Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Rule #1 With Drugs In Car

Apparently Redmond O'Neal has never watched an episode of COPS. If he had, then he would know rule #1 when it comes to drugs in your car. If you are going to have them in your car, then you need to obey all traffic rules. Entire seasons of COPS could be filled with idiots who run red lights, or speed and then are pulled over by police. The next thing you know, drugs are being found and people are saying it is not their drugs, but (a) the person they borrowed the car from (when this answer is used, it is typically stolen, not borrowed from a friend which is why they can never remember the friend's name, either first or last; (b) the hooker who was in the car with them when they got busted, which is another popular way to have police stop you and another reason to never combine drugs and hookers which is plainly written on the drugs right next to don't mix with booze; and (c) the drugs belong to the person who used the car last and that person probably did not own the drugs either, but instead see (a) or (b) above.

Yesterday morning, Redmond blew through a red light, the police saw him, and then after giving excuses a-c above, was arrested and charged with a variety of charges all because he had heroin in the car and decided that red lights mean go. Redmond has yet to make bail because his dad is too busy stealing from Farrah and trying to sleep with his daughter.


  1. This kid will never, ever get clean. Sad.

  2. Dumbass idiot. No excuses.

  3. Seriously? You're clean for so long while you're in jail because it was ruining your life, you get out, detoxed, and go back to using? This guy should be with Lindsay.

  4. I feel sorry for him because Farrah was probably the only person in his life that loved him and wanted to help him. I think he uses to numb how alone he feels.

  5. @ Enty, I think you said what all of us are thinking. And it is just so damn sad all the way around. Ryan belongs in Hell for what he has put everyone through.

  6. I've always had a soft spot for him - crap father/siblings and I don't know what to think of FF as a mom staying with Ryan all those years - I was really hoping this time he would stay clean and be happy in spite of the hand he was given.

  7. Poor Farrah. It's just sad that her only kid can't seem to get it together.

  8. Alec Baldwin retweeted this today: @Tatum_Oneal: My Oneal brothers are not doing that great right now. Will take a prayer if you have it in you."

    So sad

  9. Thought he was still in jail....poor Farrah she didn't deserve this kid...

  10. Raise your hand if you've ever had a heroin addict in your family. (Waiting...) Okay, now that everyone is silent, let me speak. I have...and I do. It's taken me a LONG time to get past the "what a dumbshit!"- attitude toward the addict. Until you've dealt with this personally, you will NEVER know the pain and heartache this brings to everyone in your life.

    When I heard about Redmond yesterday, I was terribly sad for him. No one WANTS to be a junkie.

    Jesus. I'm sick of the cynics and hateful people around here.

    Apparently, you all are perfect.

  11. Get over yourself, DivaJulia. You're not the only one on these boards who have family members who have dealt with addiction. While I agree no one wants to be a junkie, it is still hard for those of us to watch our family members fall off the wagon over and over. Sadness, compassion and anger are ALL valid feelings in response to dealing with someone with an addiction.

  12. I still say that any kid that Ryan had a hand in raising ended up addicted to drugs and damaged. The only one who wasn't affected was Patrick O'Neal from Ryan's marriage to Leigh Taylor-Young.

    Leigh took off with Patrick and never looked back. Patrick was the lucky one.

  13. Timebob I didn't know he had another child.

    This makes me sad. And WTF was FF thinking hooking up with him and staying with him.

    I mean didn't she find it odd that his kids were never ever there or around?! Wouldn't that sound off major alarm bells?!

  14. I feel for Redmond. I wish him strength.

  15. @ DivaJulia: I understand. Dealing with my husband right now who is in rehab again. He totalled our Tahoe on Saturday night and I didn't know about it until Monday AFTER he went into rehab. I'll never know what really happened because there are 5 completely different versions. I'm just sitting here shaking my head wondering how he even came up with some of the stories much less thought any of them would be believable. And when I just talked to him to let him know that it was totalled he got mad at me because he has too much to deal with right now. HUH? He has too much to deal with? He's in a safe place where he gets to focus on himself and I'm stuck here in the real world dealing with work, the bills, and all of the wreckage (literally) that he left behind for me to straighten up once again. He then had the nerve to tell me that he needs to be selfish right now and take care of himself.

    Like you said, anyone that has an addict in the family can relate. So sad!

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    @New Life and Attitude...if you can, try to attend an Al-Anon or Narc-Anon meeting. Those people care.

