Monday, August 01, 2011

Monday Morning Note

Hey Everyone,

Jax here again. Enty won't be blogging today but promises to be back for tomorrow. Thanks for all your kind words and questions about his absence, it's nice to see he's missed when he's not here 5 days a week!

So Charlie Sheen is paying for Brooke Mueller's rehab? Amy Winehouse was or wasn't going to adopt? Casey Anthony's parents go on vacation and the world gives a collective side eye.


  1. Is he alright Jax?

  2. I hope everything is ok.

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Why shouldn't the Anthonys go on vacation? Their life has been nothing but stressful for the last few years, plus they have suffered a terrible loss. I say leave them alone and let them relax.

  4. Charlie Sheen SHOULD pay for Brooke's rehab. She's a big girl, but I'm sure that being married to Charlie didn't exactly help any innate issues she had with chemical dependency.

    Shit, his income on Two and a Half Men was so ungodly and unjustifiably high that he should just stand on a streetcorner and hand out free passes to Promises and the Betty Ford Clinic. It would be a step towards better Karma, at least.

    Amy Winehouse seemed so fragile and childlike herself; it doesn't shock me at all that she had a rapport with young people. However, I am REALLY glad she never reproduced or was successful in efforts to adopt a child, Obviously.

    Wake me up when some eye-for-an-eye-obsessed psychopath murders Casey Anthony. Otherwise, that case is over, and I don't care about that nasty trollop OR her terrible eyebrow game OR her parents.

    *sigh* Slow news weekend. Dang.

    Enty -- hope you're resting up, recuperating adequately, and are dealing with whatever you need to handle. You don't owe us shit, really -- particularly an explanation -- but please know that tons of us are thinking about you and are concerned.

    And Jax, thanks as always for taking the time to post this info!

  5. Please let Enty know that we miss him terribly!!!! its just not the same w/o him.

    We all hope that he is ok, and that his absence isn't related to eating too much bacon!

  6. damn it, I'm in withdrawal. DTs can kill, you know!! : )

  7. 1) If Sheen's covering Brooke's rehab bills, it's probably so she won't write *real* tell-all to pay for it herself.

    2) Winehouse might have been thinking about it, but even in Britain, there are responsible enough people who would have prevented it. She was an incredible artist, but her addiction issues were too much both in the public eye and for her to manage to even consider allowing her to be responsible for a child.
    3) Given the stresses of the trial and the outrage over the verdict, they deserve a break. (The parents that is). IMHO, it's probably an attempt at some sort of reconciliation, again IMO undeserved as it is.
    And finally, doesn't anyone else think it's weird that Enty's disappearances occur when there's a British Royal wedding?
    Methinks Enty's got some connection there .... anyone see a fat man chowing on bacon and tequila at this one?

  8. I think that Charlie knows that he needs to get Brooke healthy or he is going to lose his twins for good. He is smart enough to know he won't get custody. Plus, like Denise said, there is good along with bad in any marriage. He has a soft spot for his Baby Mama's, no matter what. Casey Parent's deserve a vacation, they have been through a heck of a lot. Amy adopting, I don't believe it for one damn second. I truly hope Enty and his family are o.k. I am getting a little concerned at this point. Sending Prayers for my favorite Bacon Lover.

  9. @Merlin -- "And finally, doesn't anyone else think it's weird that Enty's disappearances occur when there's a British Royal wedding?"

    Oh my GOD, you're soooooo right!!

    Okay, Enty. You DO owe us an explanation if you were partying with Zara, Kate, and Harry all weekend. ;-)

  10. Thanks for the update, Jax! :)

    1. Good, he probably should.
    2. Sounds like an odd story considering the girl was living with her mother AND grandmother, but I don't doubt Amy had good, if not a little misguided, intentions.
    3. As long as it's not Casey ;)

  11. Charlie Sheen needs good publicity. Doesn't surprise me.

    Amy Winehouse got caught up drugs and wasted what could have been a terrific career into nothingness.

    So what if Casey's 'rents go on vaca...after what they've been through they deserve it!

  12. Ida B. took the words right out of my mouth. I concur.
    Also, August 1 is British Columbia Day in, well, British Columbia (a three day weekend.) BC Day, Enty MIA....coincidence?

  13. August 1st is a civic holiday in Canada, not just BC.

  14. Hope all is well...

  15. @SEM: That certainly expands the range of possibilities...!

  16. I've no idea where the Amy adoption story came from, but she would have had no chance of adopting while living in Britain.

    Even stable couples have lttle chance of adopting, and if they have any 'issues' like smoking, forget it. It's rare for babies to be given up for adoption, and as for bringing a child into the country, that's tough too. Even Madonna was checked out by social workers, and she was a mother already.

