Monday, August 08, 2011

Mercede Johnston Spills More Palin Secrets

Not only did Mercede Johnston pose naked for Playboy, while she was at it, she decided to dish a whole bunch of Palin dirt. She says that Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston were trying to make a baby and the whole claim it is an accident is a lie. Apparently, Bristol also was having sex with other guys because Bristol sent a text to Levi praying he was not the father. Then why were they trying? OK, that part does not make as much sense. Of course this is also coming from someone who does not have an "s" at the end of her name and drives spell check insane. In the interview she also says that Track was sent to the army because he had a coke and OxyContin problem. Nice. Playboy let it stay in the magazine so she must have been able to back up the claim. I wonder if he still does drugs.


  1. Hmmm don't they drug test you before you enter the armed forces?

  2. As someone who comes from very far up north (in BC), very near the border of the Alaskan panhandle, I can tell you coke and Oxy are huge up there. I'd buy this.

  3. Would you do drugs if Sarah Palin was your mother?!?!?!!?

  4. I'm wondering if the person who backed up her claim also had the last name Johnston. Although, I guess since her mom was a dealer she might know.

    I give up, I don't know if I believe her or not. There's too much Crazy involved at every angle of this story to make form any conclusion.

  5. Don't know if it's true. Don't care either. Sick of hearing about all of them. Please stop extending their 15 minutes. The only reason Playboy was interested in her is because of her Palin connection. What does she offer all on her own?

  6. I'm with Enty, the important thing to ask is where's the friggin' S?

  7. I have seen it reported elsewhere that he had a drug problem and also that the woman he just married helped him clean up his act. He sounds like he was a jerky/messed up teen and perhaps is getting straightened out and growing up now. Even though I hate his family and all the bullshit lies they tell, if he's getting straight then good for him. I have to give him props for not being a huge attention whore like so many in his family.

    I think the Palins need to STFU and go away and the Johnstons can go with them.

  8. My favorite part is Bristol praying Levi was not the father. Does this mean Briatol was sleeping with other guys at the same time as Levi? Talk about a "moral lapse"!!!

  9. Y'all are a bunch of gullible rubes to believe anything written about the Palin family anymore.

  10. I'm a gullible rube. I believe everything written about them.

  11. They drug test you before you go into the miliary. This girl is obviously making this up trying to get 15 min of fame or trying to get offered $1 million for posing again in Playboy. Never even heard of her until this article.

  12. when it's a story of Palin hypocrisy, I am such a dang gullible rube!

  13. crila16, YES, they drug test you. But coke and oxy don't stay in your system that long. He would have had to be clean only a few weeks.
    Marijuana, on the other hand, takes FOREVER to leave yo body, even though it's so much less harmful, KWIM?

  14. I stopped hearing what she was saying after she took her clothes off.

  15. ^Wow.

    You know that some people who take their clothes off for a living are trying to make money to support their children or pay for school, right?

  16. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I don't believe one word this trick spouts. It's not that I'm a big fan of the Palins (even though I don't harbor the hate some of you seem to for them), but that she's been blabbing about all kinds of crap she wouldn't know anything about, her brother is an admitted liar, and her mom is a drug user and abuser. She doesn't exactly test high on the believability scale.

  17. The Ick Nast factor clings to everyone in this clusterfuck.

    I don't believe what any of these tools have to say---, er, sell.

  18. Pat, I would like to buy an "s"

  19. Come on, Sue Ellen. There are other ways to raise children or get through school without taking your clothes off. Many other ways.

  20. ^^ there are so many ways 99.9% of the population manages to do it all the time.

  21. I despise Sarah Palin but I don't think that it is cool to 'out' her son this way. If he is still doing drugs, eventually he will be found out and courtmartialed for it. If he isn't, and is now clean why bring it up? To punish Sarah Palin? Make some quick bucks?
    Again - I've no respect for Sarah Palin but fuck leave her kids out of it already.

  22. Playboy subscription rates must be dropping, when they have to drag somebody who knows somebody who's been involved with somebody to get a story and just print pure trash, who fucking cares if Track Palin was a coke/oxy addict? and Bristol Palin this and she did that, who fucking cares, Really? Bad enough Rolling Stone is turning into an Obama the great and Tea Party are evil rag, they to are desperate when I didn't renew my subscription, that they offered me a 2yr renewal for a lot less than half the price of a 1yr renewal.

  23. Yeah this says more about the state of Playboy than anything else.

  24. @Picasso One-
    You are trippin right now.

  25. The Johnston family is disgusting. Hate the Palins all you want, at least they keep their clothes on in public.

  26. I wonder if she changed her 1980's hairstyle...

  27. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I'm sure he detoxed before going into the army, you don't want to be coming off those drugs during basic training! LOL Sometimes the problem isn't so much GETTING clean as STAYING clean. Sometimes you have to get away from everything and everybody you know to get better. (Yoo hoo Lindsay!)

  28. RocketQueen--Can you see Russia from your house too? ;)

  29. Well, the Palins may keep their clothes on in public, but they sure are one fucked up family. Lunatic, fame-hungry dolt of a mother; massage parlor/whorehouse frequenting father; teen mom; drug addict...can't wait to see what the rest of those kids come up with. And to think that there are STILL idiots out there who want Stupid Sarah to run this country. Makes you long for the days of eugenics. Too many stupid people are a bad, bad thing; and they seem to multiply so much faster than the smart folk.

  30. @ecua: Didn't Darwin say something to the effect that the species least fit to survive reproduces the most? Makes sense...

  31. I don't believe for a second about the drug problem. The Armed forces don't take druggies, at all.

  32. @RQ

    Sure there is, but that's not our decision to make. To insinuate that someone who takes their clothes off to make a living isn't worth listening to is offensive in my opinion.

  33. @ardleigh - strangely, I can't! ;)
