Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Speidi Can Suck It

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt gave an interview to The Daily Beast and as far as I am concerned this is exactly what I would love every Kardashian and Hilton to have happen to them. The duo known as Speidi are broke and living with his parents. They blew through millions of dollars on her pop career and his million dollar wardrobe. Seriously? I don't recall that he had anything that looked that great. I bet he spent it all on crystals.

They also admit that everything they did on The Hills was fake and everything after was an attempt to keep themselves famous. This included their divorce, and everything else. I am still not sure why Heidi got the plastic surgery except that maybe she was thinking of a career as a porn star.

I say they got some very lucky breaks and made more money in a couple of years than most people make in lifetimes and they blew through it. Tough. I don't feel sorry for them and I hope they actually have to work regular jobs.


  1. that melted down Barbie and her pedo-eyed husband will end up doing scat movies before working at a 9-5. trust.

  2. couldn't happen to a nicer couple.

  3. They've always been a couple of idiots, with him controlling her every thought and breath.
    Whoever fixed the site, thank you!! At least it's working on iPad for me, for the first time in nearly a year!
    Good to be back!

  4. They paid retail. There you go.

  5. No pity from me. they are assholes who should have invested wisely. Their egos convinced them they had talent and would last.

    Ha ha.

    (I do love what they said about Paris though- "her career has STOPPED".)

  6. I am at my desk and I just closed my eyes and took a deep cleansing breath. Poetic Justice is so rare that it must be savored when it is experienced ;>

  7. They will work the porn circuit with octomom before they would work at Walmart.

  8. I don't believe all their claims on where the money went. Unless they admit to having a coke fund, I side-eye a "million dollar wardrobe" and other nonsense.

    And, you would have to be literally border-line special needs to make some of the decisions they did. Claiming to buy a truck for one episode of The Hills, for example. There was no one who said, hey, there's this thing called RENTING or LEASING?

    Anyway, they piss me off.

  9. Spencer Pratt makes my skin crawl. I love that these two worthless pieces of shit are suffering.

  10. I so don't care about either of them. Glad they're gone. Hope to hear Spencer saying "paper or plastic?" Or, as an option, "Would you like fries with that?"

    A couple of no-talents. It's annoying that people with actual acting or musical talent are waiting tables while those two are worried about their hair and makeup. Ick.

  11. This validation of Karma is so strong I may have to become Buddist.

  12. DaveB - sign me up.

  13. hahahahahahahahahahaha

    *stop, wipe eyes, catch breath*


  14. I'm just amazed they're not having tax problems -- I gather they didn't shelter or invest any of their ill-gotten gains.

  15. @ SusanB - EXACTLY!!!! ; )

  16. @weezy - awwww, Spencer in federal prison for tax evasion. It warms the heart. You're the best. : )

  17. I hope Snooki is taking notes.

  18. Finally, sweet justice. Paris & Kim ... time is ticking away for you 2.

  19. Unfortunately, I am afraid we are stick with the K-Klan losers for a while. The Kardashians as a family have a lot of money and though the rate they are spending far outweighs the longevity of their fame. I think we are stuck with them for a whle and I can't seem them being completely broke in the distant future. Those girls are gold-diggers and will keep marrrying/divorcing in order to keep those checking accounts full. Lame.

  20. @weezy - wait for it, the year has not yet ended. I think your comment just made an IRS agent's ear ring-ring-ring.

  21. I read that as her "poop career".

    Then I giggled so hard I almost had an accident myself.

  22. If they admitted that most of what they have done/said was fake, then I am not sure if I believe this sob story of being broke and living with is parents.

    Just another sad attempt at attention.

  23. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I do feel kind of sorry for them. People like that tend to fall a lot harder than someone like me, who is used to getting kicked around by "The Man" on a regular basis. Welcome to debt and unemployment, sweeties!

