Random Photos Part Two
Bubba Smith - RIPBrooke Burke and David Charvet look pretty good. Damn them. I need to get below 400 again.
Brad Pitt filming arctic scenes in the middle of 90 degree heat.
Courtney Love and drinking is a huge no no.
Not as big of a no no as Catherine Zeta Jones still smoking. Maybe if she would stop,
her husband would.
In an interview with Elle, The Goopster says she and Chris Martin go through periods that are not rosy. Yeah, probably every Thursday when GOOP comes out. Oh, and when he cheats on her.
Meanwhile, Lindsay Lohan was on her way to see The Goopster's husband because
Coldplay was in town.
Heather Locklear looking good.
I give the Goopster's marriage less than a year. Based on her interview the other day about it, she knows it, too.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Courtenay JUST give an interview last month about how she basically doesn't drink at all? Delusion and lies, thy name is Lindsay.
Maybe champagne doesn't count? I always thought so myself ;)
ReplyDeleteLindsya looks like she needs a bath. And a good scrubbin'. Possibly also a public flogging.
I know smoking is an addiction, shit, I used to be a smoker myself...but if you, or your husband, had been diagnosed with cancer, especially one that appears to be linked to smoking, wouldn't you quit? Or would you honestly think that just because it didn't kill you that time, you can keep going?
Kate Bosworth was papped at the Coldplay concert. Coincidence or Conspiracy??
ReplyDeleteI like to think that Michael was puffing on a joint. For medicinal reasons, of course.
ReplyDeleteI have a huge crush on Chris Martin....*sigh*
ReplyDeleteummm, which one was Brad Pitt?
Lindsey Lohan needs to take a long vacation somewhere and I don't mean for her health but because I am sick of lookin at her
I want to look Like Heather Locklear
Good to see Heather looking good. I hope she's well.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Chris Martin cheats? I'm shocked. How could he cheat when he's got the perfect woman?
I have a friend who beat breast cancer and she still smokes. I can't judge.
Brooke and David can have their paddle surfing; it looks too hard.
Woof, Lindsay Lohan.
ReplyDeleteGwynnie does seem to be working on a "I'm hot and sexy" image which would work well for a single gal. And the interview said something about "if we were ever not together, I would hugely respect him as a father and musician". Who talks about their hubby like that?
ReplyDeleteBrooke Burke was so bitchy in that court clip, I'll never like her again.
Thanks for all the great laughs ... RIP High Tower.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Goopy's neck?
ReplyDelete@lanasyogamama - good call on the whole "hot and sexy" image. Usually she's all about "rich and married" - they must be getting close to announce the "mutual decision to separate but remain loving co-parents." I just grossed myself out with the over-use of quotes. Sorry everyone.
ReplyDeleteUnder any other circumstances I wouldnt wish cheating on anybody...BUT when it comes to Gwyneth (Not Gwyn) Paltrow, Im hoping this realization that she isnt above being fucked over in life, will take her Marie Antoinette wannabe ass down a peg or two.
ReplyDeleteOh - and Maja - you're totally right - champagne doesn't count... And yes, I find it troubling to look at 2 people who have been directly impacted by cancer (as you said, probably directly linked to smoking), but they are still smoking. That's crazy! Suck on some Nicorette, dudes. Or, I don't know, just quit.
ReplyDeletewill take her Marie Antoinette wannabe ass down a peg or two.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny...
CZJ smoking still surprises me. She seems far to regal for such a "filthy" habit. not to mention the second hand thye unknowingly transfer to their kids.
Baltimore Sun ran a piece about Bubba Smith. Back when the Colts were still in Charm City and he won a Super Bowl. Didn't even realize he was the one in the Police Academy movies. I think I've seen (almost) every one. RIP.
ReplyDeleteI love it when you're no holds barred and just blatantly admit when celebs cheat on each other.
I hope Lindsay buys some pants before the next time she's photographed. Or she at least steals a pair from somewhere.
ReplyDeleteSo did Lindsay, Bosworth and Gwynnie all hang together to cheer Chris on?
ReplyDeleteLindsay got in for free too. Of course.
ReplyDeleteHeather looks great. I'm glad to see that.
ReplyDeleteJeezum fecking cheeto, Lindsay looks like she was used as a mop for a filthy diner floor.
AGC has a blind with Chris & The Goop as the reveal saying the lawyers are working on the property division and custody as we speak...should be the next few months...however I've been reading this for years...
ReplyDeleteCZJ shame on you, you should have quit the day he was diagnosed...
Must be great to be rich enough that boutiques will let you drink wine while you shop. I can just see myself shopping for underwear at Sears with a Bud in my mitt.
ReplyDeleteFor such a trainwreck Lindsay still looks pretty fit from the neck down.
Can't stand FishStick with that attitude of her's. I wonder when she is finally divorce what her excuse will be for her marriage not being that great like she make's it sound.
ReplyDeleteSylvia, I expect the classic "we've grown apart, and have different interests" excuse..
ReplyDeleteWhat's all this about Brooke Burke being a twit? I never heard anything bad about her, who's got the deets?
ReplyDeleteAnyone who smokes should expect cancer, and not look for sympathy when it's diagnosed. I have certainly have none for anyone who stupidly puffs along for years on a toxic stick that has been proven to cause cancer, then cries later on when they find out their body is being devoured by they monster they created. I hope CZJ and MD have already put aside money for their kids' treatments in the future-second hand smoke is nearly as deadly.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, Gwen is def working a new angle. Like with her "i am so much fun to hang around with and i like to paaaarty"!
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ReplyDeleteDare I say .. I dislike GOOPie almost as much as I dislike this B*tch. And isn't that a sad statement on GOOPie!
ReplyDeleteYey! so glad to see the sight back to normal. My days and nights are back to normal now lol. Thx Enty!
ReplyDelete@ Jasmine - *love* "Marie Antoinette wannabe ass"!
ReplyDeleteI have a theory about CZJ: She's hasn't lied about her age, her skin just looks like my grandma's favorite leather purse because she's been smoking three+ packs a day for the past 20 years. Why eat three squares a day when you can smoke?
My cousins husband died of lung cancer from smoking, she goes on and on about how she misses him yet she still puffs away herself. It's truly bizarre. I quit many years ago simply because I knew it was the right thing to do so I just have no inkling of how these people think at all.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed seeing Heather Locklear, I hope she comes back to TV soon.
MyUncle died from COPD and emphysema, still smoked when he was on the oxygen tank. Crazy.