Friday, August 05, 2011

Nicki Minaj Says Good Morning America With Her Breasts

You know, there is nothing quite like waking up in the morning, turning on the television while you eat several pounds of bacon and try and recover from a long night of drinking and see Nicki Minaj singing and then flashing her bare breasts to the entire world. I am not one to ever say no to bare breasts, but this is something you need to work to gradually as you awaken. I guess though if people can wake up and their first movement is to light a cigarette, you could be a person who wakes up and turns on porn to get your day started. Well, Nicki Minaj wants to help. Oh, and lest you think this was a one time thing, Nicki managed to do this twice in about a minute.


  1. Fuck the people who are offended by a momentary glimpse of a nipple. Honestly. This shitshow ALSO booked Chris Brown, but I'll bet Nikki is the one who conjures up more controversy.

    Who cares? It's a BREAST.

  2. That's easier tha trying to digest the sight of her HUGH JASS!!

  3. Yep, way more offended by CB than a nipple or two. Or three. I wonder if it would be considered offensive to show off a third nipple on, say, your collarbone?

  4. What Ida said.
    We had the gay pride parade here in town and the conservatives were up in arms about women in the parade being topless. "Won't someone think of the children?!?" Seriously? You let your kid watch mass murders, executions and snipers on tv and breasts are a problem? smh

  5. when I was a kid and we lived in Europe, you saw breasts on tv all the time. It was shocking at first but by time a week was up, we were already over the whole thing.

    However, something about here makes me think of what licking the bottom of an ashtray might be like. bleech*

  6. @RQ .... you are so right on!!!!

  7. sorry, something about HER makes me think that

  8. What Bigmama said about the ashtray. This one just ooozes trash to me.

  9. Boobs are generally awesome and I really don't understand how anyone could possibly find a nip flash offensive, or think that it might harm a child.

    However, I would not want mine on national TV. Therefore, I would make sure, before going on stage, that my costume was appropriate for any choreography that might be part of my performance, and able to hold in and control my breastages.

  10. Local TV, now that's another story!!!

  11. Personally, bare breasts don't bother me and I wouldn't raise a stink if my kids saw them. When we're in Mexico, there's always topless sunbathers around. My kids are pretty blase about it.

    Now, if she flashed her peakachoo, I'd take issue.

  12. Ha ha haaaaa. That's a hoot!

    (going to pump up some Supa-Bass right now, matter-fact)

  13. I was born 3 months early so I have a third nipple. Looks like a little birthmark under my left breast. I'll show it to anyone but I have to lift my real tit (which is nice enough on its own) outta the way to get to it...

  14. I don't flippin care what she flashed. I happened to see her train wreck of a "musical act" and was totally bored. She is trying hard to be Lady WannabeGaGa. At least Gaga has interestng music. This Miz Thang just mixes stuff up and yowls.

    Plz no.

  15. I'm more offended by the makeup and earrings.

  16. Yeah, I'm more offended that this lack of talent is making more money and going more places than people with ten times as many skills. Of course, I've gotten the impression that she will do pretty much anything to be famous. Flashing her tits is the least of her offenses.

  17. @Mommabear - Peakachoo = priceless.

    I will now proceed to drive my family nuts by slipping in the word peakachoo into as many conversations as I can. ( I love new words, especially when they reference something dirty)

  18. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What a delicate flower of a woman.

  19. Publicity Stunt!!!!

  20. It's called distracting your audience. Many of today's 'singers' have to do this. It's so that no one pays much attention to their lack of talent.

  21. LOL!! I love the posters/bloggers/commenters/commentators here. I wish I could buy you all a drink .. maybe some appetizers, too!

    I will simply say .. "Pssst! Nickie .. it is called double sided tape!!"

  22. It looks like something puked up a rainbow on her.

  23. anything to distract her fans from the beatdown her shoutout boufriend gave her! ugh!

  24. It looks like something puked up a rainbow on her.

    ^^^ HAHAHA Mango = awesome

  25. btw- didnt know they had CB on the show too, god this makes me just as enraged as Michael Vick's ass slowly getting back into the media regime too. Both these people need to be banished into the forest.

  26. What Maja said. All of it.

    And anyway, Janet "Ms. Jackson If You're Nasty" did the boobie flash best.
