Friday, August 05, 2011

Ryan & Tatum O'Neal Exploit Redmond

Yesterday when Redmond O'Neal appeared in court to face drug and weapon charges, also there were Ryan and Tatum O'Neal. The father and daughter who seem way too cozy for just father and daughter if you know what I mean were front and center and talking to anyone. Now, if you will recall, Ryan generally skipped most of Redmond's previous court appearances, but that was before Ryan had a reality show. Now, of course he will be anywhere he can that will increase his ratings. Tatum? Never been to a Redmond hearing ever. This time? Fake empathy right in front of the cameras. They really do make me sick. This is actually way worse than parentis Lohanis simply because I have no doubts that Ryan will take down anything that is not nailed down to Redmond. I honestly would not be surprised if he is hoping his own child would die so he can cash in. You think there is no way he could have those thoughts? How about the cashing in he did on a dying Farrah and stealing her stuff.


jax said...

"parentis Lohanis" nice. ha.

i cannot believe the two of them...I used to give her the benefit of the doubt,she is the child after all...but damn they are both some serious famewhores.

Voice O' Reason said...

I feel real sorry for this kid. I don't think he ever really had a fighting chance with a father like Ryan O'Neal.

I worked in a Drug and Alcohol rehab for 7 years back in the 90s. I helped the residents apply for benefits so I'd get to know them fairly well. Some addicts will surprise you and recover. But Redmond just has the look of those that you know are going to use until they die. There is just a deadness in his eyes (truly no pun intended)and I don't believe he is ever going to shake this. Very sad.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

"parentis Lohanis"!!!! HA!!!

I think that people can be as addicted to fame and the camera as anything else out there. Not excusing Ryan and Tatum's douchebaggery, but I'm also NOT surprised at ALL.

Momster said...

Parentis Lohanis--is that Latin? LOL

Farrah must be turning over in her grave. Poor kid.

figgy said...

Something about that kid's face makes me not feel badly for him. He's of the same ilk as his father and sister. He'd turn around and famewhore them too if he could.

Naomi said...

Oprah should be ashamed of herself

Anonymous said...

You know, even bad people have good things about them, but Ryan O'Neal seems to have NO good about him at all. He's 100% bad. He doesn't feel any guilt about anything. I guess that makes him a sociopath.

Cecilia00 said...

And what about when he made a pass at Tatum at Farrah's funeral?!


Exploitative and disturbing.

nunaurbiz said...

Is the show still filming? I admit, I have been watching it. It explains a LOT about Tatum and Ryan's dysfunction. Recent episodes were filmed in February. I wouldn't think they would still be filming now.

Patty said...

WTH did Farrah ever do to be surronded by such scum of the earth? And I hate to say this, her son included. That is one hopeless family.

BigMama said...

I despise that man. He makes it very hard for me to watch Bones just because he appears on it. Having said that, I am not surprised in the least that he is making a show of support for ratings.

Anonymous said...

I hate Ryan O'Neal. Truly hate him. I've told this story before here, but in the 60s-70s my grandmother taught at a ritzy private school in LA. Lots of celebrity kids went there -- including Griffin O'Neal. Memaw said he was the sweetest little boy, but his father -- when he would bother to show up for meetings, etc., which wasn't often -- was a total rageaholic dick. He screamed at Griffin all of the time and even hit him once in front of my granny and an assistant principal. She wanted to call the cops, but the AP told her not to "cause any trouble" for Mr. Big Star back in the day. Griffin would cry every day at the end of school and hug my granny, asking if he could go home with her. It broke her heart. When he started having all of the drug problems, she said that it was all his rotten father's fault, and I totally agree. Douchebag.

selenakyle said...

Naw! Really? You don't mean it!

Fucking sycophants.

Lux Luthor said...

Did I miss something about Tatum? I thought she was as icked out by her father as everyone else is. I didn't even know she and Ryan had a show, so I guess I'm behind the times.

Snakeoiler said...

I have not read the comments, but there was a blind a week or so ago that I (and one other person) guessed was Ryan and Tatum. Drugs, sex, she was a former A-lister not doing much work lately.

I think this story confirms that we were right.

LauraM said...

I trully feel sorry for Redmond. When you're an addict you need a support system. He doesn't have one at all. I'm not saying that I blame others for his mistake but he's human and he made a mistake and he doesn't have the support to help him recover. I hope he finds one and gets through this though not likely. Shame on his dad and sister.

nancer said...

what did farrah ever do to deserve these people?

farrah was no angel herself.


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