
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

No Money For Therapy But Plenty To Party

For the past few days I have been completely out of the gossip loop. One would hope that upon return things would be different, but it is like I have actually gone back in time five years. Apparently Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton must be getting it on again without Britney Spears getting in the way of their fun. Last time, Lindsay got jealous beyond belief when that happened and was the catalyst for her downward spiral. Now though she is partying like it is 2006 and 2007 again I can't figure out why. Maybe she just missed Paris and now that Nicky is single again, the three just want to have fun on their own. Maybe Lindsay thinks Paris is a step up from where she is now on lists since Paris does have an actual show on the air. Maybe Paris is trying to convince Lindsay to be on her show so Paris can get a second season. The best parts of Paris' show are Brooke's screen time. Maybe Paris has a lot of nice stuff Lindsay wants to steal. Maybe they just enjoy having sex together. Who knows.

I think I had a point to this story when I started, but it is just Paris and Lindsay so who really cares.



  1. where is the HANGOVER's director in the duet?

  2. *Britney* was the catalyst for LiLo's downward spiral? Shhiiiiiiit. That sounds like a theory concocted by LiLo herself via some insane four in the morning Twitter implosion.

    The ONLY people responsible for LiLo's current state are LiLo, Mikey Lohan, and White Oprah.

    I kinda hope Paris and Lindsay pull a Thelma and Louise and find themselves a nice, precipitous cliff...

    Is that actively wishing death on either of them? Not quite. In Lindsay's case, at least, she's ushering in her own demise quite nicely, and doesn't need any additional help from other people. So I won't feel bad for not giving a single shit about her anymore.

    And God, I NEVER cared about or had any sympathy for Paris. That useless harlot can die, die, die in a fire, for all I care. Buh-bye.

  3. wow Ida, tell us how you really feel *teeheehee*

  4. @Chrissy -- In the immortal words of the wise and venerable Tina Fey: "Paris Hilton is a piece of shit." She tends to incite great personal rage. Blame it on her poor treatment of animals. God, at LEAST Lindsay doesn't have any pets that we know about!

    Lindsay? Eh. I used to feel genuinely bad for the girl, but now that she's hit her mid-twenties and STILL blaming everyone else for her eff-ups, it's impossible to deal with her anymore.

  5. A pox on both their houses.

  6. Leave poor Britney out of this, she has her own problems..
    Lindsay owns all of her issues and problems, she a one girl demo crew....
    Paris and Lindsay are both shits.....perfect together

  7. I'm sorry but I just can't get past he picture...who the hell wears acid wash shorts anymore? Did she raid Debbie Gibson's closet?

  8. The both of 'em just showed the world the depths of their desperation. It'd be almost sad if anyone cared.

  9. I think the interview asking Paris if she was irrelevant now affected her so much she reached out again to someone who's always in the news....Lindsay. Problem solved.

  10. I agree, Ida. It's the blaming of everyone else for her problems that makes Lohan absolutely despicable to me. Not to mention the complete lack of desire to change her life.

  11. this was all part of the plan to resurrect lindsay's career and give paris a boost in the industry she wants to be an actress and be taken serously

    inside 411

  12. Two celebutards exploiting each other to gain some press? Well, that worked out just perfectly for those two :)

  13. Is anyone else grossed out at the herpes-fest they must have? I had no idea they'd been boinking. And Lindsay jealous of Brit? Oh dear.

  14. i hope amy winehouse comes back late at night and yanks lindsay's toe. i'm not giving up on her...but she desperately needs accountability & reality chks, and it appears all she has in her life are enablers...i find it heartbreaking. she's squandering what bit of life she has left and that can't bode well...not to mention all that hanging w/ herp-infested racists...certainly doesn't aid her case much.

  15. @ ida~ funny I thought Enty was saying LL was to blame for Britney's downward spiral.....funny.......probably because I could see LL getting jealous and f*#king with Britney until she went off the deep-end and disappeared

  16. Herp-infected racist is literally the grossest thing I think you could ever call someone, nice work Pookie :))

    And Lindsey (and Britney for that matter) will always invoke slight hope for me to get better, simply because I was raised by less than stellar parents and I know that when you dont get the tool from a very early age on how to deal with life nor the solid foundation of a safety net from those raising you then you are soooo much more suspeptible to being fucked in life. It actually takes some serious inner self esteem to work on yourself enough to not let this happen. I am lucky enough to be self aware and know that i need to do this, Lindsey and Britney perhaps arent.

  17. *from me to get better, not for me, jeesh Jasmine narcissistic much?

  18. @Kathryn -- Yeah, after reading the blind again, it sounds as if Enty is pretty much tossing blame everywhere. :-)

    I will ALWAYS root for Britney. Her talent is questionable, but she worked her ass off from a very early age, and she currently blames no one else for her problems -- except for creepy Sam Whatshisface, who deserves culpability, anyway.

    And I'm sure she's still got her bad habits, but I think she genuinely loves her sons and wants to be the best/most normal mom possible.

    I just feel genuinely terrible for any uneducated young woman who has been forced to process and learn how to handle her mental illness(es) in front of the whole world. To me, Britney's out-of-control partying was a blatant cry for help, whereas Lindsay and Paris are still just arrogant, stupid, heedless, and rebellious.

    At any rate: LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOOONE, Enty!! :-)

  19. the main difference between Paris and Lilo is that Paris is totally infatuated with herself but Lindsay exists on booze and self-loathing.

    But on a side note, does anyone want a kitten? I am fostering two little orange guys. My nephew and his girlfriend took one of the kittehs but I am trying to find homes for the other two. They are disgustingly cute and are trying to worm their way into my heart but I already have two cats as well as two ferals that I feed.

  20. WTF is up with these hideous clothes we are seeing, FFS? There is some damn ugly crap being worn out there these days, sheesh!

  21. Ida - Tina Fey felt bad about saying those things about Paris later on. I say don't feel bad. Don't do that, Tina. Feeling bad about that is bad. :(

    One more step closer to that Oscar Lindsay. You're one step closer.

  22. I'm squarely with y'all. Fuck both Lindsay and Paris. Britney I do feel sorry for, but the rest can slip and fall in their own vomit for all I care!

  23. @JBE -- well, I guess Tina can feel bad about the "piece of shit" comment, but I REALLY HOPE she doesn't regret saying that Paris has Fraggle hair.

    Or, you know: "hair."

  24. Ahhh that Howard Stern interview with Tina Fey was HILARIOUS. Like when she says Paris wanted a do a skit about Jessica Simpson because she's fat. Ha. So funny. And yeah, leave Brit alone. I've always loved her, and she doesn't give me the STFU-and-go-away kind of anger I get from Lindsay.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @Ida - I remember Tina said that Paris's "Hair" was falling out when she hosted SNL that one time. Paris was leaving huge clumps of it everywhere. LoL.

    That Stern interview was classic. Paris wanted to do a sketch about jEssica Simpson and when they asked her why she said "Because I hate her."

  27. Paris is EVIL. She is going to sell Lindsay out. Let stories "slip" to the tabloids... Just wait.

  28. I remember Fey being *really* PO'ed at Hilton because she was so unprofessional during rehearsals and the taping. I've read elsewhere that at best Hilton wants Lohan for next season's show to replace Brooke as a buzz generator and ratings booster. At worst? Hilton wants to destroy Lohan.

  29. ..and before anyone suggests that last one is an over-reaction, remember how Hilton treats her pets (she acquires them, then lets them die.) This chick is a sociopath.
