Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Megan Fox Does Not Want Marilyn On Her Body - OK With BAG Touching Her Though

A little word of advice to Megan Fox. Before you get your next tattoo you might want to do some research so you don't have to go through the painful process of removing them again. This research could include making sure the Chinese characters you are placing on your body really mean what someone said they mean and not something like, "Where is the bathroom," or one of my favorites, 白色的线是装卸只.

This should also include researching people that are going to end up on your body, and in it for that matter. Megan Fox told Amica which is a fashion magazine in Italy, that she was going to remove her Marilyn Monroe tattoo because "She was a negative person, she was disturbed, bipolar. I do not want to attract this kind of negative energy in my life." See, if Megan had read about this previously, she probably could have avoided this end result. Instead, she probably was hot boxing one day, saw a vision of Marilyn Monroe and decided to get her tattooed that day. Do not rush tattoos or you end up looking like this.


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