  17. @Brendalove - I've been to both before and usually left much more angry than before I walked in. I started attending NA meetings with him a few years ago to get a sense of what he was going through and realized that I am also an addict and have been clean for 2 1/2 years. That's why I get so mad at him. I know what is happening and what it takes. He just never wants to take any responsibility for anything.

  18. I'll admit I've been watching the Ryan and Tatum reality series on OWN. I'm surprised all 3 kids aren't dead after dealing with all of Ryan's selfish ways.

    The only way he went to an AA meeting with Tatum was when she told him there were pretty girls there.

    Oh, and you get to see the Andy Warhol hanging over his bed. You know the one Farrah left to the Uni of Texas....he claims he doesn't have it.

  19. So, DivaJulia, you say it took you a long time to get over that attitude even though you were dealing with a loved one, but you get mad at people who feel that way towards a complete stranger? Yeah, that makes sense.

  20. No, we are definitely NOT, DivaJulia! Apparently you have not been in the CDAN commenting community long enough to have read the same sentiment and heartache from many of us.

    We also battle our own addictions and watch our family members battle theirs. Is this TOTALLY ENTITLED kid an idiot? YES. Is he also a dumbass? YES.

    So sad he's a junkie.There's lots of them around.

  21. Mooshki- did you change your pic recently? LOL, i JUST now noticed the er monkey, is that what it is? It sorta looks like a Gollum/Larry King hybrid if you squint just right hahaha

    Back to the topic:
    All I want to say is I felt so sorry when I heard this yesterday. Hope he finds the inner strength to get clean and stay that way, cause lord knows his one remaining parent aint gonna help him with shit. damn, do I hate Ryan O'neal- he is actually one of only like 3 actors that I refuse to watch in anything.

  22. I have questions beyond the personalities, relationships and addiction --

    The article specifically said the drugs were found during a search.

    Why would running a red light give police the right to search his car? Did Redmond seem high, or did they ask and he gave them permission?

  23. pray for Redman. He is suffering

  24. Jasmine, yep, it's a monkey, although you nailed the gollum/Larry thing, lol.

  25. our next door neighbors have a daughter that has spent over half her life in rehab. 2 other kids in the family are typical, married, kids, etc. the family has supported her through a lot, including adopting 2 children she had w/ 2 different men because she couldn't care for/support them. about a year ago she pulled a gun on all of them at a family gathering. that was it. they are finally done. its very sad and everyone is sorry it has come to this. but they aren't willing to live in crazy land anymore. this woman is now almost 40. and rehabed for the first time at 15. they know that at some point they will hear she is dead from drugs. people can only give so much.

  26. Maybe jail's the best place for him at this point. If the jail won't allow camera crews he'll never have to worry about his dad visiting either. Win-Win!!

  27. Anonymous8:18 PM

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  28. I had a dear friend who was a huge part of my 20s - loved him dearly for many years, and still not a day goes by that I am not reminded of something wonderful or funny that he did or said, or of some very special times we spent together.

    He became a heroin addict in his mid 30s and eventually cut all of those who really loved and cared for him out of his life, including his family and dearest old friends. He went to rehab again and again, eventually started losing his mind and changed his personality to that of a lifelong addict. Eventually he ripped everyone off, including me, alienated his more than patient family who finally stopped paying for his rehabs and died alone and isolated 4 years ago from health complications related to his longtime heroin use.

    So when I see that picture of Redmond O'Neal looking hopeless and knowing what a fuckup he has become, I am saddened, mostly for him. I hope he finally gets help and doesn't end up like my friend or like Amy Winehouse or a number of any lifelong addicts, famous and not.

    No one aspires to be an addict. And it's hard to feel sorry for someone who has so much and pisses it all away. But I'll never stop rooting for even the worst addict to recover. I have seen even addicts of more than a dozen years recover. But he/she has to reach that point of deciding, and if they never do, the outcome is always the same.

  29. Anonymous10:10 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Moonmaid, thank you for sharing your very personal story with us.

    You are a ray of light.

  31. Anonymous1:21 AM

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  32. Moonmaid - so well said. Thanks. Tears just welled up.

  33. I really feel bad for Redmond. Sure no-one forced him to do drugs but his Dad sure as hell is no help to the guy.

    Maybe he should move to Texas and be near some of his Moms relatives. Her father is pretty old but surely there are other family members.

    Oh Redmond, you really will be happier off the stuff. I'm rooting for you Redmond.
