Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snooki Bails On Contest Winners

Oh Snooki. You have so much to learn. I know right now that the ride you are on seems endless, but I promise it does end. Yes, you still have one more season to air after Italy and yes, you will probably get your own show with Jwoww for a season after, but then that will probably be it. You will be not quite 30 and will try and spend the rest of your life trying to recapture what you have now. So, since it will be a quick trip down, you should be nice to everyone while you can. You never know when they will be in a position to hire you at the mall when you go looking for work.

On Sunday, two women won a contest to spend Sunday dinner with Vinny, Deena and Snooki at Vinny's parents house. Snooki did not show and Vinny was ticked.

One of the things that makes you look bad as a celebrity is standing people up or not doing the things you signed up to do. Judging from this, it does not look she had any excuse other than she did not want to come. Not cool.


  1. Won a contest? Are you sure that dinner with Snooki wasn't some kind of sentence for committing a heinous crime?

  2. Aren't the Kardashians getting sued for $70 millions for not showing up either, or completing their contract, with that credit card company as well?

    I would've thought that could've been a cautionary tale for all reality show... participants.

  3. Who would really want to spend time with Snooki ?
    I guess there's no accounting for taste.

  4. Ah, come on you guys, give her a break. I am sure she was there but failed to be noticed. After all, she is such a shy, demure girl.

  5. Hey Snooki, call Heidi and Spencer. They have some advice for you.

  6. LOL, Linnea! I think you're right. Maybe someone used her as a booster seat without even realizing it. :-)

  7. Snooki probably just got lost on the way over to Vinny's house. "I'm going to Sunday dinner, bitches!"

  8. Snooki is probably still sleeping.

  9. As they say "you can take the girl outta the crap but you can't take the crap outta the girl"

  10. Maybe she is visiting the Vatican. You know the one in Florence.

  11. @ardleigh: Oh, yeah, that church that starts with a "V"! Decorated by Leonardo DiCaprio, right?

  12. The only reason this girl is famous is because she got punched in the face, and MTV promoted ad nauseum. Everyone expect Jersey shore to be a failure, but that was the punch heard around the world.

    But I do agree with Enty. Show up for your obligations!!!! These people won a contest to meet you. Personally I would rather have dinner with Jwowww since I think she "might" contribute to some interesting dinner conversations. Snookie would be passed out before the first course.
