Apparently if you drink and drive, crash your car, and try to escape from the police before being recaptured, these are not offenses that are going to get you jail time. At least if you are Estella Warren. Earlier this year Estella did all those things but somehow has managed to avoid any jail time and will serve 5 years of informal probation and go to some alcohol classes for a DUI guilty plea. All the other charges were dropped. Considering she is not exactly working 24/7, she should not have a problem completing her classes.
She should just Paz and relax for awhile.
ReplyDeleteAdd a little Lohan..
ReplyDeleteMISCH - I was going to say the same thing. First, in terms of getting a slap on the wrist, and second, Lohan's not "working," but is still dragging her ass when it comes to completing her court-mandated community service. Hopefully Estella will do better.
ReplyDeleteIf these celebrities or the ones that think they are celebrities were not treated as babies they might not be having problems like alcohol, drugs, etc..
ReplyDeleteThey should be punish maybe that way they would not repeat the offense again.
of course not.
ReplyDeleteRemember she was in an episode of Law and Order some years ago and the commercial NBC played (over and over) included her saying "I'm to pretty to go to jail"...
ReplyDeleteI'm tired of the courts catering to celebrities. This chick needs to go to jail...end of story. They don't learn their lessons. Just look at Lindsay Lohan. If they threw her in jail for a year, guarantee she'd be done with the drugs and the drinking and have a lot of time to reflect on bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteRidiculous. I have so many friends who have charged for piddly-ass offenses and these 'celebrities' get away with fucking anything. It's honestly offensive.
ReplyDeleteI hope that's gum in her mouth...!
ReplyDeleteOh goody our Justice System at "work" again. Just what would the average person have got? What sort of time would she have done without Hollywood being attached to her name?
ReplyDeleteHave another drink, hon...
ReplyDelete"Why stop at a DUI when you can get a hit & run, assaulting a police officer, evading arrest and attempting to flee a police station?
ReplyDeleteIf you gonna screw up, might as well screw up big...
Let's start a wager.
I say she does no jail time whatsoever. "
The above is my exact response from when she was first arrested. It's sad that our justice system is unwilling to punish celebrities just because they have a higher social standing. I know if I did all the things she did, I'd be rotting in a prison for a couple years minimum.