Monday, August 08, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Francesco Quinn - RIP
Alexander Skarsgard looks pretty happy about something.
The entire brood minus the twins went and saw Wicked in London.
Christina Ricci looking good at an ABC upfront.
Looking even better is Benjamin Bratt. How old is this guy and he still looks fabulous?
Dakota Fanning on the set of her new movie.
Eduardo Cruz grabs some Eva Longoria butt and
later they pretend it never happened.


  1. Whoa - Angelina Jolie looks blood drained in that photo....

    Lucky Eva!

  2. Skarsgard - just don't get it.

    Angelina looks like the cryptkeepers girlfriend. Girl, get some fake sun if your scared of the real thing. Oh, and eat a freaking french fry while your at it!

    christina Ricci looks fabulous.

    Ben B. is getting better lookin every year. Seriously yummy.

    Dakota - sigh* the short hair isn't for everyone. she is still cuter than most people though

    Ok, I kinda like Eva Longoria. don't know why, never really watched Desperate Housewives. Of course, that may be why I like her.

  3. Aw, I really liked Quinn in those taco commercials...his accent was awesome ;)

    I know the talk is that Angie is hooked on methadone/fentanyl, but I'm really wondering if there isn't an eating disorder under it, too. So thin and still so beautiful (sorry, she is). Also, Brad is looking HOT these days.

  4. Benjamin Bratt is sooo hot!! I still cannot believe that he was with that horseface Roberts~

  5. my daughter has the same Chistery monkey doll thing that Shiloh has. she loves it because she bought it with her very own money :)

  6. I am still convinced Brad P. wore that skraggly beard for so long to hide some major work he had done. He looks alot younger than he did before he started wearing it.

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Angie just looks so thin and brittle.

    I'm not going to rag on her for the skin colour because I'm that colour and it seems that's the one skin colour you're allowed to publicly bash and I'm tired of it.

  8. I would never call Angie "ugly" in a zillion years...but I WILL call her haggard. That thin frame is just ghastly. SOMETHING isn't right. I admire the pale skin, though -- we phantom-skinned people need to unite and smugly rejoice in the fact that we're going to age waaaaaay better than our leathery counterparts.

    Christina? Used to be scary skinny, and now looks AMAZING.

    And A-Skaars *never* does it for me, but he's a cutie when he smiles. Wow.

    Benjamin and his wife look nearly identical to me -- they're both so hot they don't even look human. They're an insanely gorgeous couple -- and boy, he HAS aged well. Damn!

  9. I can admire "phantom skin" and respect it as well. She just doesn't look pale to me, she looks unhealthy. Big difference. I come from a family of redheads, you can be pale and still have a good palour to your skin.

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I'm reading Andrew Morton's bio on Angelina Jolie right now, and just went through the chapter on how she regularly scored heroin while filming in NYC in the late 90s.

    I have no idea if the book is credible or not, mainly I've been flying a lot and this was a good book to have on the plane. But it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this picture. Really, really gaunt. Unhealthy gaunt.

  11. I think Ida hit it...Angie is phantom skinned. Pasty looking. Even fair skinned people, like myself, have color, some sembelance of health, and don't look like we have 3 drops of blood left in our system.

  12. I don't understand how AJ's legs and arms and everything can be so skinny, yet she has a belly bulge. Isn't that what malnutrition does to you? God willing, she's not pregnant again.

  13. Is it just me, or does Pax look like Brad in that picture? I mean, I know it's not possible ... but? Does he? Anyone?

  14. There is pale, and there is pasty. Angelina is pasty. I don't think the shoes, which are the identical color of her skin, help either. They make her look even thinner than she is. She and Shiloh are actually the same color in the photo, but the black dress and long hair doesn't help her out, either.

    Some people have especially bony arms and legs, she seems to be one of them. I recall she was a lot more voluptuous when she was younger, like in Original Sin or whatever that movie was called with Antonio. Now, she looks painfully thin, and as another reader commented, brittle. Definitely, brittle...

  15. Not Angie's best look for sure. Check-out her knees. I read that book, Sonny, and wasn't surprised by anything other than I always believed Angie's Mother was a "French actress" yet Marcheline was actually born Marsha Lynn.

    I thought Benjamin Bratt looked diff when he was on Modern Family. If he's had work done, it's a good job. He's hawt. I like how he keeps his family private. He probably learned his lesson after the Oscar fiasco with Julia.

  16. I'm pale but I have some color in my cheeks. Angie looks deathly - chaulky.

    Doesn't she look older than 36?

  17. Angie looks like the classic heroin addict, right down to the tummy bump. I have no idea whether she is, but, hey, that's what it looks like. Think of Amy Winehouse, very similar also. I hope she gets help. It's sad.