  24. Sign me up to Daveb. I feel like something is happening good in the world today.

  25. I don't feel bad at all. It makes me sick to think of all the money they wasted and how many less fortunate people it could've helped. Paris and the Kardashians' will most never be poor, it's just that their relevance has an expiration date. They will eventually be replaced by people just as, if not more, annoying.

  26. schadenfreuders unite!

    it turns out speidi didn't avoid the irs, as according to a 2010 article in life and style (url below), as of last november they owed $2 million in taxes that they couldn't pay.

    I don't feel badly for them for their financial problems and stupidity. they are lucky that they can mooch off of spencer's father and have a place to live.

    but, they need to do something to start to contribute, which will probably never happen.

    however, I do confess to feeling badly for heidi and all of those plastic surgeries.

    it was dumb and egotistical yes, but I believe that she is in alot of pain still and that is no fun, no matter how much of an a-hole you are. plus, her doctor (now deceased) never should have done all of those, especially in one day.

  27. I'm with Kimmy, this is probably BS too. Good BS, but still, who can believe anything from these two?

    Let's enjoy our collective karma chuckle while we're waiting for some real news....

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I'm guessing this is your one Speidi post this year? You picked a good one.

  30. I read this interview yesterday and kind of finally felt satisfied that they ADMITTED how annoying and famewhorey they were, and admitted all the lies they told and how ridiculous they were. They still kind of came off as if they "had" to behave that way because they were advised it would work, but godDAMN they were annoying and it's hard to feel sorry for them now. You're still young. Get loans, go to college like a bunch of us did, get a regular job.

  31. always felt pity for heidi. spencer is a d-bag of epic proportions, but poor heidi... SHUSH, all you haters! yes, i feel bad for the broad. guess it's my ticker working overtime.

  32. Did anyone order the meatloaf??
    Cause if so I have a nice side order of delicious, mouth watering justice to go with it!
    Jasmine is happy today.

    btw- I DO feel bad about her need for the plastic surgery too, and the ensuing pain associated with it, its the only thing I'm not witch-ily cackling over right now.

  33. she could sell a few of those Birkins and put a down on a decent house.

  34. Reality show 2012: cameras follow Speidi into jail over tax evasion. I would watch the shit out of that show. It would be just like "I'm a celeb, get me out of here," except they couldn't throw a hissy fit and leave. Glorious.

  35. The only ones I feel sorry for are his parents for having to live with them.

  36. Wait, so does this mean her mom was in on all those shenanigans from the last season??

  37. Heidi is as controlled as Jessica Simpson, but with no talent. Yes, Spencer is in love with "Speidi", which is a joke in itself.

    Spencer you dirtbag, it couldn't happen to a nicer fellow. Oh wait, it could, The Situation.

  38. I hear jail time for tax evasion!

  39. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Spencer is so going to have Heidi doing softcore porn and 'escorting' old pervy businessmen. I'm almost willing to bet on it. He'd rather whore her out than get a real job himself.

  40. She looks like a slightly melted horror film version of a knock-off pseudo Barbie come to life.

    ...and the shame is that she was kind of cute before.

  41. In a way, I do feel kind of sorry for her. She seemed like a decent person in the very first season of The Hills. She was a hard worker and she seemed to have some usable talent in fashion and/or marketing that could have been put to use. I stopped watching the show after that, so I don't know what happened to her.

    The plastic surgery blew my mind, especially the massive breasts. Spencer is probably irredeemable, but perhaps Heidi can get some therapy, get a clue, sell her superfluous goods on Ebay and get her life back in order. Step one is saying goodbye to the spotlight, but I'm not sure if she could handle that.

  42. Trouble is, the spotlight is sort of addictive. So is having hair/makeup/stylist/gofer people kowtowing and seeing to your every need. Hard to go back to typing/flipper burgers after all that. I wish her well. Him? Not so much.

  43. i can see them doing porn films. he bothers me more than she does for some reason, although i find her annoying.

  44. Ha Ha Ha Couldn't happen to a more deserving couple of douchbags. Unless the KardASSians suddenly all found themselves broke and homeless with no TV cameras around to follow their every move.
