Masterchef And My Suggestions
I did not watch the finale of Masterchef until Wednesday night and I am grateful to all of you who sent me e-mails about the show when you used the title of the show in your subject line so I would not read the emails ahead of time because I don't think I could have watched the show and know I would have been even more upset than I am. Let me start by saying this. Jennifer deserved to beat Christian in their round because his plating did look awful and looked like something you would see on an airplane. I have no problems with that at all. She got to the finals fair and square.
That being said, there is no way on this earth that Jennifer is a better cook than Adrian. She just is not. Period, end of story. Last year they picked an attractive white woman and this year they picked an attractive white woman. They want to sell their products and have someone go on book tours and signings and they want a beauty queen and not someone who has the most talent. There is no way you can watch the whole season of that show and not think Adrian is the better cook. Week after week he came through.
I think the show is rigged in various ways which make it very annoying. The decision to only taste three dishes in the mystery box challenges means they get to pick the three people based solely on who they like rather than the quality of the food thus giving each person a 33% chance of having the serious advantage. That is one way they keep the person in. There is no objectivity to the process. It is completely subjective.
Here is what I think would be a great idea for this show. Do it like The Voice. I want the judges in a room where they cannot watch who is cooking what and have the food brought to them by waiters. Then they can decide which food they liked the best. This is about cooking right? They can still be in the room during the mystery box challenges and during the team challenges, but during anything that involves elimination, they are blind. That way the process is much more objective. If that is done on the show this season, Jennifer does not make it past the first three weeks, let alone win the show.
The way they do it now will ensure you will get the same winner each year, just with a different look. It is what would happen if American Idol switched to judges deciding rather than people phoning in. You would only have attractive blondes winning the show. You think Ruben Studdard or Taylor Hicks would have won in judges voting? Please. Maybe every few years they would let a woman of color win, but it would not have been Jennifer Hudson unless it was the new and skinny Jennifer Hudson. Fantasia? Not a chance. Granted, in a cooking show we cannot phone because we don't know how things taste, but they definitely can take my advice and show they are committed to having someone win who Gordon does not want to give one on one lessons to back in his hotel room.