  18. My daughter is the same age as Shi, and I don't think she'd get Wicked! yet - esp since The Wizard of Oz is too scary for her to watch. Maybe I'm wrong though, I took her to Mary Poppins and she thought it was the best thing ever.

    Ang is GORGEOUS. She just is.

  19. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Benjamin Bratt has a Dorian Gray type painting in his attic. I just know it. The man doesn't age. Holy smokes, does he look good. He's got to be nearing 50. Hot DAMN, let his wife leave him. I'll be all over that hot piece. Yes, indeed!

  20. True Fact - I was born the same week as Angelina Jolie. Actually I'm just slightly 7 days older. And I'm probably the only person on earth that thinks that's pretty cool. LoL.

    Sonny - I read that book too. can't believe How she had Mick Jagger weeping and crying over her. that was just WOW.

    Christina Ricci continues to be one of my favs.

  21. I would never have recognized Dakota Fanning without the caption.

    And yes, AJ looks unhealthy. That is not "naturally skinny", that is "not getting enough nourishment". She looks ill. I hope she isn't.

  22. What happened to Francesco Quinn? He's not listed as deceased on IMDB. He was an interesting actor, and I saw him on an episode of "The Glades" a few weeks ago.

  23. ASkars has been smiling everywhere he goes in NYC. I love it :)

  24. Just found it, an apparent heart attack. He was only 48. RIP.

  25. All right, Angie Jo--eat a fucking sandwich why dontcha? And get out in some sunshine while you're at it, for chrissakes.

  26. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Oh, are in love with me, you just don't realize it yet.

  27. A Skarsgard always reminds me of David Hyde Pierce... Everytime I see a photo that's who I think it is...

  28. JasonBlueEyes said...True Fact - I was born the same week as Angelina Jolie. Actually I'm just slightly 7 days older. And I'm probably the only person on earth that thinks that's pretty cool. LoL.

    Nope, you're not! I'm about 9 days older than her and I love it, too. We can unite in our loserdom. LOL :P

    I think she looks BEAUTIFUL, but definitely too skinny. She's been this skinny since her mom died. Before that she was thin of course, but not like this. After her mom died she got scary skinny & has yet to recover. Sad :(

  29. Miz Caramel, then you haven't seen him naked!


  31. Angelina Jolie looks like Death's ex-wife!

  32. I can't believe the number of people who are writing that Angelina Jolie looks "beautiful" or "gorgeous"!! If that's your idea of beautiful and gorgeous, you must love what you see in the Sudan or on the terminal ward in your local hospital. Seriously, that woman is a drug addict with an eating disorder. Who on earth thinks that's beautiful?!

  33. RIP Francisco. I always liked your work and wanted you to get your own show.
    You would have been able to replace Stabler on SVU and I'd have tuned in.

  34. I work out next to Benjamin Bratt on occasion and he is HAWTER in the flesh :)

  35. Christina Ricci looks great.

    Pasty, yes, and far too thin, but I don't see a belly on Angelina.

  36. OMG, Unknown...I'd die, just die.

  37. Really sad about Francesco Quinn. We were just watching the Zen series on Masterpiece and he was very good in it. Not all kids of famous actors are jerks - he was apparently a well liked nice guy and family man. Tragically he died while running home from the store with his young son to go fly a kite on the beach. RIP.

  38. Angelina Jolie, geez what a bunch of critical folk. When I was in my 30s with 3 young kids I was haggard and thin too and got told all the time that I needed to gain weight. The woman has what, 5 or 6 kids, a career, and travels constantly? I don't think a heroin addict could do all that and still be well dressed with seemingly happy kids. So tired of reading all this snarky comments. I don't know her, but heck, I've had friends who were heroin addicts and they looked far, far worse.

  39. RIP Francisco. 48 was way too soon.

    BB does look great! Latin men age so well!!

  40. Angelina hasn't been the same since her mother passed away a few years ago. Go back to pics of her up until then and then look at pics after and you can see the difference. I think the loss of her mother was too much for her to deal with and she hasn't been the same since. I don't know if she is ON anything but she definitely is a lot thinner. I hope she gets the help she needs. I like her.

  41. @Jen

    I see you said the same thing.


  42. Benjamin Bratt... sorry, ran out of words. HOT

  43. LOL Lady J, great minds :D

    ecua - I guess that's why they're called "opinions" ;)

  44. Jesus, ecua. If you don't believe Jolie has an exquisite face or features, that's you. Yeah, she's thin, but I still think she's beautiful. Deal with it.

  45. @jen - well that makes you just 2 days older than me. Awesome.

  46. I am def not an Angie fan. I think she's a pretentious homewrecker but I will safe I kind of have a hard time believing the heroin thing. Would she alwyas have to wear long sleeves to cover track marks? You'd think we would have seen some sort of track marks on her arms or legs by now if that were true. You know how tabloids blow everything up..

  47. I will say*.. not safe lol
