Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Hilary Duff and her husband celebrate their big announcement by going shopping.
Heidi Klum in a trucker hat. Later she took off the top. I have to say that she looks pretty darn good topless.
Jude Law pretends he cannot hear the guy who wants the autographs.
Lady GaGa normal two days in a row? Shocker. It is kind of like when Courtney Love started dating Ed Norton.
Not so normal is Lindsay Lohan.
Russell Brand always can take time out for some fan loving.
Sarah Michele Gellar starts every day with the Pledge Of Allegiance.
Apparently people like The Situation. Not too much longer though I think.

Lainey basically outed Mike as the cheater from that blind she posted a month or so ago. And I happen to think Hilary is so, so, so pretty -- never understood her attraction to Frankencomrie. Let's hope the child takes after her, I guess.
ReplyDeleteYes, she's still gorgeous, but I kinda get the feeling that Heidi is gonna age like Elle MacPherson -- that is, sort of droopy and wizened beyond her years due to all the time she's spent on various beaches. That's what sunworshipping does, and that's why there's a hat on my head and sunscreen on my face year-round. Eff it. Aging is for suckahs!
At this point, Lindsay just REEKS of effort. Save it for Halloween, sweetie.
Gaga looks awesome indeed, but I have to admit that I miss her teacup hats and Geordi LaForge eyewear.
And I cannot believe that I was ever attracted to Jude Law. Honestly.
I hope things end well for Hillary. I always liked her and never heard of her acting like those such as Lindsay Lohan and others like her.Heidi Klum looks good but trucker's hat is odd with a bikini.I want Lady Gaga's dress. SMG looks like she is feeling her breast more then the pledge of allegiance.
ReplyDeleteHeidi Klum's breasts look like deflated droopy pancakes!!!!!
ReplyDelete"Pretty darn good topless" Enty, really??!!
Please please make "The Situation" go away. He is so repulsive.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby and I were discussing fans approaching stars last night. We wouldn't do it. They are human beings who have as much right to privacy and down time as we do. The CEO's of companies who earn just as much as these stars aren't expected to speak/deal with people 24/7. If a star is leaving something like Letterman, or is at a convention, then they are working and that is different. I also accept when they come out from doing a play they can take some time to sign autographs, though I have better things to do with my time than hang about waiting.
ReplyDeleteagain, I like SMG. Hope her show is good.
ReplyDeleteLindsey is a silly twat. I never use that word, but for her I will make an exception
Hillary seems like a pretty cool kid, but wasn't she revealed to be the blind about the sister who showed up for the tryout and stole the part from her sister?
Jude - you used to be such a pretty man...then you met Sienna
I have come around about Russell Brand, he won me over in Get him to the Greek
I can't help it, I LOVE Russell Brand. To me, he kind of falls into the "magical unicorn" - category of men, like Adam Lambert in the other photos. I guess I have a thing for flamboyant men with big hair andeyeliner...*L*
ReplyDelete@Maja -- I ADORE Russell Brand, and your comparison of him to Adam is more than apt. Now I understand why I love him so!
ReplyDeleteUm. Are we *sure* Russell isn't gay?
@Maja- I'm with you too about Russell and Adam.. I'm in love with Russell tho!
ReplyDeleteHeidi Klum's body is meh.
ReplyDeleteShe has good long gams and all but that too thin lower belly bones extending Leann Rimes thang is tres nast.
I prefer Kim K.'s body if you wanna know the truth. Not the attitude or the mother that comes with the body, just the body.
All I see here is a tall thin woman with a good face. Hot body? I dont think so
I was staring at her top when Enty mentioned she looks good lol. Sorry but to me she looks flat as a board LOL.
ReplyDeleteLindsay, just go into porn already, you know want to and we know you want to. Doing these never ending photo shoots with tyler being barely dressed and bleeding with a knife or tied up in some faux BDSM degrading fetish. Is only going to lead you to one place.
At this rate, Lindsay is just a Ron Jeremy away from asking "Just don't get it in my eyes!" Poor, misguided, delusional Lindsay.
ReplyDeleteI saw a photo of Heidi when she started out as a brunette model and I think she was even more gorgeous with darker hair. 'Course she was younger then, but I still *love* her on PR and even more so, love her and Seal together.
ReplyDeleteThat Lindsay photo is nothing but major fame-whoring for paycheck. Seriously, she must have a major disconnect from reality to pose for something like that.
that lindsay photo disturbs the hell out of me. :(
ReplyDeleteNow, I love Buffy more than life itself, but WHAT IN HOLY HELL is Sarah Michelle wearing?!?!?
ReplyDeleteI guess Lindsay finally got tired of Michael Lohan's crap!
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see some Russell love here! It's hard to find anyone in the U.S. who doesn't hate the guy. He can be obnoxious, but he's so brilliant and lovable IMHO.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the Lilo photo - she's no "Dexter" and while I faithfully watch the show, I don't want to see blood spatter anywhere else, thank you. Gore porn is such a turn off.
Lindsay needs to GO AWAY. PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteSo does the Situation.
Sarah Michelle Gellar looks about 55 years old in that pic.
I wish Hilary Duff all the best. She seems to have her head on straight...I hope.
I also loved Russell Brand in Get Him to the Greek.
Jude is lovely. He's wearing a beard because of his role in Anna Christie, which has gotten unanimously rave reviews. WAY TO GO, JUDE! Hope it transfers to Broadway. Meanwhile, he was not ignoring his fans when he left the theater that night. In other pictures (which don't always accurately reflect the moment), he was stopped signing all kinds of crap, AND, you know that some of these people were only getting stuff signed to sell on the internet. So yeah, it's nice of him to stop and sign 4 and 5 items for each of these guys, which he did, but it's not like he's doing a favor for an actual "fan." Jude is hot as hell, saw him in person in NYC a couple years ago after Hamlet. He's very good to his fans afterwards, sticking around to sign their Playbills, and even for fans who didn't see the performance.
you can see theots at topless Heidi beach pics at www.mediatakeout.com
ReplyDeleteSign me up for the Russell love - I've always loved him, especially in Sarah Marshall and after I read the open letter he wrote about Amy Winehouse, my love knew no bounds.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Russell Brand. He has a sense of humor about himself. He is not smug about it either, like Pitt or Clooney.