfortunately, my ex-husband is just such a man. The Game is more important than the people involved. And I'm in a custody battle with him where no one sees the monster he truly is but me. Just returned from court, in fact. I've got a bad case of the ***SADS*** :-(

  34. And now I've gone & double-posted cuz I forgot my password...**even sadder**
