Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sandra Bullock Does Not Talk To Sunny Anymore

According to US Weekly, Sandra Bullock has cut off all communication with Sunny James, the 7 year old daughter of Jesse James who Sandra has known since Sunny was a toddler. Now, of course this all comes from Janine, so who knows if she is just blowing smoke out her crack pipe or if this is actually true. It really sucks when this kind of thing happens but it happens all the time. If they are not your child and you split with the parent of the child, you probably are not going to see them. Remember when Halle Berry said she would still see Eric Benet's daughter all the time. When is the last time you saw them together? The magazine speculates it is because Sandra wanted to move on with her life. That is great and all but Sandra was the mother figure in this girl's life and was gone in an instant. That cannot be good for Sunny and it is repeated everywhere else throughout the world on a daily basis.


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