Val Kilmer should probably cut back on some of those all you can eat buffets and start focusing on paying support to his children. According to TMZ, Val's ex Joanne Whalley. Oh wait. I have to stop right there. Do you remember when Joanne was like the next big thing. It is amazing how fast someone can just drop out of the consideration of being the next big thing. One hiccup or break and it can be over in an instant. This is why it is amazing that Lindsay Lohan has managed to stay on the radar for so long even though she has done jack in the past two years.
OK, where was I? Oh, yeah. Joanne filed court papers alleging that Val has fallen behind on his support payments to their two kids. Back in 1996 when they split, Val agreed to pay $26,000 a month in support. Well, that was when he was actually making a decent living as an actor. At this point Joanne seems to be pretty good about going after Val. It is not the first time she has gone after him and has put a lien on his property several times over the years to get him to pay. It should not have to come to that. Pay for your kids.
I remember her when she played Scarlett O Hara in the continuation of Gone With The Wind, yep she was the next big thing and now, nada.
ReplyDeleteI think all the forms of media we have nowadays allows HasBeensThatNeverWere the opportunity to prolong their 15 minutes.
Lindsay staying on the Radar has nothing to do with talent or the chance of a comeback...
ReplyDeleteOh, man, I watched Willow about four-hundred times as a kid, and I REALLY wanted to be Sorsha, and do Madmartigan. I thought they both were such a gorgeous couple.
ReplyDeleteVal Kilmer had such a promising career, and then ~whooosh~. Gone. Pretty much.
The internet helps sustain those "next big things who just need to go away nows" who have reached their expiration point.
ReplyDeleteOmg- he MARRIED Sorsha?! AWESOME. Yes, news that is more than a decade and a half old can still be cool to hear and floor me, LOL.
ReplyDeleteAs for Val, dammmmmn did we lose a good lookin' man to the buffet. I would like to raise a white flag in remembrance to Val and James Spader and Marlon Brando, they were good men and delicious endless food is a (apparently) face and body altering bitch.
Seriously tho, they should re-examine Val's money, cause you know dude doesnt make that much anymore. Why should he be literally broke just to keep up with a childsupport that doesnt reflect his monetary life anymore?
Aw Enty...I think saying he's spending his money on food is a cheap shot. For all we know he's a binge eater or is sick...I still like him, but hopefully he hasn't blown through all his money already??
ReplyDeleteHis kids have to be almost out of the house too, right?
I remember back in the day they were HOT!
ReplyDeleteI loved her, whatever happened to her? Did she quit acting?
He was on TV talking about Amy Winehouse (because he had played an addict in a movie once, so CNN decided he was an expert on the subject). He looked HORRIBLE. It wasn't just that he had gained weight, like Spader, he looked unhealthy and splotchy somehow. He needs to see a doctor, something is not right.
ReplyDeleteThen he needs to see a lawyer because that child support requirement should have been lowered years ago.
I remember her from the movie Scandal, with Bridget Fonda, who also fell off the radar. Of their two kids, one was born in 1991, and one in 1995, so there aren't too many years of "support" left for Val.
ReplyDeleteMomster, I like Bridget also!
ReplyDeleteMaybe one day they will pop up in something again.
She's still around, she played the mother on The Borgias with Jeremy Irons on Showtime there. Great show - check it out.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, Val ain't the biz anymore...
Yes I should stop watching so many movies and get a life. However, if I did so, I would have missed the opportunity to see sooo many direct to video Val Kilmer movies on the racks at the video store. Maybe he's behind on his child support and a little pudgy but there is nothing wrong with the man's work ethic. Why he is practically neck-to-neck with Cuba Gooding Jr. in the direct to video hall of fame. On second thoughts I won't be getting a life. I'll be too busy watching Gun. Wow, Val, John Larroquette and AnnaLynne McCord all in the same movie! How can real life top that?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed seeing her again on The Borgias too.
ReplyDeleteOooh, she is Vanozza in The Borgias?? I just whipped through that show in one day. I loved it, can't wait to see Season 2! The actors, costumes, set design and script are all incredible. Joanne certainly imbued the character of Vanozza (the jilted woman) with a lot of dignity, grace, vulnerability and ferocity. I wonder if she drew from her experience with Val and worked it into her performance.
ReplyDeleteI loved Bridget so much. She was such a big star in the first half of the 90's. I think she just quit the business. Like Bridget Bardot did. Of course she's married to a guy that makes a load of money each year (Composer Danny Elfman - who earns about 2 mill a picture - John Williams and Hans Zimmer earn more) so she'll be alright.
ReplyDeleteHe was so hot in "Batman Forever"! (I love that movie and I don't care who knows it.) Damn, he sure lost his looks.
ReplyDeleteAh, Val. So freaking awesome in "Tombstone." I'll be your huckleberry is one of my mother's favorite movie lines. And dog darn, was he SMOKING HOT back in the day!
ReplyDeleteTombstone was one of his best movies of all times. I loved his character in that movie lol.
ReplyDeleteHow the HELL OLD are these kids? They split in 2006, 15 years ago? amd they already had these kids?
ReplyDeleteFrom IMDB - Met first wife, British actress Joanne Whalley, when they filmed the 1988 fantasy Willow (1988).They had two children: Mercedes (born 1991) and Jack (born 1995).
ReplyDeleteCouple more years paying for Jack.
Damn, isn't Val just GORGEOUS in that pic?
Val was great in "Real Genius", but sexy as FUCK in the Saint...
ReplyDeleteLots of really good looking actors get all blotchy and bloated when they get older...look at Brando, the Shat, Carroll O'Connor...some men don't age well.
...and can't stay away from the buffet.
I loved Whalley in Scandal.
ReplyDeleteKilmer reportedly has an exceedingly shitty attitude, which did not help his career arc.
Note to James Franco: See what happens when you act like a major douche?
I remember Scandal! I will always remember what the Batman Forever(?) director said about Val: "He made me want to leave the business and never look back." I think that was Joel Schuemucher and why George Clooney replaced Val.
ReplyDeleteAwww, he's still our huckleberry!
ReplyDeleteThey are starring together in the new Coppola film Twixt.
ReplyDeleteI also liked him in At First Sight.
ReplyDeleteHis children w/ Joanne are 16 and 20 per his IMDb page.
$26k per month seems pretty damn steep for someone who isn't really working that much these days.