Thursday, August 04, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Reason # 482,004 to love Helen Mirren. She finds time to play hopscotch. There used to be 482,687 reasons to love Helen, but when she made Arthur she lost a few hundred reasons.
There is a whole lot of funny in this photo. Lily Tomlin and Lisa Kudrow.
Nadya Suleman a little late to the 4th of July party. She also says she hates sex.
Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem with their baby in Italy.
Rachel Bilson cozies up to a real star in Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Louis is about the cutest kid ever.
Sheryl Crow hanging out with Heidi Klum's husband. Hey, had to do it.
Usher and his kids.
Vanessa Hudgens finally got a wig or something to hide her self inflicted haircut.
Meanwhile, her ex, Zac Efron, seems to enjoy assembling playground equipment in his spare time.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Lisa K looks really different

  2. Sheryl seems to have lost some hotness. Cute Seal though!

  3. OMG I love that Crow/Seal photo!

    I agree that Louis is TEH CUTE

    The previews for Bilson's new show look simply awful. Awful.

  4. I met Lily Tomlin once, and I cannot imagine a funnier, more pleasant, or more gracious celebrity encounter. That woman is a total doll, and then some.

    Speaking of other Hot Memaws: Ahhhh. Helen Mirren. Thank goodness for her existence, really.

    I think Vanessa is cute as hell, bad hair or not...

    ...but she is nowhere NEAR as adorable as Louis Bullock.

  5. yes, Lisa DOES look different, kind of like one of those Hills girls. I think her nose is different.

  6. I am convinced that I want to be Helen Mirren when I grow up, thanks for reinforcing that idea Enty!

    I always think of Kathy Griffin's description of Lisa Kudrow from when they hung out back in the day in LA's comedy circuit. Kathy said that Lisa's hair was black and after several failed attempts at getting acting gigs she told everyone she was gonna dye her hair blonde and get fake tits and she did exactly that...and shortly thereafter scored the gig on Friends. LOL.

    I give 2 shits what Nadya Suleman is doing or wearing or thinking. Go take care of the millions of kids you stuffed yourself with and now can barely take care of, asshole.

    Usher looks HOT and his kids are adorable!

    This is what happens when you dont eat enough to maintain any reasonable normal body fat on yourself. Im talking to you Skeleton Crow

  7. Lily Tomlin got work done, she now resembles Mindy Sterling from the Austin Powers movies

  8. Sheryl Crow is skiiiiny.

  9. I know she's holding her purse, but to me it looks like Sarah Michelle Gellar is grabbing her crotch.

  10. I didn't even recognize Sheryl Crow. I still can't believe that is her. Wow!

  11. @Hayley! OMG I was literally coming on here to say the exact same thing, words and all. LOL

    Louis is adorable! I am glad for his mama, she looks pretty content as well.

  12. Did Sandy win the lotto with Louis or what? Damn. That is a handsome kid who always looks chilled out.

    Lisa Kudrow was on that Paul Reiser/ Helen Hunt show for at least 2 seasons (?) before 'Friends', FWIW. Otherwise the anecdote sounds pretty plausible for Holly wood.

  13. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I saw Lily Tomlin in her one woman show. It was incredible and very physical. For someone in her 70's, she has the strength of a person in their 20's. I could not believe my eyes.

    Every time I see Nadya S I get nauseated. She it the epitome of gross.

    I wonder if the H on Lindsay's belt buckle means Hilton?

  14. Suze Orman was willing to work with Nadya Sulemon extensively, for free, to get her back on track and help her take care of her children. Nadya bailed on her. What an idiot.

  15. I still love Lisa Kudrow. I think she's hilarious. Her face looks the same to me (?) but botox/fillers for sure. She's always had that hook nose. And Helen Mirren is simply perfection.

  16. Is calling Sarah Michelle Gellar a "real star" anyways a hint regarding today's blind item?

  17. Little Louis is adorable. Did anyone see the picture of Taye Diggs pushing his kid in a stroller through the farmers' market? I had never seen a picture of his baby before. Sooooo cute!

    I think Sheryl would look like her usual self with a little make-up. A little Great Lash goes a long way.

    I remember Lisa on "Mad About You", she was hilarious.

  18. Louis is fabulously good looking. What a cute baby...

  19. It's a good thing NS doesn't like sex, since I can't imagine who would want to participate in THAT.

    Louis is a doll baby. Omg. What a beautiful child.

  20. I don't understand Enty's hate for Rachel Bilson. The girl is one of my celeb crushes. but, ah well. His past posts regarding her have been really entertaining - and informative.

    Octomom makes me physically sick too. Why are people still talking about her? Just the name "Octomom" makes me think of Octupus which is slimy, smelly and disgusting. Just like her.

    Lisa Kudrow was on Chelsea Lately last night - and of course Chelsea had to Kiss the ass of anything Jen Aniston related by saying "Go f**k yourself" to Angelina Jolie at the begining of the show. I do love Lisa when she goes on Conan's show. Maybe that's because they used to have sex with each other.

  21. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Louis Bullock is in my Top 5 of Adorable Celeb Kids. Yes, I keep a list of who has cute offspring.

    I only want to be 1/10th as cool as Helen Mirren. Is that too much to ask for?

  22. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Wasn't there a question on Usher's first kid if it was his or not??

  23. JasonBlue - wait, why was AJ supposed to go f**** herself?

  24. If Bardem has actually been cheating on Cruz, that guy is a dufus.

  25. @ Jason - I read somewhere that Lisa Kudrow claimed to have saved herself for marriage. I know. Wow.

  26. Are you serious, Jason? Ugh. Get a new schtick, Chelsea.

  27. I doubt that Lisa K's bewbies are fake - Friends is on every night of the week and I have noticed a few times that her ladies have the same Brit Brit point South nipplage going on -is that possible with implants?

  28. @linnea - I believe it was in regards to AJ's dream of crossing the Sahara & having the kids stationed at various locations along the way.

    I really want to see Lisa Kudrow's new web series. It's supposedly really funny.

    Whether it's a wig or not, that hair looks MUCH better on VH.