  17. that's why Enty's available on July 4th.....Canada Day is July 1st!!!!!! I smell a conspiracy.... : )

  18. Enty, I hope to see you back, sober, refreshed and smelling of bacon tomorrow!

    I don't care if Charlie pays for Brooke's rehab or if her rich parents foot the bill. Either way, someone needs to pay for it if this trick is supposed to raise their twins. Side note: I have no idea why Charlie Sheen didn't have a vasectomy decades ago. Yet another reason why I think he is mentally ill.

    We are going to see a lot of rumors about what Amy Winehouse was about to do, plan, adopt, etc. Believe what you will. This happens when every person of note passes away.

    Let Casey's parents go on vacation. They need time away from the craziness. The country was obsessed with the Anthony trial but a lot of us in Florida studiously avoided the the topic during the trial. We have been sick to death of this jug-eared guilty bitch from day one.

  19. omg Snarky - I smell it too... :)

  20. Wonder if the DEA sniffer dog checked Charlie's private jet when it came back from Mexico? Just asking.

  21. My evenings are not the same without Enty's posts. But I hope he's resting and relaxing watching some ridiculous TV like "Celeb Rehab." It's all good unless he tells us he's been partying with Par-piss and Nicky Hilton and Sticky fingers Lindsay all weekend. In the words of The Godfather - "That I could not forgive."

    Charlie S. had a good time earlier this year but I feel he's straightening up. He kicked the goddesses out and he's been quiet for months now. Harvey Levin tweeted something along the lines that Charlie might have just been acting the whole time. I told Harvey he wasn't THAT good an actor - but who knows?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I really do hope all is well...and yes I for one am concerned just as one human being to another(as others are) and well, addicts do go through withdrawals without a fix so; missing you on a few levels. You take care.

  24. Please, just tell us Enty isn't locked starving in the Parasite's closet with the bones of previous pets!!

    Enty, If you are in need of help,we will send out a SEAL Team and make sure they have Bacon and booze!!!

  25. Those reveals on July 1st WERE pretty intense, I hope he hasn't had to go into hiding.....

  26. @Jason - No way is Charlie Sheen *that* good of an actor. The dude is officially cray cray.

  27. I remember reading a story a couple years ago where Mitch said Amy really wanted to have a baby - as in get pregnant - and that would straighten her out. Dude, what makes you think popping out a baby to sober someone up is a good idea for either of their health?

    Enty a Canuck? Oh, you conspiracy theorists. I'm betting he's just hung up on work or had a destination wedding to go to. Maybe his own? Dammit, now I'm caught in the madness! But I'm guessing he's busy with his job. Sometimes the truth is much more boring than we hope it is.

  28. He's putting weight back on to play Chunk in the Goonie's Redux. Most likely ingesting casserole after casserole of poutine. Enty is Jeff Cohen after all.

  29. C'mon Enty, all us Canucks played hookey on Friday from work and had today off (except in Quebec where they think they live in another country) to make it a 4 day weekend. Which part of Canada were you in? Canadian bacon is the best. Hurry back though, stone cold withrawal is proving hard :)

  30. Miss you Enty....hope all is okay. Thanks for keeping us updated, Jax.

  31. Enty If you're reading this please send me a smoke signal telling me your okay!

  32. Hi Enty. Just to let you know that I'm thinking of you. Sending good thoughts, and healing ones if you need them, too. XOXOXO

  33. I usually just lurk. But delurking to say you are missed Enty.

    Jax, thanks for the note...

  34. Jax -- Thanks for keeping us up to date, and whenever Enty comes back, he'll be welcomed! Even baconizers need to take time off. Night y'all!

  35. I figured Enty discovered those Cruises out of Los Angeles and San Diego had endless an endless buffett of bacon and sausage every morning for breakfast. I literally eat 40 pieces of bacon on those cruises. They make it just the way I like it, crispy! Me likey crispey bacon!

  36. Does conspiracy smell like bacon?

    Anyway, I do hope things are okay in Enty-ville, and look forward to seeing all of you back here soon.

  37. My Friday and Monday have not been the same without enty. Miss him terribly and my withdrawal symptoms from not having CDAN are not pretty.
    I hope everything's ok and he's fine and thanks to Jax for keeping us updated and entertained with the topics to discuss. Even when Enty isn't posting is nice he cares. Thank you both for keeping this blog what it is: A family :)

  38. Well, I'm glad I had Monday off so I didn't have to suffer in front of an un-updated CDAN...*L*. Hope you're OK, enty!

  39. Enty, I hope everything is well and can't for you to get back! I'm wishing you well!!!

  40. Ha! I can honestly say I didn't know all of Canada had the August long off...I thought it was just BC. The more you know!
